Chelsea (N) | FA Cup SF | Post-Match Thread

I’m going to say something now which may get me in some folks bad books but it’s the way I feel and I make no excuses.

Any City fan who has a bad word for any City player after today’s game needs to give their head a wobble. That team today showed character, determination, grit, heart and soul. They fought to keep our place in the cup and they succeeded. Ok it wasn’t the best display but they played as a team, together.
Criticism is ok on a normal match (constructive criticism) but today they were magnificent warriors and only (IMHO) deserved praise.

There’s a word that a lot of you use that begins with the 3rd letter of the alphabet and if you had bad words for that team today please apply that word to yourself!

Sorry but that is my opinion and I stand by it. Throw your stones (no pun intended) at me but I stand with that team and our fans. :-)

My only regret today? I couldn’t be there, I cried the other night because I wasn’t able to go to Wembley. But today my tears would have been tears of joy and pride. Sorry for the essay. ;-)
You are right, of course, Eccles. The team spirit shown yesterday is a great tribute to the club, to their recruitment, to the players and to Pep’s management.
But but but I will use the word beginning with C to describe them all………CHAMPIONS
It hit his hand under arm as he was trying to put it closer to his body.

It also made Palmer’s shot deflect closer to the goal.

If he had raised it, a pen might have been awarded, but as you rightfully said, he was trying to lower it as the wall separated and the ball was going well wide and deflected back towards goal.

All of that said, I'm surprised VAR didn’t “give it,” by making Oliver go and have another look. However, if Oliver told them exactly what he saw and he didn’t think it was a one, and VAR confirmed what he saw, then there’s nothing to overturn.

Strong refereeing in my book.
I’m going to say something now which may get me in some folks bad books but it’s the way I feel and I make no excuses.

Any City fan who has a bad word for any City player after today’s game needs to give their head a wobble. That team today showed character, determination, grit, heart and soul. They fought to keep our place in the cup and they succeeded. Ok it wasn’t the best display but they played as a team, together.
Criticism is ok on a normal match (constructive criticism) but today they were magnificent warriors and only (IMHO) deserved praise.

There’s a word that a lot of you use that begins with the 3rd letter of the alphabet and if you had bad words for that team today please apply that word to yourself!

Sorry but that is my opinion and I stand by it. Throw your stones (no pun intended) at me but I stand with that team and our fans. :-)

My only regret today? I couldn’t be there, I cried the other night because I wasn’t able to go to Wembley. But today my tears would have been tears of joy and pride. Sorry for the essay. ;-)
Hope your boy is feeling better after the win. Watching him bent double throwing up and retching in the middle of the park was hard.
Football is a funny old game - should have won on Wednesday - didn't. Should have lost today - didn't.
If we had won on Wednesday there would have been a different team against Chelsea and not the same determination to put things right.

We would in all probability have lost.
Yes. That wanker Shearer trying to say he could have made changes. Thank fuck he didn't in spite of loads here screaming for all the kids to play. As he said himself he did that against Liverpool and we were 3-0 down at the break.
I didn’t nt mind Shearer but I thought he looked a twat when he said that, trying to be clever but didn’t work.
I thought it was a pretty even game on the balance play, although good job Jackson is shite!

Mark of a good team, not being quite at it but pulling through in difficult circumstances.

... the ball was going well wide and deflected back towards goal.
... "going well wide" is the key for me. On target and deflected away then there couldve been a case to award a penalty under current interpretations of the handball rules. Even then, Jacks arms were in a natural position by his side even though jumping, with the ball at best brushing against him.

Good refereeing. Giving a goal kick demonstrated Olivers take on the incident - nothing to see, nada. Clutching at straws to create a story.

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