Chelsea v City post match thread

pride in battle said:
We beat Arsenal.....and I believe the league is ours to lose.
And if Man u wins the gap is still 2 points with 22 games to go……..Yep the league is over
on another night , we would have got the penalty for 2-0 , and it would have been a routine victory. Meireless should have been sent off for two "over the top challenges" , we didnt get the luck tonight ,Now we need to give arsenal a pasting on sunday , play aguero,dzeko and balotelli together , they wont know what has hit them.
Even journos like Oliver Holt and Darren Lewis (both from the Mirror) are saying we were robbed by not getting the penalty. You could understand it if Twattenberg was miles away but he had a clear view of it. Chelsea fans having none of it of course and hurling abuse at said journos saying Silva dived.

Also, Graham Poll says the same and also agrees with many that Meireles should have walked.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -Poll.html</a>

Losing is a part of football and something we all have to accept, what is hard to accept is when the loss has as much to do with someone who is paid to make the right decisions than with the effort of the players. Criticise the players after 30 minutes all you want but had we had the penalty, it'd be 2-0 and the match probably would have had a completely different feel.

It feels like Munich again for me, even though they outplayed us after 30 minutes, by that point we should have been in a better position than we actually were due to two very stonewall penalties that Kassai shrugged off. If even one had been given and converted we could have been looking at a different game and at least 1pt from that game that would have been crucial to us in the Champions League.
Evening LoveCity bro,

I can see your points but i tend to look at us more than others.
I mean lets be honest here, we all keep saying it's up to us which i believe is true.

This leaves me having to look at us, nobody else. I like Bobby, never have or will be a hater. I do believe he needs to react quicker sometimes to how the game is playing out.
Like this match we could have locked down if we got the jaded Yaya of for De Jong (i was saying this after 25mins) and kind of acted a bit more like last season. There is no shame in that.
Chelsea are a top team and fucking hard to beat, i just feel the mentality was that of us playing a team with less quality. We have got away with keeping the same tactics after they stopped working proper a few times now. Before changing tactics/formations/subs etc a bit late, tonight we got bit on the arse for it imo.

For the record Yaya doing that to Mata was smart as we didn't see him do to much (he seemed to be aware that grinds Mata's gears) after he dicked him over.

If Bobby can sort that and use the versatility of our players and use subs a bit sooner if we are flagging the title is ours to lose.

Harsch ? maybe, but in the cold light of day that game was ours and we should have sewn it up earlier.

I may have to elaborate and go into finer detail if questioned on this but thats the crux of it imo.

Edit:: also yes it felt like a bit of naivity in a cl match again.
There was absolutely no signs at 25 minutes to make a substitution when your player's just practically warmed up.
To me looking at the last 2-3 matches Yaya has looked a bit jaded. I just felt "security first" so no after 25 maybe not the sub but i was nervy and at 35 i was i admit defo in the "sub him for Nige" camp.
Because then i was seeing our midfield dissolve which inextricably saw the attack starved more and more.
Playing vs 10 men for 30 mins-this should've been Chelsea's 6-1. It says alot that we didn't concede another goal other than a penalty.

That's why they celebrated like they did-it was the Bridge's collective sigh of relief. I don't think I'd be lording over anybody if I was a chelsea fan.

Disappointed? Sure. Discouraged? No way.
pride in battle said:
We beat Arsenal.....and I believe the league is ours to lose.

your joking right ? if tonights performance didn't convince you how little there is between the top 6 teams then I'll have what ever your smoking.
I thought yaya was okay tonight. neither great nor terrible. Silva tbh had a very lacklustre game.

I think that what we're seeing now might be the next step in our game plan. Nasri talked about it in his interview about how we're trying to play like barcelona in the sense that when we don't have the ball we try to gain back possession by pressuring the onballer in making the mistake in his own half to save energy.

Now for the first 25 minutes or so till the first goal we played well and looked in complete control, chelsea couldn't really get on the ball and when they did they lost it, and this was all in the middle.

After the goal though, we sat back and whenever we went forward their defenders and midfielders sat further back meaning that we had to move it quicker hence the long balls being pinged upfield. Unfortunately, the long balls & crosses were dreadful and as a consequence to our forward pressure, we left a gaping hole in the middle.

What i don't understand is...why would we play the long ball type of game? The only player who is really able to deliver an accurate long ball is yaya toure. If we really wanted to play that type of style, we need a deep lying midfielder like Riccardo montolivo.

What we should have done is what we've been doing the whole year, possession football.
We fucked up again and we got punished for it, again.

We should have killed them off in the first half hour, but we didn't, and god knows what we did after half time.

Our mistakes have cost us 7 points, our place in the CL and the CS.

Nobody's beaten or drawn against us or ruined cleaned sheets because they're better than us.

Its getting a bit tiring that we can't just go and do what we should be doing, arsenal won there. Liverpool won there, we didn't. That's not good enough, and chelsea did nothing to show any different to those 2 games.

Why do we keep shooting ourselves in the foot?

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