City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Some people just don’t like crowds.

I know one old guy who gets to every home game about two hours early when it’s nice and quiet and leaves round about the hour mark. Has done for every game for the whole time I’ve known him, which is about 10 or 15 years.

Maybe he’s not a real fan but I highly doubt he gives a shit what anybody else thinks of him.

He pays his money and he does his thing. The thing which suits him not anybody else.
Now you're bullshitting, doesn't like crowds, football hahaha
If i get home 45 minutes later than I would if I left early, I don't care. I want to see a game of football from start to finish. For night games I walk to Piccadilly and get the 10.36 train. I am home by 11pm
For 3pm games I walk and get the tram back in Piccadilly gardens.
For other kick-off times I do the same.
I have not taken a car to Ethiad for 15 years.
I probably have left early but that would have been for a reason not just because I am impatient and don't like traffic or queueing for a tram.

That's going at some pace to catch a 10.36 train if you leave at 10.00. I'm no slouch but it takes me at least 25 minutes at a very fast pace to make Piccadilly.
Night games are a nightmare for me. I live in Altrincham and can get back to the center of there okay on either a train, tram or bus. Then I'm fucked as my last bus home leaves at 10.52 and there's no way I can make that. If games kicked off at 7.30 like they used to I'd have a fighting chance but an 8pm kick off no chance. If you add on all this extra time they are giving now it's impossible.
Nah I'm not having it mate, have you asked him ?

Honestly. He’s not like proper terrified of crowds, like something medical.

But he just doesn’t like it. He has a nice leisurely stroll to the bus stop ( doesn’t like trams either ) in plenty of time to make sure he’s on it and back to town before the crowds start and he’s often back in the pub to watch the end of the game, if it’s televised.
Moaning fucker who use to sit near me was always at it about early leavers. "Can't believe you're all fuckin off, you should be here watching the boys" etc etc....Same bloke on 35 minutes used to get up every fuckin game to squeeze a couple of pints in at half time and return 5 minutes after kick off. Thousands doing that every game too.

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