City fans clamouring for Maureen's autograph

dunno why theres such hate for mourinho all of a sudden, hes always been a gobby attention seeking prick. thats why we all secretly still like him
madden150 said:
Suppose its inevitable but really hate the type of fans that a bit of success brings. Was always one of the things I hated about man u in the dark days, half their ground being filled by day tripping tourists.
That's the nature of the entertainment industry. You'd better start learning to love it amigo.
Gaylord du Bois said:
Skashion said:
mancityvstoke said:
Your video of Chelsea fans clamouring for Pellegrini's autograph is private.
im sure as the final whistle went, the pa was playing one step beyond :)
there was 3 autographs max

One eager young City fan chewed his ear off and made him stand to attention for a selfie. Maureen pulled a serious arsed off face.... it was all crap banter and nothing else seriously, this is a non event :)

and to add, Maureen was just about to sit in his chair provided by City, when he had the decency to sign a few autographs anyway.
Gaylord du Bois said:
madden150 said:
Suppose its inevitable but really hate the type of fans that a bit of success brings. Was always one of the things I hated about man u in the dark days, half their ground being filled by day tripping tourists.
That's the nature of the entertainment industry. You'd better start learning to love it amigo.

Agreed.It is stay shite and have about 38-45 thousand hard core real fans or be successful,expand the stadium and gain a load of new fans worldwide.

I will take the latter thanks,i had 35 years of the former and while i had some laughs it is better now!

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