Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

I think as we get ever more popular, the club will realise that old loyalty systems may well be choking access for new fans, and we could well reach a system that is a complete ballot!

That may put a few noses out if joint, but ultimately, and if it is done fairly, could be the long term way forward for the club, whilst also a good way of killing off the self entitled legacy fan for good!
You do realise the legacy fans are the ones that kept the club afloat when we were shite dont you?? The last thing the club should do is alienate them as when we are shite again - and that will happen - they will stl;l be going week out, unlike all these JCLs
When it was paper tickets, they could be passed on.
The seasoncards could be passed on.
The mobile tickets can be passed on.

As I said earlier, the only way to stop tickets being passed on is 100% name checks at the turnstiles. As my kids' primary school head used to say "Life is unfair and the sooner you get used to that, the better".
How long do you think it would take to check ID for 20k fans? It just isn’t feasible in this instance but what is sensible is for the club to be more transparent. How many tickets actually went on sale to fans? How many were siphoned off for ticket agencies, club partners etc. should every member of staff receive tickets even if they don’t follow us just because they work for us etc. There has to be a better way for all away games than the one currently in operation but I am not sure the club want to find one. And if you think this is bad with 20k or more tickets wait till next season and the ridiculously small allocations we will receive from Luton, Brentford, Bournemouth, Burnley etc
How would this work? Would you randomly assign a cup scheme seat to someone who isn't a ST holder?

If so, who then gets priority for finals, the ST holder who's paid the big bucks through the year over 19 home league games, and possibly a couple of the CL games, or the person who's been to just 6 home CL games?

I know who I'd be giving priority to, and it's not the tourists who just want to
This is one for next year but I think priority should be to cup scheme members but that non-SC holders should be able to join the cup scheme.
They have not had a look-in for this one at all.
Why would a none ST holder get priority over me who’s had a season ticket since the stadium move .. I not in the cup scheme because of work and accept cup scheme members to get first dibs .. I certainly would be fuming if a none ST got one over me though
You do realise the legacy fans are the ones that kept the club afloat when we were shite dont you?? The last thing the club should do is alienate them as when we are shite again - and that will happen - they will stl;l be going week out, unlike all these JCLs
Lol wow I can’t believe he said that ..
Interestingly, flight prices are coming down and at better times of the day.
One of the recently added Pegasus flights - out about 2am on the Friday and back at 11.30pm on the Monday - most definitely hasn’t come down. Was £480 mid-afternoon but a few hours later was nearly £700 as my mate was going to book on it. He’s coming via Düsseldorf with us now.
I think as we get ever more popular, the club will realise that old loyalty systems may well be choking access for new fans, and we could well reach a system that is a complete ballot!

That may put a few noses out if joint, but ultimately, and if it is done fairly, could be the long term way forward for the club, whilst also a good way of killing off the self entitled legacy fan for good!
'Self entitled legacy fan' also known as the people who kept the club afloat when things weren't quite so rosy.
Shouldn’t the amount of years you have been on the champions league cup scheme have a factor on who has priority for tickets. It’s a total different competition and there’s lots with high points that where gained before the competition started
Can’t see how that would work. Priority should be points for cup scheme members followed by points for non cup scheme members. Chances are high points people have a SC anyway and as far as I’m concerned the SC is for PL only and should give priority for joining cup scheme but as I said earlier I think it would be a good idea to let a small allocation of Cityzens matchday members based on points to join the scheme. If it wasn’t so difficult to buy a SC these days I would have a different opinion but there are people who have been trying to get a SC for a few years now that can’t get one including people who’ve previously had them but have had to let them lapse. There are supposedly 18k cup scheme members and another 20k SC holders who had the option to join the scheme but didn’t. Why not let say 5k non SC holders join the scheme based on points.

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