City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

most of us have left early on the odd occation ( for a good reason ) but you who leave every game early do baffal me as to why if its the parking wich we know is a nightmare on the official ones then find somewhere new, i live in warrington stayed till the end clapped players off and was in my house 4.15pm
OK if we are 3 up or 3 down then fair enough but 1-1 and pushing for a winner, dont get it.
It's better when you stay till the end..there's no traffic at all..everyone's back at's a bit like the film28 days later.
It's a bit disappointing that so may leave before the end and I don't understand it when the match is in the balance but each to their own. I don't think the public transport or road situation helps to be fair.
Forget a persons "personal" choice. Forget that it bothers you or somebody else.
There is a simple reason why people should "try" to stay to the end. I say try as i understand there are times you simply do have to go early.

The simple reason people should try to stay to the end is for the players. We moan when we don't think they are making enough effort. We would also moan if they stopped trying ten minutes to the end. Imagine how you would feel working your bollocks off, only to see the stadium emptying before your eyes. The atmosphere drops, and so does the encouragement from the crowd.
The final thing is to applaud the players off. If you think it doesn't effect the players then you are wrong.

The traffic problem is a nightmare. It is the single biggest problem causing early leaving. It getting worse with the early leavers going earlier to beat the early leavers!
It can also ruin a great day out. I have found myself more than once nearly coming to blows with absolute knob heads trying to push in front just to leave the car park.

Sort the traffic out, it will sort this problem out...
One of the mods (probably sensibly) locked the thread last night to stop it descending into petty arguments and point-scoring, but I thought it was a topic that merited a sensible discussion. It's something that even the manager has talked about, after all.

Obviously it's personal choice, and it's not for people to tell others what to do. I find it a bit odd that people could leave with the game so finely poised, but each to their own. I just wonder if the club could do more to help alleviate the problem as the cause is obvious (namely congestion in the North Car Park and queues for public transport). Someone in a separate threads mentioned keeping facilities open in the ground after the game, so that people could grab a drink or food whilst the traffic disperses, rather than the mad dash that currently exists. Not sure if there's a health and safety risk with that though?
I remember back in the day, at Maine Road,
stood on the Kippax.
We were playing Luton Town and needed a point to stay in the old 1st division .
Well the game had been a bit of a tedious affair so with about 5 minutes left to play and the score still 0-0 I started to walk out of the ground to the coach.
I had scarcely got through the concrete tunnel when I heard this tremendous groan,
even the stadium seemed to sigh!
Quickly I did an about turn and tried to get back inside but hundreds of people where leaving en-masse , so I couldn't get back in.
Well as everyone knows we were gubbed in the dying moments and I missed out on the goal and the aftermath.
I would have enjoyed a bit of a scrap with the Luton massive! (Just a bit of a kid then I was)
Needless to say, I learned my lesson and have NEVER left a game early since!
Be warned! !
One of the mods (probably sensibly) locked the thread last night to stop it descending into petty arguments and point-scoring, but I thought it was a topic that merited a sensible discussion. It's something that even the manager has talked about, after all.

Obviously it's personal choice, and it's not for people to tell others what to do. I find it a bit odd that people could leave with the game so finely poised, but each to their own. I just wonder if the club could do more to help alleviate the problem as the cause is obvious (namely congestion in the North Car Park and queues for public transport). Someone in a separate threads mentioned keeping facilities open in the ground after the game, so that people could grab a drink or food whilst the traffic disperses, rather than the mad dash that currently exists. Not sure if there's a health and safety risk with that though?
They're missing an absolute fortune in my opinion. Always thought the club could build a food court somewhere on the collar site, where people can get a sit down snack and a hot drink under cover after the game. A bit like at the Trafford Centre.

Personally, I wait until the end of the lawn-mowing, so you're all early leavers to me
Same old same old, poor fans need to get home to carry on living their depressing miserable lives haha. Funny how at away games it doesn't happen, different breed of fan.

Find it better staying till the end having a drink and then making my way home, works out roughly the same but with zero stress.

Why anyone would leave when we are chasing a winner is just pathetic, should question if your heart is really in it anymore and can justify the cost?

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