Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

Same, what does your exact message says?

Mine says this every time:

There is no offer or product for the given code "CODEXXXXCODEXXXX". Please check your code and make sure that the offer is still valid.
Mine reads
Your code is cancelled or already been used.please try another code.
FYI the last sales criteria expired yesterday. And the tickets for the next batch go on sale tomorrow ? That is 2 days is it not?
Yes but its not the only consideration. There are issues with codes which is effecting a significant number of people. Its also very possible there could be extra tickets from Uefa as sometimes happens to be factored in. Likely delay is on UEFA side while they figure all that out, not City!!
Flights look to have jumped up in price this afternoon for out Friday back Sunday. Could get under £300 return out of stansted yesterday. Now £500. Fortunately electric car with free fuel from work in mcr so doable for me from Stansted. Credit card maxed out it is then if I get a ticket :) guessing all in its going to be £1500
City finally got back to me with a new code and there are only Cat 1 (restricted) and Cat 2 tickets available.

That’s me out :-(

Gonna email the fuckers now and complain.
Do you know I am forever hearing this argument, that the if the same old bunch didn't attend away matches (when they are pretty much the only ones entitled to buy tickets anyway) then there wouldn't be anyone there! In short that's complete bollocks. The take up and popularity of the 18-25 allocation has proved beyond any doubt that if all tickets were placed into a ballot that they would sell. We are fast becoming a global institution, and the club will be only too aware that they need to maximise the attendance of a fresh fan base. We already have just about the oldest average age seasoncard holder, ond our away support, prior to the 18-25 introduction, resembled a Darby & Joan Club excursion.
Proof of this is the fact that they managed to sell out the whole Brentford allocation by accident to 18-25 year olds within a few hours.
City finally got back to me with a new code and there are only Cat 1 (restricted) and Cat 2 tickets available.

That’s me out :-(

Gonna email the fuckers now and complain.

Bloody hell that's not fair. I take it those are the ridiculously priced ones.

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