Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

I can't find a seat plan showing categories, but from the one Liverpool had 2 years ago the prices seem quite arbitrary, and the £513 tickets are the worst of that category as the better ones go to the neutrals in the middle.

It reaffirms my plan in the morning. The colour scheme isn't great but most look like cat 3.

This may have been mentioned earlier but my issue is with the posting of tickets to independent travellers, if I am lucky I can buy my ticket tomorrow afternoon, but I’m flying out on Sunday, missed out on the ballot for Everton, so no point in hanging around in Blighty when I could be sunning myself in the algarve.

I stupidly assumed that after queuing for ages in Paris and Madrid collection on site would be no issue.. but hey ho..

So if I can’t berate the ticket office into collection at the ground, what are the options

My son will probably take up the Sheik’s kind offer, he could bring my ticket over, but could he escape the fan zone bubble , could he slip the ticket through the railings, could he bravely make a bid for freedom, or should we arrange a brush past at arrivals.

Or should I appeal to a brave and trusted bluemooner travelling later in the week to smuggle the ticket to Porto, whereupon an exchange could take place involving pregos and Bock....
Think I've got my head around the requirements but good to get reassurance. @Tonster you seem to have appointed yourself expert ;)

I'm flying Wednesday at 06:15 (so will probably see the United fans on their day trip at the airport).

I think I need to get my PCR test after Sunday at 9am and would prefer going to a clinic rather than rely on Royal Mail (already doing that for my ticket). Found one which is £99 - is there a better price for an in clinic test?

I have to get a lateral flow in Portugal to get in the ground, and I think I can also use this for the return flight (as long as I get it done within 72 hours of arrival in the UK). Haven't fully investigated prices for this yet. Will accept suggestions.

Then finally, need to book a PCR test on the Tuesday (day 2 after returning late on Sunday). I've found a government approved one for £50 - again is that the best rate?
I’ve not seen an in clinic one for less than £99 (same day) but now I know I can get my ticket at 9am tomorrow I’m going to book all the tests for the missus and I tomorrow morning. Yep LFT for match and return makes sense. I’ve seen the airport does them €30 I believe so seems about going rate over there. Best I saw for the day 2 test I thought was £45 but again will be checking in detail this morning
Quick query

When booking the club package the email says you must enter a valid passport number.

I've got a valid passport but my youngster's has expired. I'm planning on doing a fast track to sort hers once we have booked the club package.

Will I need a passport number for her when booking the club package?
Word of caution you can’t fast track a child’s passport anymore. You’re looking at 5-7 day minimum turnaround
Got bored reading this but a few were asking about COVID tests, not sure if they were answered.

My missus went to a funeral about a month back in Europe. This was the score then.

Fit to fly test taken 72 hours before boarding from approved list. £120.

Before you go you needed a day 2 and day 8 test pre-booked (from approved list) which would be waiting for you when you arrive back and you’ve need to show evidence of on return to UK. £220.*

Another fit to fly test taken in foreign country to get on the plane back taken no more than 72 hours before boarding, I think she paid about £30 in local currency.

* you also had to quarantine for 10 days but could pay for another test after 5 days to get out early, but this bit all looks like it’s changed to a single two day test.

Hope that helps somebody.
Why is it £120 to get on the plane in the UK but approx £30 to get the return flight.
Someone is on a nice little earner there
Maintaining the same ticket prices during a global pandemic is a funny way of rewarding/thanking the fans who helped force the super league off the menu . Seems it hasn't taken Mr Ceferin long to forget who saved the goose that lays UEFA's golden eggs. Charging fans £386 and £515 during a global crisis is on a par with applauding NHS workers every Thursday and then awarding them (or agreeing with ) a 1% pay rise.
I’ve not seen an in clinic one for less than £99 (same day) but now I know I can get my ticket at 9am tomorrow I’m going to book all the tests for the missus and I tomorrow morning. Yep LFT for match and return makes sense. I’ve seen the airport does them €30 I believe so seems about going rate over there. Best I saw for the day 2 test I thought was £45 but again will be checking in detail this morning
Hi. I'm in same boat, going out Wed to Wed. Could you post details of where to get the LFT and the C19 when you have them. It would be easy to go back to Porto Airport to get them done but cant find a site. Any info would be appreciated.
Feel sorry for folk shelling out all this cash, getting geared up for the trip then testing positive for bastard covid so unable to travel.
(I'll have your tkt please)

I'm gonna spend the time between now and next weekend staying away from anybody as much as possible to reduce the chances of this happening to me
I wonder if City would refund your match tkt if you had a positive bastard covid test before travel.
And would Spike refund if you couldn't go on his trip?
Those that are going and those that want to go, is it just for the “I was there” moment as the whole thing seems an expensive nightmare.
Those that are going and those that want to go, is it just for the “I was there” moment as the whole thing seems an expensive nightmare.

1) Get out of UK
2) Sunshine
3) Craic
4) A couple of great seafood meals
5) Be around Blues
6) Wake up in a different bed
7) Air Miles
8) I WAS THERE :) (especially as I missed York)
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