Champions League Final , Sat 28th May '22

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Well, no idea how they've managed it but they've managed to get the whole world of media, the UK Government, the Mayor of Liverpool and everyone from Barry Corkhill to Thomas the Tank Engine going into bat for them and giving them the highest order of victimhood.
Hope Macron and UEFA piss their claims into the Seine.
Well, no idea how they've managed it but they've managed to get the whole world of media, the UK Government, the Mayor of Liverpool and everyone from Barry Corkhill to Thomas the Tank Engine going into bat for them and giving them the highest order of victimhood.
Hope Macron and UEFA piss their claims into the Seine.
Media are scared shitless of them. Unsurprisingly when the Sun was binned off by them, it created a gap and the other shameless outlets stepped in. The Mirror is the worst. Got their tongue so far up their arse, it’s coming out of their mouths.
"Mike Burns, who had wrapped his black-and-white cavapoo, Oreo, in a Liverpool scarf, compared his club’s trophy tour to Manchester City’s a fortnight ago: “We had a nine-mile parade and Man City did a 0.8-mile parade. That says it all, doesn’t it?”

I think Premier League Champions says it all, doesn't it.
I think the fact he had wrapped his dog in a dipper scarf says it all.
My brother's just sent me a screenshot of an Athletic article praising Liverpool for their CL win. I kid you not, like, it's an actual thing. Where's Alice and that white rabbit!
Oi, dont associate alice in wonderland with those cunts!
Cry Like An Egyptian.

Of course, I’m small-minded enough to be basking in Liverpool’s salty tears today (like everyone else), but let’s consider the bigger picture for a moment. Real, who I have no great love for either while we’re about it, beat PSG, Chelsea, us and Liverpool. Undeniably impressive. History will record that they were the best team in Europe that year.
Seriously, does anyone on here actually believe that? Really?

Many times, in the past, it was actually the best team in Europe that won it. That great team of Gullit, Van Basten, Rijkaard is a case in point. Pep‘s Barca is another. But very often over the past twenty years I haven’t felt that the team that won has been the best. I should say that I can never be bothered with watching the final (with the obvious exception). The last time I watched it was 2005.
The club want it, our owners want it, the players want it, and not a few of our supporters want it. Fine. Each to his own.
But for myself, I can genuinely say that I’m indifferent to it.
Like wise, champions League my fucking arse
I don't doubt that some ticketless Liverpool fans were to blame for some of the trouble but equally it's not hard to believe that there were organisational cock-ups in the way it was handled.
I think the sequence of events was that police & stewards realised there were significant numbers of fake tickets and fans just trying to jib in. So they closed some of the turnstiles, leading to fans being stuck outside. Things clearly escalated from there and the French police overreacted, as they usually do.

There's no doubt that fans with legitimate tickets were refused entry or were significantly delayed getting in. UEFA then added fuel to the fire by saying the fans arrived late. Shades of Hillsborough, where the police said fans had stormed a gate that they (the police) had deliberately opened. UEFA have also said the police didn't consult them, but after lying about late arrival you can't necessarily take anything they said seriously.

So you could certainly attach blame to the police and UEFA themselves. But if Klopp hadn't encouraged their fans to travel, and those fans hadn't turned up at the stadium with tickets known to be fake, or no tickets at all, there probably wouldn't have been a problem. So the club and those fans should definitely also take some blame.

Update - just seen that French police have filed a report that between 30-40,000 fans turned up to the stadium with fake or no tickets. It's the police, so treat those numbers with caution but if that's even halfway true it's clear there was a significant problem. Whether they dealt with it properly is another matter entirely but if it'd been 30-40 then the likelihood is that everyone gets in on time, safely.
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All about reputation.

For weeks Klopp has been telling Dippers to go to Paris without tickets.

For 50 odd years Dippers have been "jibbing in" which has resulted in 2 major tragedies.

Social Media has been full of Dippers boasting about fakes, willing to buy fakes, happy to go without tickets etc etc.
The market was created for the criminals to produce fakes so a load of fakes were produced, sold and resold.

Dippers that bought fake tickets or from unscrupulous sellers don't give a fuck about their fellow fans.

Dippers arrive at the ground en masse with fake tickets or without tickets are outraged when somebody notices the chaos and shuts the doors.

( I heard a Dipper on 606 say "Athens was fine as they opened the gates and let everyone in, Paris they locked the gates and chaos!"
This is what we are dealing g with Chaps!)

I am yet to hear a Dipper lay blame on their own Cunts that were happy to Jib in, buy fakes, climb walls etc. but I have heard plenty blame some 'locals" for causing all the trouble.

Just rewatch the match, that Dipper end was rammed with Red stood on the aisles and gangways when supposedly there were thousands outside with genuine tickets!

Absolute cunts.

Every Club should rename their ground "Stade De France" for next season, that'll keep the cunts out!
Perhaps we should rename ours "Stade de Mancs"....hopefully that shou d keep the self pitying twats out.
I think the sequence of events was that police & stewards realised there were significant numbers of fake tickets and fans just trying to job in. So they closed some of the turnstile, leading to fans being stuck outside. Th8ngs clearly escalated from there and the French police overreacted, as they usually do.

There's no doubt that fans with legitimate tickets were refused entry or were significantly delayed getting in. UEFA then added fuel to the fire by saying the fans arrived late. Shades of Hillsborough, where the police said fans had stormed a gate they (the police) had deliberately opened. UEFA have also said the police didn't consult them, but after lying about late arrival you can't necessarily take anything they said seriously.

So you could certainly attach blame to the police and UEFA themselves. But if Klopp hadn't encouraged their fans to travel, and those fans hadn't turned up at the stadium with tickets known to be fake, or no tickets at all, there probably wouldn't have been a problem. So the club and those fans should definitely also take some blame.

Update - just seen that French police have filed a report that between 30-40,000 fans turned up to the stadium with fake or no tickets. It's the police, so treat those numbers with caution but if that's even halfway true it's clear there was a significant problem. Whether they dealt with it properly is another matter entirely but if it'd been 30-40 then the likelihood is that everyone gets in on time, safely.
There is little doubt the sheer numbers of ticketless/fake ticket fans caused bedlam. It would only take a handful being refused entry and then kicking off refusing to move to create bedlam that just backed up and backed up as others arrived also with fake/no tickets.

Of course no one from Liverpool will ever take an ounce of responsibility for their fans actions.

At that point the police/stewards are between a rock and a hard place. Allow 1000’s of fans in without official tickets and risk another Hillsborough. Or close gates and try to disperse the baying mob. Probably the lesser of two evils to do what they did. Some genuine fans would have been caught up in it all unfortunately but Liverpools own fans have screwed their fellow fans over. You only have to look at the stairwells in the Dippers end to see how many had made it in illegally
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