Chelsea v City post match thread

My old fella used to say the greatest position to be in is when your destiny is in your own hands,whether chasing promotion or a title or fighting relegation.Come on lads and lasses.we won the title in 68 with a much worse opening to the season than this one,and we are still the stand-out team in the prem.Let Chelsea have their little party,they won't have many this season.
Oh by the way,Meireles (sp) is a disgrace to professional football.
lee-mcfc said:
is it in yaya's contract that he has to play every game or something?

the guy clearly needs a rest..

my dad reckons its mancini trying to bleed him dry before the ANC.

maybe be controversial but i can't wait for him to go. get dejong or nasri back in there.
BillyShears said:
To be honest, it actually made me smile. It was a realization of just how far we've come and how things have changed. They nicked a win, to go seven points behind us. We're still top of the league. Bring on Arsenal. I expect a serious reaction.
My missus thought I was going mad when I said just that. I enjoyed the game but not the result, but seeing their celebrations at the end makes me realise just where we are now. I also enjoyed Mancini's post match interview, disappointed but not down, and already thinking about our next win, and the next 14 games unbeaten.....
Leaving all the negativity to one side, our work rate is fantastic, and that's what great teams have. We were extremely unlucky tonight, i'm very proud to be a blue. We will thump Arsenal on Sunday.
Wasted chances lost us the game. We were totally dominant till they scored and let them back in.

Same happened at Fulham and at Liverpool and we should have beat Bayern by far more than 2 goals but missed a load of chances against them as well.
BillyShears said:
cleavers said:
BillyShears said:
It was a cup final for them .... the celebrations at the end said it all. I look forward to the return fixture at our place...
You saw what I saw Billy, especially the celebrations, they sneaked a win with a penalty against 10 men, but that is what it means now beating our club.

To be honest, it actually made me smile. It was a realization of just how far we've come and how things have changed. They nicked a win, to go seven points behind us. We're still top of the league. Bring on Arsenal. I expect a serious reaction.

We're on the same page Billy ;-)

Bring it on.
On another note.... I also had a reply from a Christine Bleakley after I called her husband "Super Fat ****"
Marvin said:
Yaya Toure's game has never ever been about charginga round closing people down. he can't do it. He's too big.

Hr didn't have a good game. But please don't call him lazy however frustrated you are

He is lazy though.

People aren't saying he had a bad game because he was squandering possession left, right and centre, they're saying it because he wasn't putting in that extra yard to track a run.

He might have a period where he chases the ball for 20 seconds, but that's outweighed by the next 5 minutes of walking about, doing nothing.

What's most frustrating about Yaya is that on his day and on the ball, he's the best player in the league. Yet off his day and off the ball, he's the worst player in the league. And he's not in a position where he can be described as a luxury player, he's playing in the centre of the pitch, and it's likely that when he decides not to turn up, we will get beat.
nashark said:
Marvin said:
Yaya Toure's game has never ever been about charginga round closing people down. he can't do it. He's too big.

Hr didn't have a good game. But please don't call him lazy however frustrated you are

He is lazy though.

People aren't saying he had a bad game because he was squandering possession left, right and centre, they're saying it because he wasn't putting in that extra yard to track a run.

He might have a period where he chases the ball for 20 seconds, but that's outweighed by the next 5 minutes of walking about, doing nothing.

What's most frustrating about Yaya is that on his day and on the ball, he's the best player in the league. Yet off his day and off the ball, he's the worst player in the league. And he's not in a position where he can be described as a luxury player, he's playing in the centre of the pitch, and it's likely that when he decides not to turn up, we will get beat.

He also can't be described as a luxury player because it's almost certainly contractual that he has at least the option to start every game if fit. Quite the enigma is our Yaya, world beater one minute, useless the next. Probably our most frustrating player :p
Our defense is not what is was last year. Some of the goals we've conceded have been shocking it's not been highlighted due to the amount of goals we score but titles and champions league are won by Great Defenses. I think for the big games we should be starting with Yaya further forward like some one mentioned his games never been about closing people down quickly.

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