City Fan Still In Hospital in Germany

Thank you Mark for your great advice
This is not the time or the place to argue, but I would feel alot better if you keep your nose out and let his family do whats best.
Thank you and get lost!
It is fair to try to ensure that the money is used for Carl's best interests and there are a few different people involved and they'll have different opinions on that. For example, the place he's at now charges €10 per day for his care over and above the E111 cover, so his wife has paid that for a month and I'm paying her that tomorrow when I go over. There's no point in debating it online, but a conversation needs to be had to make sure this kind of thing is dealt with by the money raised over and above anything else.
You do have every right to an opinion. However seeing that you have not managed to get to Germany to visit your great friends Carl or Basia, I believe that you
are not really aware of what is going on or the costs involved.
Thank you very much to everyone who has contributed and are continuing to fund raise. I can assure you that all funds are being spent wisely, with Carls well being in mind. This has the full support of his wife Basia and his parents Les and Annie.
Rammy (Carls twin brother)
Cheers for the sarcasm mate. I know everyone wants what's best for Carl, but forgetting that I've been over is a bit odd. I did have to pick up your hotel keys from the airport. When I have a pint with you tomorrow I'd much rather discuss Carl's condition and the footy than anything to do with the sodding money. It's not important right now and it's certainly not worth getting upset about.
That post was not for you, I really appreciate what you are doing and the monies that you have raised. I know you want the best for carl, like we all do. Have a good flight.
Alright, sorry mate, guess everyone is just stressed out but will catch up tomorrow night.
FWIW ......... just my 2 cents ........

I sent my $$$'s via Ric, and I expect the family to be in the best position to decide exactly how it should/will be spent. I have no problem with whatever they decide. "There but for the grace of God, etc. etc."

This is not the place to start any kind of second-guessing or whining.
If you feel like that about any part of the situation - then please just do not give anything at all.

All the best to Carl, as usual ........

I am speaking to Rosie Barnes tomorrow .She is head of MCFC PR department .I will be asking what City as a club can do to help with The Campaign . I am hopeing they will help with Publicity & one or two events that i have in mind . I am also contacting the Officiall Supporters Club & the Centenary Supporters Association to see if they will organise a sportsman dinner on Carls Behalf. are donating £100 & organising a Charity 5 a side comp .The Daily Express .Channel M & the Heywood Advertiser are also running stories in the near future . To Crump & Andrew have a good flight over & pass on our best wishes to Carl & his Wife. please remind them they are not alone & we are all shoulder to shoulder with them Take Care & Best Wishes Don

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