City fans - a frightening new insight...

FAO tolmie......... He's not having my seat :) and it was fish n chips and one of those diabolical shitty carton drinks. Though he got wise and started at the city chippy beforehand. And I concur about alan harper..... Genuinely good guy but this mcfcflid of 17, watch it skippy...... After the everton game I had some little pissed up scrote telling me the flaws with the performance and club, if it wasn't for tolm dragging me away I was gonna stone cold stunner him.
I've never seen us win a thing, apart from 'Division 1', and the 'Division 2 Play-off final', and even then I was only just becoming a blue. But what people seem to forget nowadays is that supporting a football team has nothing to do with whether they get success or not. We turn up every week, don't we? I mean, I wasn't one of those that went to York City away and lost 8-2 or something like that, and I wasn't one of the ones that saw us get relegated by Wycombe, if you understand what I mean. But I am one of those lucky enough to witness the club in its highest position come this stage of the season. With a bright future ahead of me, I'm looking foward to being a City fan because even in my short tenure as a City fan I've had to deal with shite. But even if we didn't have all this cash and all this 'potential glory', I'd still fucking turn up no matter how shite we were. I was there for Pearce and the back end of Keegan, so I've seen shit. Lets just sit and wait for trophies, rather than leaving City to go and support Barcelona. I'd love to see some people on here support teams like Burton Albion, Accrington Stanley and even Stockport County for a while... 'dems are shit teams, like'.
squirtyflower said:
happy said:
Don't knock the newcomers. Think of these guys as partially sighted, they can see some of the picture but to truly grasp the full magnificent panorama they need to have their blinkers removed.

Tell them tales of Maine Road, the walk accross Platt Fields and down the passages, the half jog half run between the cars and onto the Kippax concourse. In through the turnstile and walk down the back of the stand - COMMIT NO NUISANCE - and into the tunnel walking craning your neck for the first sight of the vivid green. Then the noise. Look left to see how many 'they've' brought and into the same place week after week, three-quarters up half way between the goal and the halfway line.

Like many on here I did this for the first time as a small child, excited with dad, uncles, cousins and mates. As they years went by the group changed, uncles then dad died, new kids joined in, more cousins, bigger mates; didn't need looking after anymore, it was me putting kids on the wall and saying 'see you at half time'.

Always City.
sneaky pint in the beehive, past the City chippy, past the old fella shouting the "END IS NIGH" , in the kippax, piss in the bogs against the wall, shake the shoes, pint of greenhalls foam on the grass at the back, abuse the away lot walking up the stairs, through the tunnel with the pitch getting bigger. Straight to the same spot ( funny how when we had standing it was as if everyone had there own season ticket for their particular spot!). Watch us get hammered 5-0 off Liverpool, back out past the fella with the long hair selling the pink, no one could understand a word he was saying! chin wag on the corner of Ethel st i think, give the scally kid 50p for not trashing the car and home.
Loved every last minute. Love City

Don't have a go at those that weren't lucky enough to share this and don't deride those that don't want to hear about it, it really is their loss.

For as long as you can, enjoy seeing the big picture and never stop trying to show it to others.
brought a tear to my eye that did
i started going with my dad, his brothers, brothers in law and my grandad
unfortunately they are all dead except my dad and two uncles, and my dad's not been able to get there for two seasons with illness, but we have kept his card on just in case
now though its my children and their friends who go with me, a whole new generation to carry on the tradition of MCFC
and when i'm gone they will carry our memories with them
<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:50 pm --<br /><br />
joe salford said:
squirtyflower said:
brought a tear to my eye that did
i started going with my dad, his brothers, brothers in law and my grandad
unfortunately they are all dead except my dad and two uncles, and my dad's not been able to get there for two seasons with illness, but we have kept his card on just in case
now though its my children and their friends who go with me, a whole new generation to carry on the tradition of MCFC
and when i'm gone they will carry our memories with them
sneaky pint in the beehive, past the City chippy, past the old fella shouting the "END IS NIGH" , in the kippax, piss in the bogs against the wall, shake the shoes, pint of greenhalls foam on the grass at the back, abuse the away lot walking up the stairs, through the tunnel with the pitch getting bigger. Straight to the same spot ( funny how when we had standing it was as if everyone had there own season ticket for their particular spot!). Watch us get hammered 5-0 off Liverpool, back out past the fella with the long hair selling the pink, no one could understand a word he was saying! chin wag on the corner of Ethel st i think, give the scally kid 50p for not trashing the car and home.
Loved every last minute. Love City
The Beehive, the only place in the world where dominoes was a contact sport!
I agree totally with the original poster.

I didn't join blue moon until the last few years though because i didn't know the forum existed (didn't have a good net connection so didn't browse much til then!).

But i was a blue from birth (clue of my age is in my name, and no i'm not 74!), i devoured every bit of history i could - i loved reading about city, as i grew up supporting Jim Tolmie and Mick McCarthy etc (ahh those early 80s days eh!) i lapped up all about the past, i met Roy Clarke twice and was more ecstatic about that than when i met Ali Benarbia!!!

Any fan, new or not, but any fan who say they dont care about our past as "it's the past", or even worse they use the excuse that it was "before they were born" so they "don't know" - those fans just do my head in, they really do :(

But on the subject of glory seeking etc and the them and us mentallity that seems to be seeping in amongst are own fans.. here's a tale -
I go to every match with my mum, always have, we're not part of some big group and don't know many people, only the regulars who sit around us would know we have been going for donkeys years. Because of this, and the fact that my love pf photography means i have been taking pictures at city for around 20 years (before every tom dick and harry had a cameraphone and tiny digicam etcetc!), i have been called a "gloryseeking newbie" twice by different groups of fans as they walked past me outside the ground! And that upset me. Just because i am a woman, just because i have a camera in my hand - why does that give anyone the right to assume i am a newbie?! Go to the mcfc flickr group and one of my pictures is todays photo of the day - and it's from 1995! i like to try and take intersting and unusual shots while at the ground, i like to take pictures most places i go so why shouldn't i at city?! I go to support my team and i watch the match, but what i do before and after - why does that make me a "newbie" in some eyes?!
Do we really have to get shirts with "fan since (and insert your year as the number)" on the back?! I hope not.. :(

We'll have to embrace the new fans.. if they embrace our history as well. Give and take.
nu774ll said:
too true mate.

I was thinking to myself the other day who my favourite every city player is and with how much i love players like Tevez and i can just never forget the days of Uwe, Kinky and Ali even though we were shite in them times, these players made it a not so miserable childhood lol!

And that is exactly what the history of a club is, and the history of the people who support it. Deny that, and rubbish it, amounts to rubbishing the club and the supporters who lived through those 'glorious' inglorious times.

SSN, Talkshite and associated here-and-now wallahs do tend to breed a different kind of fan. If a domestic trophy doesn't appear within a season or two, I would expect all these johnny-come-latelies to have gone and found another club!
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.
Can we ban people who can't spell sandwich
Tolmie, as a 35 year old too I agree with your first post,

we have not seen city win pots but we have our heroes and stories from maine road- with rosler, stewart, kinky, lake etc, great times.

I am very lucky to be able to watch tevez from the stands these days and I dont give a shit about any glory seekers following us now as long as they keep their opinions to themselves.

us thirty somethings have been loyal supporters- it will mean the world when we win something, a million times more than any newcomers

up the blues

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