City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

I think City Square could be better, looking at the number of new flats around there and a lack of pubs the club could look at a proper bar on there. Folk would stay around after games as it'd be warmer than sitting outside and I'm sure it'd be busy at other times (the Velodrome cafe seems to do alright). Given the queues for a pint/food in the stadium the club are missing out on easy money with this side of things.

The leaving early does p*ss me off mainly as I'm on the end of a block and spend the last 10-15 minutes of each half having to move for people rather than watching the match.
I moved stands a few seasons back and specifically chose seats in the middle of a row. Where I was before, three gits used to turn up, separately, 1, 3, 5 minutes into the game. Then on 40 minutes one would go off to queue for beer. 2 mins later, the second one would go, I assume to help #1, then a minute later the third one would go, presumably to drink theirs. Every fecking game. Same thing happened in the second half. Felt like Zebedee in that seat.
The couple next to me left on 76 minutes with the score at 1-0. Their choice but I really don't understand it. I never leave early after a childhood of my dad dragging me away 10 minutes or more before the end of so many games and missing plenty of late goals.
Same old same old, poor fans need to get home to carry on living their depressing miserable lives haha. Funny how at away games it doesn't happen, different breed of fan.

Find it better staying till the end having a drink and then making my way home, works out roughly the same but with zero stress.

Why anyone would leave when we are chasing a winner is just pathetic, should question if your heart is really in it anymore and can justify the cost?
Ah the old "I`m a better and bigger supporter than you" card,because I stay till the end.Pitiful.
This is straight up but I know one bloke who often leaves 10 minutes or so before the end, goes back to where his car is parked, and then waits in the car for his mate who sits next to him in the ground and who normally stays until the end, before giving him a lift home. Now what the fuck is that all about?

He is a total plank and should give his sc up to someone who cares
This is straight up but I know one bloke who often leaves 10 minutes or so before the end, goes back to where his car is parked, and then waits in the car for his mate who sits next to him in the ground and who normally stays until the end, before giving him a lift home. Now what the fuck is that all about?
Eeeez strange.
Ahh the old I know I shouldn't leave but I do it anyway pitiful. Guess you have soooo much stuff to do after the match you need to get away 10 minutes early.
I leave 3 minutes from time thank you and I`m disabled so its easier for myself to get away from the packs leaving at full time.By the time I get back my passengers who have stayed till the end are then only a minute or so behind me.In some cases they can get back to the car before me.
I leave 3 minutes from time thank you and I`m disabled so its easier for myself to get away from the packs leaving at full time.By the time I get back my passengers who have stayed till the end are then only a minute or so behind me.In some cases they can get back to the car before me.

The packs leave earlier than full time surprised you can get out with 3 minutes to go compared to full time seriously. I know an old man who sat behind me he had to leave a couple of minutes before the rush, but it started to get earlier and earlier due to fit healthy people fucking off and making it harder for him to leave.
People are free to come and go as they please. It is your choice.
You are no worse/better fan than the next man due to your length of stay.

Personally, I prefer to stay until the end and applaud the players off (based on their performance)
Why? Because I have come to support my team and feel this is how I should support it.

However and very rarely I have attended a 5:30pm kick off and had to be in work by 8:30pm so I have left earlier than usual.
This is justifiable.

Seeing higher than usual volumes of people walking out at 75mins game time is ridiculous and I can guarantee most of them aren't rushing to get to work or whatever so important.
Including injury time thats 20mins.

Do it every league game equates to 380mins of not supporting your team.

The 380 group are probably the first to be on Twatter moaning about how poorly we started in the second half.

Life does get in the way but whilst looking to my right yesterday at the East Stand Level One blocks and seeing the volumes of people walking out - people now are doing this out of habit/"aaaaaah fuck it, I can watch the highlights when I get home "
maybe they left early because they were pissed off at how poor we were second half and the fact that they could all see that Swansea was going to equalise, also I wonder how many of you had to miss a few minutes whilst you went to the toilet because you had one too many before the game or how many of you nipped up to the beer stall a few minutes before half time, in other words, you pay your money so you can come and go as you please, god knows this has been talked about on thread after thread

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