City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Wasn’t as bad as a usual. I think the clock is helping as instead of leaving at 84 they now know 1. How many minutes are added and 2. The countdown of those minutes. Didn’t feel as empty as usual yesterday.
We left before halftime yesterday. Wife and I normally take it in turns as we have a 3 year old and 3 month old. Thought we would see how the 3 year old does in our normal seats (315) yesterday, as he did well and enjoyed it in the family stand last season. Baby slept in carrier the entire time but 3 year old was flitting between overwhelmed and bored. Bit of a disaster. Back to wife and I alternating. That's on us and won't happen again, but on a champions league night for example or 8 kick off I will have to leave early to get back to the family these days (unless on supporter club coach).

Point is, before I had kids I'd be leveling accusations at early leavers and empty seats.

Now I have kids and my priorities have quite rightly shifted I can understand why someone might have to leave early as the infrastructure around the ground is fucking shocking. Bottle necks everywhere, be it by foot, car, tram, bus, etc.

If you want the ground full until the end the club needs to sort it out,not the fans. Invest in proper plans and links for stadium egress, work with the council and transport for G. Manchester. Sort the beer queues out (they almost did in ssl3 with tokens and now they've fucked that up too). Lower ticket prices and get younger teenage-under 30 supporters in the ground. Most importantly invest more money into the match going experience for the average fan who contributed to the atmosphere instead of throwing 99% of their stadium budget at things like hospitality boxes and tunnel club bullshit that does fuck all for atmosphere.
You lost me at the “wife and I take it in turns to go to the match” bit.
Yeah I guess if you’re sat down that might be annoying - I’m in the standing section so that doesn’t really bother me tbh.

But this obsession with it is still sad as fuck.
It’s one of those little things that annoys certain people.

I hate it when slobs leave their empty trays of boxes and shite on the tables in KFC/Macccies, or people who when leaving a pub don’t take their empties to the bar and leave them on tables.

Other people aren’t arsed about that sort of thing.

Much like this, some hate people leaving early, others don’t mind.
It’s one of those little things that annoys certain people.

I hate it when slobs leave their empty trays of boxes and shite on the tables in KFC/Macccies, or people who when leaving a pub don’t take their empties to the bar and leave them on tables.

Other people aren’t arsed about that sort of thing.

Much like this, some hate people leaving early, others don’t mind.

People being lazy fat scruffy inconsiderate cunts does have an impact on other people’s lives though.

Dave and Gary from Macclesfield going for a pint on 80 mins in Colin bell stand doesn’t impact my life in the slightest.

My biggest matchday irk is how people turn into savages and can’t go for a piss without sparking up and spraying their own excrement all over the walls and floor.
Champions League games are the worst for this.

The newer tourist fans seem to struggle at looking their row letter as well as seat number.

They tend to stand still, stopping all other fans getting past, until a steward takes them out of their trance.
Drives me fucking crazy that, happens every match people in front of me in the isles unable to find their seat or going early at half time for a pint and coming back late or getting in 20 minutes after the game has started. I've sat in this seat for over 8 years and have regularly been told by, let's call them tourist's that I'm sat in their seat. Fucking maddening.
I never used to leave early but last year after a complex back operation left me with walking with a stick. I get anxious when its busy exiting via the spirals. So I leave a little early.
No fuker keeps still for 90 minutes
That wasn't what the bloke said though, he said don't take any notice of them, implying the other bloke was keeping notes etc.

I was at a game yesterday and the same family must have said excuse me 12 times to get past in 90 minutes, they did stay to the end though, unfortunately.

The worst of this was coming back 5 minutes late from halftime, just as a bit of action was happening and you are now up and out of your seat letting them pass, if there had been a goal then the family might have ended up three rows down.

Another **** came back up from the bog and then stood at the end of the row as more action happened, blocking the view of about 20 people but he got to see the shot, so that was just fine, the selfish fat twat.

I didn't need to take notes either.

Though on a concert scenario, is there anything more annoying than a group in the front rows standing up dancing so no **** behind can see the act they have paid for, if you want to dance, go to a fucking nightclub you pissed up bitches.

I'm off for some calming cheese and crackers for lunch.

Later :)
When people who can’t be arsed to stay to the end are standing up in your way because they’re shuffling at snails pace to get out and making other people stand up in the way of other peoples’ view of the game, the only thing to do is look up at the screen to see how long’s left.
Do you feel the same about the piss pots who go back and forth for beer and the toilet ?
The chain smokers who can’t go 15 minutes without a fag then smoke against club rules in the toilets ?
Or the fat bastards who can’t sit still for 90 minutes without a burger and some chips ?
Are the lazy unorganised sods who can’t tell the time and arrive 10 minutes late ok ?
Champions League games are the worst for this.

The newer tourist fans seem to struggle at looking their row letter as well as seat number.

They tend to stand still, stopping all other fans getting past, until a steward takes them out of their trance.
Everytime we have no away fans in SS3 it's a pantomime....the stewards do fuck all to direct anyone to where they should be, ok they say hello when I'm walking up into 315 from the concourse but if I can see baffled people so should they.

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