Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Is anyone on a flight that goes via The Netherlands? Still no clearer if we're fine to transit through the airport, and not be subject to Portugal's quarantine rules!
GOing to be one of the all time great away days... bars shutting early, table reservations, masks on, 3/4s empty stadium, not much change out of £1200!!
I'm of the opinion that anyone who wants one will get one.
I’m not that confident although hopefully the criteria when announced will give a good indication. Could do with City saying all people on the CL scheme with x no of points will have the option to purchase, it would go lower as not everyone will buy, although would at least allow people to know the risk involved in booking flights.
I've just ordered a fast track one, get it on the 25th but have to go to liverpool to pick it up. Some people saying just the normal service has got theirs back within 10 days, but on the website it says 10 weeks potentially and thats the worry.
I did my daughters recently when it is said 10weeks it was back on the Friday after I posted it on the Monday.
I'm of the opinion that anyone who wants one will get one.
I’d like to agree as it suits my own wishes.
When you take into account the sheer cost, hassle, uncertainty on testing, time off work etc and then add in how scared people are of Covid, I think we are hugely overestimating the demand.
I go to most euro aways, always booking when the draw is made, with hope rather than expectation of a ticket.
if I get one, great. If not, we’ll I’ve still had a craic with my mates.

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