Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Here’s the thing
Portuguese wanted majority of fans in and out in a day
City realised this was impossible and knew loads of big points owners had already made arrangements.
compromise is City incentivise day trip by making it free (placating Portuguese) but tickets still done on points /CL scheme, so independent travellers don’t miss out.
Moaning about it being free is a bit like going into Curry’s after you’ve bought a TV to complain because it’s cheaper now than when you bought it.
Hahaha so you expect me to be happy at splurging about £400 for fuck all? And then not ending up with a ticket.
I am on Flight 3 with Spike. We could end up sitting next to one another. Who`s buying the drinks?
Once this all settles down, I think you will find that all is well and we`ll still be on our way.
It`s our time and our destiny. Life can often have a good way of working things out.
No one likes the unknown. In a few more days it will be clearer.
From the banks of the River Irwell to the shores of Sicily ...
Here’s my guess;

Portugal insist maximum of 2,000 allowed independent travel. They must arrive a clearing location 3 hours in advance of match, with a negative test result from previous 48 hours, and will have temperature check.

Other 4000 must travel in bubble by club arranged travel. I think Spikes same day package will be part of this.

4000 issued based on points/scheme and at same time 2000 issued on points/scheme. Supporters choose which package to apply for.

This is just my guess
Fantastic gesture, I don't see how you can spin the actions of the owner in to something negative on this.

Unfortunately, it seems likely that Portugal must be insisting on a high percentage, if not all attendees to the stadium must be in the official bubble.

Portugal have to make Covid decisions based on what they think is best for their country. It's shit for thousands of us fans, but I am sure they have their own legitimate reasons.

The same as our government has their reasons for not letting thousands of UEFA sponsors in without quarantine.

The villains of the piece are UEFA for me. They had the opportunity to move it to Wembley which would have been far better for the fans, but they've decided to put their sponsors first, which is a great shame.
I am on Flight 3 with Spike. We could end up sitting next to one another. Who`s buying the drinks?
Once this all settles down, I think you will find that all is well and we`ll still be on our way.
It`s our time and our destiny. Life can often have a good way of working things out.
No one likes the unknown. In a few more days it will be clearer.
From the banks of the River Irwell to the shores of Sicily ...
Have they moved it again !?!?
So let's see. Fans are complaining because they booked flights and accommodation before any details at all (not one single jot) of the criteria for tickets. We still don't know and will not know until this evening. It makes no sense to me to have done any of that without knowing if you can get a ticket. Part of me says you deserve it. Let's face it, it could have been (and may well still be) a straight ballot. I suppose that is the problem with allowing a system whereby the lucky few can amass gazillions of points.
Thats not entirely true though is it. They announced the final was in Porto and each team would be getting 6000 tickets last thursday morning i think. Its natural that people then go ahead and book flights and accomodation based on that info. It was only Thursday evening i think that the portugese government started making noises about it being day trip only and in a bubble. Its the people who acted in that period who have been shafted really and totally understand their frustration (me being one of them). I was 50/50 if i'd got a ticket previously, now i have zero chance of getting one through City.

If at the time of announcing the final and the 6000 tickets they said 'This will be a controlled event and all travel and tickets will be restricted to official club travel', id totally agree people were stupid to book, but they didnt. Like with most things Uefa do, they get it hugely wrong and fuck over the people they claim to care about so much.
I hope there is a solution for the fans travelling independently. For starters, If Spike’s were offering a one dayer (I can’t remember) those flights might come under the Club umbrella, for eligibility for match tickets.

it’s pretty clear that the Club were trying to get the Portuguese authorities to be more flexible but hit a brick wall (and time has run out for negotiations£
You can simultaneously believe that it's a great gesture whilst also completely understanding that thousands of fans that (baring in mind it's 11 days away) had already made their own plans.

What I won't accept is people telling the independent travelers that they have no right to moan. Of course they fucking do, they're being shafted. Shafted by kindness but still shafted.
I agree with you... IF I'd had enough points to guarantee I'd get a ticket then I'd have booked too.. Easy to say now but I'd like to think that if I was in a good hotel with good flights etc. I'd just crack on and wish those who get the day trip well... As I said, easy to say that because I haven't really got a hope of either on my points but shit happens... I couldn't justify a season ticket till I came out of the mob so always used OP's (other people's tickets) for the match before I had the season card.. so my points total is bang average

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