Chelsea v City post match thread

mackenzie said:
Tevez City said:
Against the top teams we usually start very well and then our performance declines gradually, but when we play weaker teams we do the opposite.
Actually I think the opposite.
I think the rag is jealous ;o) I don't remember that happening when we played the club in second tonight at their gaff......or the team in third....
Remember all those times we won a game like that and at the end of the season it meant nothing. The way Chelsea fans celebrated that tonight was the same. Like they'd just won their cup final. They were celebrating their 12 men beating 10 man City and taking the last unbeaten record in the Premier League.

Then think about how we have beaten the rags in the past and then they have brushed that off to go on and win the league while we have celebrated our 'cup final'.

We were never going to go the whole season without losing. Losing at Chelski is no disgrace. What matters now is what we have learned and how we respond. And that is all that matters. We move on.

Backlash against fucking Arsenil now please Bobby lad. That's going to be one hell of an atmosphere at that game and exactly what we need to put this minor blip behind us. Fuck' em all. Come on City.
Even the Daily Fail calls the non-penalty a "blunder".

cleavers said:
BillyShears said:
It was a cup final for them .... the celebrations at the end said it all. I look forward to the return fixture at our place...
You saw what I saw Billy, especially the celebrations, they sneaked a win with a penalty against 10 men, but that is what it means now beating our club.

To be honest, it actually made me smile. It was a realization of just how far we've come and how things have changed. They nicked a win, to go seven points behind us. We're still top of the league. Bring on Arsenal. I expect a serious reaction.
Just a few points

1. Yaya was very poor. He tracked Mierres into the box and the left him for the last 6 yards leaving him unmarked to finish. He is a fantastic player and a liability in the same package. It will be interesting when he goes to the ANC. I think we may well be more solid
2. Clichy showed a lack of composure for the first booking. He was beaten by Sturridge in a non dangerous position but pulled him back. His reaction should have been - ok Daniel I am the quickest LB in the PL let's see what you've got !
3. On the night Chelsea were the better side but with a little more composure and intelligence City could and should have won the game
4. For all their dominance Chelsea actually created very little.
5. Clattenberg's non decision for the Silva penalty is inexplicable. At 0 - 2 I think Chelsea were finished

This game was very similar to the Liverpool game for me. Ultimately it was self belief and composure that let us down
don't think there's too many players who can leave happy with their performance tonight after the first 20 minutes. balotelli, milner and gareth barry very good. very odd night from yaya, and i thought all the back four besides zabba had poor evenings on the whole. butttt, perspective, chelsea could only break us down with a penalty and created very little else even with our ten men.

toughest test we've faced and there was some spirit in that team tonight that i think we can be proud of.

onwards and upwards
r.soleofsalford said:
ban-mcfc said:
yaya toure was fucking shit, me and my mates were paying attention to him quite a lot and he's a fucking lazy lazy ****. he makes balotelli look like tevez.

didn't follow his man and in the second half just gave up. add to that some stupid tiffs with chelsea players. hes all well and good when we are playing well but when we are defending he's lazy as fuck. can't understand why he was allowed to play the full 90.

lescott is/was a liability and kompany looks a shadow of his former self. our defence needs adding to in jan if we want to win the title.

obviously the ref was a fucking disgrace as usual but we don't do ourselves any favours.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ECUtkv2qV8</a>

can't mate, where's that thread about the guy strangling his cat? thats what i feel like doing!

so fucking angry, mainly with the ref and the fact we did it to ourselves.
The way they were holding he ball up in the corner with five minutes to go, despite the extra man, showed what a big scalp it was to them.
Yaya Toure's game has never ever been about charginga round closing people down. he can't do it. He's too big.

Hr didn't have a good game. But please don't call him lazy however frustrated you are

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