City fans - a frightening new insight...

We've always had these "new fans".

Do people really think that years ago spent in the Division Two were happy laid back years? I witnessed as a young lad probably the worst abuse of players i have ever heard back then.
I've just been reading a few more pages of this tread and it smacks me that there is a massive misconception that all these moaning, negative, critical fans are "new" fans!

This is completely wrong!

In the 18months since the takeover I've met NO new City fans, none! And my Dad - who's been going regularly since 1966 - is as critical of our team and individual players as anyone, he's been one of the "x is not good enough we should buy y" people who seem to be everywhere (to be honest you'd be lying if you said you'd never done it yourselves!)! I hear allsorts of shit off fans I've seen at City for years, I've got mates and family and people I know who've been going City for ages who all have these critical outlook from time-to-time!

So can people stop with this silly "new fan" bringing this support down bollocks because it's simply not true! it's just that our expectations and excitations have gone from somewhere beneath our toe nails to just above that big skyscraper in Dubai and higher - it's only to be expected that people are gonna look at where we're gonna go compared to where we've been and think our history is shit; it's conceivable that people will look at Given then look at Lloris and think that considering we have the money to buy him that we can and we should, and that they'll point out Givens weaknesses (and he has quite big ones!) to persuade people that it is a good idea to sign Lloris!

I think we should try to all realise that this is a forum full of words that you read! words can be read to be much stronger in opinion than they may have actually been intended to mean!

I'm not entirely enthused at the naming of members and calling them a disgrace - it's all keyboard warrior bullshit! Allan Harper told me I knew "fuck all about football" last week, butthe naming and shaming on here is quite frankly not on as much as people think the guy is wrong in his opinions!
Not read the full thread but Tolmie, you are wrong about Allan, hes a top blue and a top lad that i have had the pleasure of sharing a pint with on many occasion, he's always willing to help out fellow blues 'n' all, with tkts and the like. I know you can only go off what people have said/posted but i'm sure it was'nt meant to come out the way it did, he is a top blue. :)
allan harper said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.

I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169499&start=30</a>

Dosent matter if what i posted was or was'nt my opionon what makes your opionon on city the norm for all city fans. to say im a disgrace for saying what happened before i was born (1976) didnt effect me and then bringing the war into it is just as stupid as what i posted. Of course it didnt effect me i wasnt born !. I didnt have any father figure when i was a kid telling me how good City where in 70s or how good frank swift was in goal, no one i new at the time of picking city as my team (1989/90) supported city. Ive read a few books on city in fact the Goater book and the history of Maine rd takes pride on my bedside table i read them often especially when we've been beaten !.. Yes i am a disgrace as ive just sent my daughter home to her mum after an hours visit and why ? because im a die hard city fan and that cost me my family. thats got fuck all to do with you though just like the other lenghts ive gone to to see City play.
You call me a new breed of fan, ill back my loyality to City against anyone giving me shit and abuse on this thread. So forgive me if the 20 years of my history of watching city as been nothing but torture, i want to look to the future as its such an exciting time after all the years of hurt. Thats how i wanna look at things if you dont like that then you can start another abusive thread cos i really couldnt give a fuck. Ill be at Burnley saturday and ill see you all there because obviously you all go week in week out and have done since your first breathe..

p.s im shit at spelling and gramma so abuse me some more.
Id rather you abused me than pick on a fellow blue who you all accused of being a rag because you didnt like what he had to say...

-- Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:10 pm --

GStar said:
Can't believe how many people actually agree with Tolmie on this.

I can't say i've noticed mcfcdave's posts... but Alan Harper's quite obviously been going week in week out for a rather long time. To call him a "new breed of fan" is a bit ridiculous and to take his history remarks of out context is jumping the gun.

I understand what he means, History is history, we all take the piss out of Liverpool for banging out about it and using it as a cloak to mask the fact they've done fuck all domestically for decades. We can be proud of our own history, unspectacular honours wise as it is, but its never going to change and, with where we are now, its become pretty much irrelevent.

Our club died and was reborn in the summer of 2008, its a completely differnet entity with rich Arab routes and visions of leading football into a new era... we'll go forward most likely in spite of what our past has shown, so like Allan said; "i can't change the past, i want to enjoy the future."

I don't think theres anything wrong with that tbh. This "new fan" shite is so easily thrown around... we get less in CoMS now than we did 6 years ago, so explain that one to me.

cheers mate, someone who dosent take it face value. thanks x x

-- Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:12 pm --

The Fixer said:
Fooking Quality Alan, this is what i posted earlier mate...

"mcfcdave is a tool and imo probably a rag!!"

"Alan is a good guy though tolmie, i'm sure on reflection he would take back what he said, Alan follows city home and away and i suggest his comments about not giving a "fcuk" about are past history were off the cuff remark. Just my opinion."

And you'd be right fixer, cheers mate.
I cant vouch for anyone else but I can vouch for Alan. I have been following this thread all day but couldnt post 'cause I was at work. I remember the glory years and yes I would love them back tomorrow. I havent forgotten our past nor will I. I have had the pleasure of going to Wembley on several occasions. So does this give me the right to say that the past has gone and the future cant come quick enough. If anything Alan has more rights to say it as he has only known the bad days and has stayed loyal to the cause, as have a lot of Blues.
I also remember England winning the world cup and think its about time we won it again, but at times I wish people would shut up about 'when we won the world cup' it was a life time ago.
Immaculate Pasta said:
We've always had these "new fans".

Do people really think that years ago spent in the Division Two were happy laid back years? I witnessed as a young lad probably the worst abuse of players i have ever heard back then.

i said exactly the same thing yesterday on another thread's a myth that we all sang our hearts out for the team...for over 30 yrs i have witnessed fallings out and fights between our own disagree-able fans in the stands and torrents of abuse aimed at particular players or manager
shadygiz said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
We've always had these "new fans".

Do people really think that years ago spent in the Division Two were happy laid back years? I witnessed as a young lad probably the worst abuse of players i have ever heard back then.

i said exactly the same thing yesterday on another thread's a myth that we all sang our hearts out for the team...for over 30 yrs i have witnessed fallings out and fights between our own disagree-able fans in the stands and torrents of abuse aimed at particular players or manager
During the relegation seasons maine rd was a bearpit. Opposing managers always said that keep City out for 20 mins and the crowd would turn and they'd go onto win. But it didn't take much encouragement to get behind the team. We never had a half empty stadium with a home win with 10 minutes to go.

But Internet Message boards are a modern phenomena, and some of the stuff I've read on here is depressing of you take it seriously. I can only assume that people having a go at players, managers etc are just letting off steam
City have always been famous for the "Boo Boys"

Never been any different, if the OP really knew his history he would have realised this, or he must have been watching a different club to me over the years!

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