Champs League Draw

squirtyflower said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
squirtyflower said:
i can't see the big deal but also can't see why Cluj couldn't go in our group and got put in theirs and couldn't see why we only had the choice of one group from five yesterday

because other teams from other leagues are also paired up and have to go in certain groups as well, thus narrowing our options.
we were the third team drawn out for goodness sake, surely that afforded us some choice, but no, Group E for the upstarts
also why is it the TV pairings are not aired at the beginning and possible ramifications for the draw?
and why does ours keep changing?

I did (sort of) understand the explanations posted earlier about why we could only go in group E, (teams from the same country and TV pairings), but does that mean we were "always" going in that group with Bayern? The above post, reminded me that we were 3rd out of pot 2, and could only go in group E, if so at what stage did only group E become available to us? For example had we not been drawn out when we were (3rd) but at a later stage (anything from 4 - 8), was it already pre-determined that we were going in E, before we were even drawn out?

If it were not pre-determined, had we not come out 3rd, presumably someone else could have been allocated group E? , had that happened, what group could we have gone into?. With this cock-eyed system (bent), if group E was the ONLY group available to us (you can assume, that it was going to be required for us at some time), and therefore was unavailable to any other side, and therefore to answer my own question, City to group E, was decided at a very early stage (before we were drawn out) that to me sounds like FIXED
trublue55 said:
squirtyflower said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
because other teams from other leagues are also paired up and have to go in certain groups as well, thus narrowing our options.
we were the third team drawn out for goodness sake, surely that afforded us some choice, but no, Group E for the upstarts
also why is it the TV pairings are not aired at the beginning and possible ramifications for the draw?
and why does ours keep changing?

I did (sort of) understand the explanations posted earlier about why we could only go in group E, (teams from the same country and TV pairings), but does that mean we were "always" going in that group with Bayern? The above post, reminded me that we were 3rd out of pot 2, and could only go in group E, if so at what stage did only group E become available to us? For example had we not been drawn out when we were (3rd) but at a later stage (anything from 4 - 8), was it already pre-determined that we were going in E, before we were even drawn out?

If it were not pre-determined, had we not come out 3rd, presumably someone else could have been allocated group E? , had that happened, what group could we have gone into?. With this cock-eyed system (bent), if group E was the ONLY group available to us (you can assume, that it was going to be required for us at some time), and therefore was unavailable to any other side, and therefore to answer my own question, City to group E, was decided at a very early stage (before we were drawn out) that to me sounds like FIXED
nail head

i've read all the explanations, and even with my degree in Statistics i've struggled to comprehend them
but i do know the chances of drawing the same team three times out of a possible four are corrupted
Blue Mist said:
Before we all start celebrating thinking that Platini and his mob have seen sense by suggesting change next year, let us just remind ourselves of the 'istreee of this competition.

The rags, dippers Arse and others threatened a break away European super league. The answer was to give them the Champs league. Originally a mini league was played with the winners and runners up going into another mini league before a knockout stage.

It was so boring no one bought the TV packages and that was the reason it was changed.
All that has now happened is the system designed to protect 'The Elite' is throwing up the same old mini league matches, not just us v BM (and CSK) but Arse have the same opponents. Viewers are bored so they are looking to change it.

A word of caution, remember how they changed the rules to allow the dippers to defend their trophy ? I don't know how they will do it but they want the Rags in it for the money. Until we bring in a global audience that sells advertising they wont do f*ck for us.

Pessimistic.... Yes I should really be in the pub but I do not trust those f*ckers one little bit.
Arsenal and Chelsea have a vested interest in staying in Pot 1. Chelsea likely believes they can do well enough to take their chance, but Arsenal will scream loudly. Their problem is that Bayern Munich and others would rather not face us and likely recognize we aren't going anywhere.
Yeah Bayern has an incredible squad but I'm not afraid of them, we beat them in Munich. Let's hope Pellegrini knows a thing or two about match now :)
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Blue Mist said:
Before we all start celebrating thinking that Platini and his mob have seen sense by suggesting change next year, let us just remind ourselves of the 'istreee of this competition.

The rags, dippers Arse and others threatened a break away European super league. The answer was to give them the Champs league. Originally a mini league was played with the winners and runners up going into another mini league before a knockout stage.

It was so boring no one bought the TV packages and that was the reason it was changed.
All that has now happened is the system designed to protect 'The Elite' is throwing up the same old mini league matches, not just us v BM (and CSK) but Arse have the same opponents. Viewers are bored so they are looking to change it.

A word of caution, remember how they changed the rules to allow the dippers to defend their trophy ? I don't know how they will do it but they want the Rags in it for the money. Until we bring in a global audience that sells advertising they wont do f*ck for us.

Pessimistic.... Yes I should really be in the pub but I do not trust those f*ckers one little bit.

You've not gone to the pub because you don't trust UEFA?

Oppps just re read it !!! Of course I meant that instead of venting my spleen about corrupt UEFA I should be in the pub....... but of course you knew that.
taconinja said:
Blue Mist said:
Before we all start celebrating thinking that Platini and his mob have seen sense by suggesting change next year, let us just remind ourselves of the 'istreee of this competition.

