City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Don't blame fans leaving early the team fucked off at half time most games

What a ****ing shite attitude.

We're 3rd in the league for gods sake. If we win our next two games there will only be 2 seasons in our entire history where we've had a better league record in terms of points.
Empty seats.

F*** off with season tickets not turning up for game after game. Give that excuse a rest.

It's the club. It's those running the club.

Here is a clue.

£58 for a seat against Leicester City. Same price in every block. That's the answer to today's empty seats. That goes for other home matches as well.

The unofficial club matchday ticket policy is to price City fans out of home games.

And then they sell £20 matchday tickets in the SS 3rd tier against West Brom.

Who's running this pantomime at City?
The official attendance was in excess of 54,400 and the only seats on sale were a handful through the ticket exchange. There was a small number of empty seats together in block 215 but by and large it was individual empty seats so everything points to absent season ticket holders. I don't think City fabricated the attendance figure.

I agree the ticket price is way too much, but I don't think it would make any difference to the numbers at the game.
But with the squad we have it should be better

The squad we have? We've got the worst full backs in the top 7, maybe even lower. Defensive mids who are in their early to mid 30's and a top class centre half who sadly only managed a handful of games all season.

Regardless, that's still an absolutely disgraceful comment to make. The plastic of attitude some of our fans have picked up is disgraceful.
Price structuring must be a complicated affair.

I only go to the odd game and pay a lot for tickets. I balance on the fact it's a treat and I don't do it often and City through various means provides me a lot of enjoyment. So for me it works but not ideal.

Just having cheap tickets would also bring issues regarding empty seats etc. As it may discourage season ticket sales, if match day was more affordable etc.

Where it is I don't like is that it is clear the focus is on maximising money and not filling the stadium (which I would prefer). I also think a full stadium could help on the pitch as well and with it financial benefits.

I'm sure the press would spin it negatively, but imagine a 10% discount on next seasons season ticket if you attend or your ticket is used for every league game. Something to encourage people to attend, as opposed to the current attitude we have your money we don't care.
The club has made a rod for its own back by having cheap season tickets. If you only pay £299 for your ticket it's great value but you only need to attend half a dozen games - rags, Chelsea, Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal & 1 other - to make it worthwhile. And then there's £390 to sit in SS3 Row L but over £600 to sit in the row in front. What is the point in that?

When you take those two price points out, our season tickets are only a few quid less than the rags' season ticket price range and that's just Gold. Add Platinum and we're actually more expensive. And then there's 93:20, which starts at over £1,000 for an Adult ticket. But we don't have the same level of demand that they have, which is presumably why we have so many cheap tickets. To my mind, if you've got a season ticket it should be price so you can miss two games without losing out so that's a 10% discount on the equivalent match-day prices. But when you set match-day prices on a game-by-game basis it's difficult to do that. If I take my ticket as an example, which will be £745 next season, the club could price match-day tickets at £44 for all games. That way, everyone knows where they stand.
The atmosphere was ok today but I was a little surprised at the amount of empty seats all over the ground. I am in the south stand and the gaps in the family stand was very noticeable. I am not sure what the excuses are there, no school the next day and still loads of time to go shopping with the missus after the game if required. For people living a distance away the early kick off must be a nightmare admittedly but I would think the family stand would be predominantly local.

Today was one day the early leavers annoyed me. Where the fuck are you going?? Even with the ridiculous amount of injury time the game was still finished at 2:30 tops. People were supposed to be staying to pay tribute to Zabba and Ya Ya but oh no off they all ran. Even more bizarre was that we were trying to hang on to our lead, the game was in the balance but still away they went. Baffling.

As a season ticket holder even adding on platinum my ticket works out at £35 a game and will probably be £36 a game next season with the unnecessary increase. I consider that good value even on this season's poor showing but I am shocked at the price of a match day ticket, £58 really??? That is an utter disgrace in my opinion and I would not pay it. Sort it out City ordinary bread and butter fan's can't sustain that and out of principal I wouldn't pay it.

On the subject of ticket prices and tourist fans I was sat next to a guy from India on the tram home. He was looking at a metro map and I asked if he needed any help. He said he was going to old Trafford to see the stadium and go to the store. I gave him some good humoured stick of course and said " There has just been a game at OUR stadium!" He replied he had been. It turned out he was visiting the lake District and took in our game and was going to the swamp before heading home. He paid £700 for 6 tickets in 93:20 wow! This highlights how far we have come as a club that people from all over the world see visiting a game as part of a holiday and an almost must see event. Of course this is good news but we need to keep the tickets cheap for local fans while making big bucks from the corporate/ once in a lifetime tourist.
You don't seem to enjoy following City very much. Why do you bother?
Fuck know just one of those things can t live with them can t live without. I've fucked home games off long ago as the whole thing with home games are absolutely toxic only renew to get tickets for decent games so my seat is one of those empty ones unless I can shift it on

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