City fans clamouring for Maureen's autograph

TCIB said:
stony said:
Was one of them Didsbury Dave ?

That was vintage Stony
Blue2112 said:
mancityvstoke said:
all I saw at the end was Chelsea rent boys trying (not very hard) to get at City over a line of showsec and police

Think it carried on a bit outside and when we walked past it looked like a couple of people were out of it on the floor just at the junction before Mary D's. Police on horses and an ambulance went to the scene. Hope everyone's ok but it looked bad.

Blues or chavs flat out on the floor?
Blue2112 said:
mancityvstoke said:
all I saw at the end was Chelsea rent boys trying (not very hard) to get at City over a line of showsec and police

Think it carried on a bit outside and when we walked past it looked like a couple of people were out of it on the floor just at the junction before Mary D's. Police on horses and an ambulance went to the scene. Hope everyone's ok but it looked bad.

They weren't exactly the Head Hunters though were they.......posh kids acting tuff
Churchill123 said:
Blue2112 said:
mancityvstoke said:
all I saw at the end was Chelsea rent boys trying (not very hard) to get at City over a line of showsec and police

Think it carried on a bit outside and when we walked past it looked like a couple of people were out of it on the floor just at the junction before Mary D's. Police on horses and an ambulance went to the scene. Hope everyone's ok but it looked bad.

Blues or chavs flat out on the floor?

Impossible to tell, loads of people stood around them, police horses pushing everybody away and a police car was there. At first I thought the police had arrested somebody and was holding them down but then as we got further up the road we got a text from somebody near there who said it looked bad an then ambulance went past and I presume it went to this.
Is this "not real Blues" for getting the arrogant tosser's autograph versus "not real blues" for being at their keyboards rather than at a home FA Cup tie?
mancityvstoke said:
so how do you lot know about this autograph shit? Was it on the box?

Camera was on Mourinho as he took his seat. Some city fans came rushing over asking for autographs and wanting a pic with him.
I must admit, I was sick a little in my mouth when I saw it.

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