City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Cost implications the weather a not fit for purpose transport system,little johhny at school dad at work the next day.Some might say we had some good deals on offer but you cannot just factor in the ticket price because the ancillaries have to be taken into consideration like scoops of ale a bite to eat and transportation.For two of us our bill was £150 and we took it easy.Two tickets tier 2 @£75.Transport £35 food and drinks £40.A Minimum wage worker so that cost us half a weeks wages for a night out but our choice how we spend our hard earned wonga. Same again at Fulham so it's not a cheap pastime by any means.The exodus on 81 minutes tonight looked rather dramatic and slightly akin to a fire drill but I guess they have all paid the ferryman and do we really have a right to judge why people don't stay to see us pull of that late equalizer.If their "matchday experience" dictates an 80 minute outing then fair fooks to them as were all different.See you all in the Fatherland. Meinn gott !
Jeez mate, that’s a lot of transport from south Rozendorf
heres an idea. if you want a full ground in mid week. why not just make all champions league games 10 quid. it would sell out and there'd be a good atmosphere. league cup games last season against wolves and lots of cup games prove that. we got a full ground against wolves midweek - so its not the traffic...

the entire ground last night didnt feel like a city match. it was all about tourists and plastics. theyve forgotten about the clubs core fan base
Wolves game was during half term,so a big change in demographic of those who can attend.
Sorry mate but Liverpool have “ten times as many fans”. Maybe in Outer Mongolia but not match going fans. People can do whatever they want with their time and 50 percent of our weekend Premier League fanbase chose not to go last night. Fair enough.

We’ve had years of so called “tourists” filling in the gaps at CL and other Cup games. Now they’ve wised up to prioritising the “big games”. They can pick and choose tickets from forums (and from The Club at the start of the season) so why are they going to warm a seat for less glamorous ties until the people who were too busy decide to go to a final
or semi final.
You make a valid point.
There have been posters in the past who have gone, say, to three out of four cup ties and then can’t get a ticket for the final because they go to seasoncard holders who have not been to a single game in the comp.
We need to look at other ways of rewarding ‘loyalty’
Agreed. What I can't get my head past is the fact that ManUre, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea.....all seem to manage to get sellouts or pretty much close to on CL nights. Regardless of times or transport or anything else for that matter. This looks to me like it's an issue for us only. But if we're being honest even on a Saturday the Etihad resembles a picnic outing. Can't remember the last time we really had the place totally full and rocking.

So far from the truth. Have you not seen the top tiers of the cesspit deliberately kept in darkness?
I watched Barca v PSV the other night, must have been easily 50,000 short of capacity.

Nobody poking fun at them, simply because this is a stick to only beat City with, as there is nothing left to keep our rivals warm at night.

It's a cheap hit for the media now, too.

I have never read any match report citing every seat being taken, simply because it's irrelevant in the first place.

Nail on head there Tolm
Jeez mate, that’s a lot of transport from south Rozendorf

Its not off peak between 1600 hours and 1830 hours.South Dorf to Rochdale train station by Taxi circa £9.Two returns on Northern rail at £16.Taxi from the dale back home £9.It would have cost more but we decided to yomp it back from the ground to Victoria to burn off the splendid chicken dinner we had @Llyods nos 1.

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