City - big club or not ?

Depends on whose eyes your looking through ......... as it stands now it’s only Liverpool and the rags that cannot say your not a big club ........ as the years go on the balance between Arsenal drops every year..........what defines a big club ??? European Cup ???? Are the likes of Marseille (sp) a bigger club because if this ????? Or even Chelsea you only have to look at there gates pre Mathew Harding to prove how really big they where around that time .............just ignore the twats your never gonna win if you went on and won the Champions league for next 10 years they would find another angle to beat you down .......... that’s sadly the media for you they want you to be nice City the club with a decent fan base but who never challenges for major honours not the club you’ve become .......... you look at how the media turn on Newcastle if they start achieving things

Genuinely womder why, though this thread is a load of bollocks not sure why it would be a wet dream for deluded cultists.

Is it vecause no matter thread on blue moon someone has to reference them so they gain another level of self importance thinking they are constantly on our minds.
You’ve answered your own question. It’s their wet dream because they are deluded cultists.

We know we’re a huge club. We win the title nearly every year and have swept the domestic cups most seasons too. We also play the best football around.
I just don't get the big club thing. It's like a load of insecure teenagers anxiously measuring their cocks. We would be a big club now due to our success and dare I say 'istry' even if we were still at Maine Rd with no more fans than we had in the 90's. Big club/net spend are just alternative measures devised recently by bitter rivals that can't do their talking on the pitch.
I guess it depends on how you define a big club..success, fan base, stadium size, social media following. The article below puts us 5th in the all time trophy table. Catching Chelsea up. Personally I do not care of what people think about City. They are my club, the best club, who over the last 45 years have brought me much heartache and more recently, such joy. Big, small, will always be Blue.

We've been in the top 10 overall points totals since the 1920s. It wasn't until the mid 80s that Utd overtook us. Not bad for a small club with no history.

That's quite fascinating.
I knew the big 3 pre-WW1 were Everton, Villa and Sunderland but I didn't realise that no one caught up with any of them until the mid 1970s, and Liverpool didn't overtake Everton until 2004.
I don’t get this small club team same as other posters on here
but I always think you sad buggers think what you’re saying first before sprouting Shite
I always ask them….so your club( insert club) has been beaten in most competitions and shown how to play glorious,stunning football played off the park in most matches when playing the blues, don’t you wish that your club was as insignificant as a club that has no history no fans but a winning machine?

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