The rags, dippers Arse and others threatened a break away European super league. The answer was to give them the Champs league. Originally a mini league was played with the winners and runners up going into another mini league before a knockout stage.

It was so boring no one bought the TV packages and that was the reason it was changed.
All that has now happened is the system designed to protect 'The Elite' is throwing up the same old mini league matches, not just us v BM (and CSK) but Arse have the same opponents. Viewers are bored so they are looking to change it.

A word of caution, remember how they changed the rules to allow the dippers to defend their trophy ? I don't know how they will do it but they want the Rags in it for the money. Until we bring in a global audience that sells advertising they wont do f*ck for us.

Pessimistic.... Yes I should really be in the pub but I do not trust those f*ckers one little bit.
Arsenal and Chelsea have a vested interest in staying in Pot 1. Chelsea likely believes they can do well enough to take their chance, but Arsenal will scream loudly. Their problem is that Bayern Munich and others would rather not face us and likely recognize we aren't going anywhere.

Which is what I am trying to say, you just made it sound sensible. Don't hold your breath that the changes will be for the greater good. The bent ruling elite don't want and are not interested in that.
squirtyflower said:
trublue55 said:
squirtyflower said:
we were the third team drawn out for goodness sake, surely that afforded us some choice, but no, Group E for the upstarts
also why is it the TV pairings are not aired at the beginning and possible ramifications for the draw?
and why does ours keep changing?

I did (sort of) understand the explanations posted earlier about why we could only go in group E, (teams from the same country and TV pairings), but does that mean we were "always" going in that group with Bayern? The above post, reminded me that we were 3rd out of pot 2, and could only go in group E, if so at what stage did only group E become available to us? For example had we not been drawn out when we were (3rd) but at a later stage (anything from 4 - 8), was it already pre-determined that we were going in E, before we were even drawn out?

If it were not pre-determined, had we not come out 3rd, presumably someone else could have been allocated group E? , had that happened, what group could we have gone into?. With this cock-eyed system (bent), if group E was the ONLY group available to us (you can assume, that it was going to be required for us at some time), and therefore was unavailable to any other side, and therefore to answer my own question, City to group E, was decided at a very early stage (before we were drawn out) that to me sounds like FIXED
nail head

i've read all the explanations, and even with my degree in Statistics i've struggled to comprehend them
but i do know the chances of drawing the same team three times out of a possible four are corrupted
We had to go in the same half of the draw as Chelsea, so once they were put in group G (second half, E to H), we only had 3 possibilities- E, F and H. The first two pot 2 teams to be drawn out (PSG and Shaktar) went in groups F&H. So regardless of when we came out of the bowl after that, we were going in group E. If another team had been drawn out third, they wouldn't have put group E into the bowl as a possibility.
aguero93:20 said:
squirtyflower said:
trublue55 said:
I did (sort of) understand the explanations posted earlier about why we could only go in group E, (teams from the same country and TV pairings), but does that mean we were "always" going in that group with Bayern? The above post, reminded me that we were 3rd out of pot 2, and could only go in group E, if so at what stage did only group E become available to us? For example had we not been drawn out when we were (3rd) but at a later stage (anything from 4 - 8), was it already pre-determined that we were going in E, before we were even drawn out?

If it were not pre-determined, had we not come out 3rd, presumably someone else could have been allocated group E? , had that happened, what group could we have gone into?. With this cock-eyed system (bent), if group E was the ONLY group available to us (you can assume, that it was going to be required for us at some time), and therefore was unavailable to any other side, and therefore to answer my own question, City to group E, was decided at a very early stage (before we were drawn out) that to me sounds like FIXED
nail head

i've read all the explanations, and even with my degree in Statistics i've struggled to comprehend them
but i do know the chances of drawing the same team three times out of a possible four are corrupted
We had to go in the same half of the draw as Chelsea, so once they were put in group G (second half, E to H), we only had 3 possibilities- E, F and H. The first two pot 2 teams to be drawn out (PSG and Shaktar) went in groups F&H. So regardless of when we came out of the bowl after that, we were going in group E. If another team had been drawn out third, they wouldn't have put group E into the bowl as a possibility.

'We had to go in the same half of the draw as Chelsea.... why ?' (I know the answer is tv) That in itself says the draw is corrupt. It makes no sense, I have no idea why this would maximise audiences for TV. If you support Chelsea, you support Chelsea irrespective of whether MCFC, Liverpool, or Arsenal are playing on another channel - therefore by rights the audiences should be the same irrespective of which night the game is on.

If there are neutrals who support none of those clubs but like watching champs league games they would pick the game that is most attractive to them on the night and as the opposition is unkown pre the draw, no one can predict which game those neutrals would pick. Presumearably if you are neutral you would rather watch MCFC v Bayern for example than Liverpool v Ludgoretz (even if Liverpool are a more popular side)

Therefore this concept of City must play the same night as Chelsea makes absolutely no sense other than it is put in place for corrupt purposes. Anyone who tries to defend this as a City fan has to be demented surely ?
was just going to ask the same question as Blue Mooner

why Chelsea?
When was it decided?
Why weren't they upfront with it at the start of the draw?
Why didn't they show the ramifications for each club in advance?
Why was our pairing Arsenal last year?
Why was it scum the two years before that?

What is the TV companies' rationale for the pairings?

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