City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

It looked awful at pitch level but there was one shot of behind the goal and the second tier, there was hardly a sould there. As you say i wonder how it will be reported.

Half empty ? The crowd in the Hemorrhoids Stadium was somewhere between 5 and 10,000. Makes last night's crowd not look so bad.

Not a mention of empty seats in the Guardian match report.

Would love Pep or the club to call out the media on this topic but it won't happen.
Embarrassing thread. The angst and sanctimony displayed by lots and lots of posters who are presumably adults is quite ridiculous. If the above poster thinks we’re a “laughing stock” because a couple of journos write the occasional poorly researched article about our attendances god help him
A "laughing stock" because only 40k turn up?

Fuck me. Just worry about yourself not what a bunch of empty seat, cushion-plumping bedroom dwelling virgins tweet because clickbait and phone-in whores tell them to.
I don’t think our players have the belief they will win the CL.
A number of reasons for that I’m sure but I do think the negativity around the whole thing has an affect.
Contrast the belief they had that they could retrieve any situation in the PL last year with last night.

To dismiss the fans apathy for this competition, compared to the PL, as not playing a part in the difference in their mental attitude, is either naive or just denial of the situation.

I don’t think it’s any one thing, whether that be booing or empty stadiums or lack of atmosphere generated, their is no denying the UCL is a negatively perceived experience for all involved.

Several on here have explained the booing but I think are missing the point. I think you are preaching to the converted and arguing who’s right with people of like mind.
I don’t think anyone doesn’t understand why the booing is done, it’s just we need to ask ourselves where do we go from here, because there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell you’ll get to boo UEFA in a final or semi for that matter, if that is what the objective is.

UEFA and their cartel cronies are winning at the moment.
The argument over the CL has become divisive and it is splitting fans.
There are s number of reasons why ST holders don’t go to games as is their prerogative but I think Last year’s QF against Liverpool was the last straw for many with this competition.

So I as an outsider(not a Manc, not a ST holder) look at this as a total impasse that the club really need to get to grips with.
I love coming over to Manchester and love the Mancs. But the fact of the matter is you are not and don’t want to be like the Scouse. We slag them off as a cult. Mancs are single minded and can be quite cynical and stubborn when you know you’re right. You won’t have anyone tell you what to do.
My observation is you can also be reserved and ‘too cool for school’.

I’ll be lambasted for this I’m sure, but fuck it I’ve started now.

I don’t mean any of the above as criticism, I’m sure you’ve proud to be different to the Scouse.
Trouble is if you want the atmosphere of any of the grounds mentioned in this thread like Dortmund or Glasgow or Liverpool in the CL, well then it involves a cult mentality. Football tribalism is a brainwashed group mentality and has very little to do with individual thinking. It’s the club is everything, nothing else matters.

Even last night, take the away fans singing. It’s orchestrated by one guy down the front not even facing the match, he’s looking back into his own group keeping things going.
We call that manufactured but it’s dedication to the cause in their eyes.

I don’t know where I’m going with this except when the fans goals and the club’s goals are in conflict something needs to be done.
Kofi Annan couldn’t sort this out between City fans and the club they support.

I believe if whatever action we take for whatever goal we strive for, is not part of the solution, then it’s probably part of the problem.

Make of that what you will.
I don’t think our players have the belief they will win the CL.
A number of reasons for that I’m sure but I do think the negativity around the whole thing has an affect.
Contrast the belief they had that they could retrieve any situation in the PL last year with last night.

To dismiss the fans apathy for this competition, compared to the PL, as not playing a part in the difference in their mental attitude, is either naive or just denial of the situation.

I don’t think it’s any one thing, whether that be booing or empty stadiums or lack of atmosphere generated, their is no denying the UCL is a negatively perceived experience for all involved.

Several on here have explained the booing but I think are missing the point. I think you are preaching to the converted and arguing who’s right with people of like mind.
I don’t think anyone doesn’t understand why the booing is done, it’s just we need to ask ourselves where do we go from here, because there isn’t a snowball’s chance in hell you’ll get to boo UEFA in a final or semi for that matter, if that is what the objective is.

UEFA and their cartel cronies are winning at the moment.
The argument over the CL has become divisive and it is splitting fans.
There are s number of reasons why ST holders don’t go to games as is their prerogative but I think Last year’s QF against Liverpool was the last straw for many with this competition.

So I as an outsider(not a Manc, not a ST holder) look at this as a total impasse that the club really need to get to grips with.
I love coming over to Manchester and love the Mancs. But the fact of the matter is you are not and don’t want to be like the Scouse. We slag them off as a cult. Mancs are single minded and can be quite cynical and stubborn when you know you’re right. You won’t have anyone tell you what to do.
My observation is you can also be reserved and ‘too cool for school’.

I’ll be lambasted for this I’m sure, but fuck it I’ve started now.

I don’t mean any of the above as criticism, I’m sure you’ve proud to be different to the Scouse.
Trouble is if you want the atmosphere of any of the grounds mentioned in this thread like Dortmund or Glasgow or Liverpool in the CL, well then it involves a cult mentality. Football tribalism is a brainwashed group mentality and has very little to do with individual thinking. It’s the club is everything, nothing else matters.

Even last night, take the away fans singing. It’s orchestrated by one guy down the front not even facing the match, he’s looking back into his own group keeping things going.
We call that manufactured but it’s dedication to the cause in their eyes.

I don’t know where I’m going with this except when the fans goals and the club’s goals are in conflict something needs to be done.
Kofi Annan couldn’t sort this out between City fans and the club they support.

I believe if whatever action we take for whatever goal we strive for, is not part of the solution, then it’s probably part of the problem.

Make of that what you will.

This is nothing new. City fans have been indifferent to cup games for as long as I can remember. I personally think the turnout last night wasn’t great and I’m not alone, but the suggestion 40k isn’t any good when there are clubs across Europe getting less is crazy!

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