Champions League Final | Post-Match Thread

99% of the time, Pep is sublime. But it's the 1% of crucial matches where he veers towards the ridiculous that I don't get!

We play ManUre, & they have a shit system to beat us. Instead of making a minor adjustment to deal with their pace on the break, we stick & get beat. Against other opposition who can't handle us on our 99% days, Pep then changes what works thinking it will throw the opposition, but he only ends up throwing his own team.

Time & time again, it's the same predictable bullshit. I'd rather a City with Pep than without, but I wish someone could give his head a wobble & talk sense into him at crucial times like last night! :-(
He's got enough staff
45 yrs me, and yes I was on the terrace at York just as an example of where iv been with my club, so this would of been the euphoria moment of my City life.
Sorry I'm distraught
I get it K. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be feeling pretty shitty. We all are to varying degrees. Just look at it in context though with everything else. Our team, more often than not, plays some truly sublime football and is achieving a lot of success as a result of having some amazing players coached by an amazing manager.

It’s still very much a truly fantastic time to be a blue.

Thought Pep got it wrong selecting Sterling and not starting Fernandinho, abandoning the team that got us there in the 1st place, but the overall performance just wasn't good enough. We didn't ask enough questions and defensively we looked vulnerable at times to the counter.

KDB going off summed up the night for us.

It's been a really good season, but a missed opportunity this one. Fair play to Chelsea, they did a job on us and we had no answers sadly.
Just think what the players must have thought when they heard what the team was because they must have thought that the team that beat PSG would be the team so that would have had a mental block straight away. Allowing Kante to have free run in midfield was criminal but we can keep discussing it but it won’t change the result .
I get it K. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be feeling pretty shitty. We all are to varying degrees. Just look at it in context though with everything else. Our team, more often than not, plays some truly sublime football and is achieving a lot of success as a result of having some amazing players coached by an amazing manager.

It’s still very much a truly fantastic time to be a blue.
Il reply in about 12 months
But even if we do get to the final next season playing stellar football, Pep will not select the team we hope and expect. He will always change a winning team - it's in his DNA and is one of the reasons he's won so many trophies. When it works it's amazing. Last night it left us wide open.
I'm 100% convinced we will not win the CL with Pep now. It's not that he never ever can but I just think he's run out of road. I can't see him being here beyond 2023 so he's basically git 2 more goes at it and like you, I think even if we do get to another final next year or the year after, I think he'll tool it in again
Guardiola. Great manager?
Fantastic coach. Always improves players, but not a great manager. He's On the verge but he always overthinks it in the critical CL games and his tactical changes are generally ineffective - for example his subs are always too late when we're behind, no matter the competition.
How is he not a great manager ?
and who is a great manager if not pep ?

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