City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

The club should do two things, double your loyalty points (for that particular game) if you scan through the turnstile 30 mins before kick off. Treble loyalty points (for that particular game) if you scan a card reader, located on the concourse, that's activated after full time.

Would be relatively easy to come up with some software to do that as well as buying a couple hundred scanners to log each ticket. Loyalty points is just one example of what you could earn. You could also get Citizen points (they do something like that in City Square). They could register it and if you do it for 90% of the home games you attend you get a discount on next years season ticket. cheaper rate at the food/beer kiosks if you've scanned your card after full time for a number of consecutive games.

Other than this, the club needs to fully identify WHY people leave early. Is it because of traffic and issues getting home, or is it because people can't be bothered watching a full 90 minute game? Could things like a smoking area in each stand help? Could they interact with the council to improve transport? Put something more entertaining on than City square?

If it had the desired effect and made people stay - can you imagine how long it would take to get 53,000 out of the place if most of them wanted to scan their card (it takes long enough to get in)

Secondly, do you think that many people are bothered about loyalty points (especially the people who do leave early?
I don't blame anyone for fuckin off early out of SSL3. It's absolutely shocking getting out of that stand at the full time whistle.
But will blame the family stand fans for leaving early because the kids need to be at school next morning or the fact that it's a race between all stands to get to the trams or there cars first.
No - I made the assumption that some season ticket holders are sacking off games. I never once implied that every empty season ticket seat is down to people who can't be arsed attending and can't be arsed passing their ticket on to a mate/putting it up for re-sale. All I said is that some people do it. If you actually believe that there isn't a single season ticket holder that doesn't do such a thing then you're kidding yourself.

Personally, I'd make all early leavers scan their seasoncard on exiting the stadium and have a sliding scale of punishments based on how early they left the stadium. For instance, leaving a few minutes early would result in a relatively modest punishment of, say, a deduction of 20 loyalty points. The severest penalties would be reserved for those "scanning out" before the 70 minute mark and would consist of public executions in City Square beamed live into the stadium after the match has ended.

Myself and many moderate people would agree with your suggestion of public executions for the earliest leavers but what's all this extremist nonsense about deducting loyalty points ?
But will blame the family stand fans for leaving early because the kids need to be at school next morning or the fact that it's a race between all stands to get to the trams or there cars first.
But if people cant be arsed watching the last 10-15 min why bother coming in the first place.
The main issue i see it is from a commercial and prestige stand point. The bottom line is it does not look good irrelevant of whatever reasons people give. The club want to look great so moving the seats of those who do not attend often to out the view of cameras can't be a terrible idea. Everyone creams themselves over Dortmunds yellow wall and utd manage to shuffle the crown around well enough so on the cameras it is still pretty full, it obviously counts on the image front.

If people wish to leave early or only attend a few games then fine i am not knocking you but i don't see why the club can't say ok we need to compromise here with these ticket holders and see if we can move them out of the main camera angles.

The loyalty points bit is a reasonable idea also as it seems to be the very definition of loyalty in part, stay till the end, get loyalty points, seems logical. Deducting seems harsh but extra for those staying seems a nice incentive.
What exactly are people griping about? If someone wants to leave early, it's their call, why so many are getting bent out of shape about it is puzzling

From what I've read.

Pep doesn't like empty seats

The players are pissed off about it too

Fans are sick of Emtyhad jokes from their rag mates.

Doesn't look good on t.v

Season card holders are stopping other fans from going when they leave their seat empty.

Folk are pissed off as fans walk past them on 80odd mins as it blocks their view.
But if people cant be arsed watching the last 10-15 min why bother coming in the first place.
I'm not arguing that point, my point is that it's happening all around the ground and not just in the family stand. And whether you need to get kids home early or it's a nightmare getting out of your stand it doesn't make it right either way.

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