City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

It is what it is, its never going to stop. I can understand it for a late kick off but a 3pm kick off ??? Seems for a lot its out of habit. I was chatting to the lady next to me and we were laughing about what time the early leavers would go as with extra time etc they will be all confused. The second half did not kick off till 4.07 yesterday so finishing nearer 5pm than 4.45. We travel by car from Scotland so it really does not affect us as it takes long enuff as it is so we wait till end. But I must say I find it amusing som1 saying I go wee bit early so im home within 30mins but if I stay it will take me an hour. Sorry but unless you got summat very important on and need to get home why no stay and applaud our team. For the sake of 30 mins. Different if it affects you by hours or need to get connecting transport or you have summit on etc as that will be the case for lots of people. As we say we pay our money and can go wen we want...CTID
It is what it is, its never going to stop. I can understand it for a late kick off but a 3pm kick off ??? Seems for a lot its out of habit. I was chatting to the lady next to me and we were laughing about what time the early leavers would go as with extra time etc they will be all confused. The second half did not kick off till 4.07 yesterday so finishing nearer 5pm than 4.45. We travel by car from Scotland so it really does not affect us as it takes long enuff as it is so we wait till end. But I must say I find it amusing som1 saying I go wee bit early so im home within 30mins but if I stay it will take me an hour. Sorry but unless you got summat very important on and need to get home why no stay and applaud our team. For the sake of 30 mins. Different if it affects you by hours or need to get connecting transport or you have summit on etc as that will be the case for lots of people. As we say we pay our money and can go wen we want...CTID
I often wonder for kick offs earlier in the day… it had been a 17.30 kick off, would those leaving at 16.35 yesterday not have been able to come?
With the extra time adding 10 minutes it means people are leaving over a longer period and it's not as congested for those that stay to the end.
Part timer. Should have your season card revoked.

I take a pair of matchsticks to prop my eyes open so I don’t blink and miss a micro second of the game and bring a catheter so I’ll never have to go for a piss and take my eyes off the hallowed pitch for one single moment.

I arrive the day before and set up camp so I’m ready to rush to my seat the second they unlock the gates and don’t leave until I’m forced out by the cleaners at midnight.

Anyone who does any less isn’t a proper fan and I note down their seat numbers and how many pints they have to I can shame them on here.
You're making the club look bad, that's the only issue.

Let me preempt your next juvenile comment along the lines of 'who cares what other people think' by pointing out that football is tribal and thousands do care.
It is what it is, its never going to stop. I can understand it for a late kick off but a 3pm kick off ??? Seems for a lot its out of habit. I was chatting to the lady next to me and we were laughing about what time the early leavers would go as with extra time etc they will be all confused. The second half did not kick off till 4.07 yesterday so finishing nearer 5pm than 4.45. We travel by car from Scotland so it really does not affect us as it takes long enuff as it is so we wait till end. But I must say I find it amusing som1 saying I go wee bit early so im home within 30mins but if I stay it will take me an hour. Sorry but unless you got summat very important on and need to get home why no stay and applaud our team. For the sake of 30 mins. Different if it affects you by hours or need to get connecting transport or you have summit on etc as that will be the case for lots of people. As we say we pay our money and can go wen we want...CTID
I attend quite a lot of matches as one-offs so sit near a wide range of people, and I get the impression that for a lot, just coming to the matches is a habit.

I sat in front a guy last season who talked loudly throughout the whole match about the golf courses he'd recently played - absolutely no change in tone, or even breaks when City were attacking. When we scored he was keen to get back to his stories. That disinterest seems pretty common, with plenty of middle aged guys who probably started going years ago, and come now to get out of the house, say hello to a few people, and then nip out early to beat the traffic.

I imagine it's similar at every club in the country.
I think that 50% of the people parked in the Blue Car Park should leave at half time and thus allow the rest of us a safe and orderly exit with ne'er a two car roll, a ten minute stationary slot, then a three car roll, ad nauseam for an hour! I've said before it'll be the travelling that does for me. Forty mins coming and two hours return! And it's only eleven or so miles. There are times when the life of a crow is an advantage.
Leaving early happens up and down the country at pretty much every single ground unless it’s a derby match or a “bigger game” it’s not just the Etihad.

Yesterday we left Edinburgh at 8am, got to Manchester around 12pm, went to the kids fan zone headed to the stadium and watched the teams warm up ect.

We left around the 80th minute so I could take the wee man to the toilet and had to get down from SSL3, over to Briscoe Lane where we had parked, with a 4 year old, because we left then we were home for half 8, if we had stayed the last 10 minutes could easily have been nearer 9:30 or even 10 on top of an already long day.

Wee man loved the day in Manchester and looking forward to doing it again for the Nottingham Forrest game.
my mate couldn’t attend yesterday so put his seat on ticket exchange.
I got in the ground and there’s a young lad sat in his seat. On the other side of me where a long time season ticket holder sits, was another unfamiliar face, so I’m thinking the SC holder is also away, but no, he comes down the aisle and tells the guy sitting in his seat that he’s in the wrong place. The guy really didn’t speak good English, but eventually got up, jumped into the row in front and sat there, where immediately the people who sit there are walking down that aisle and again he’s told he’s in the wrong spot. He pulled out a paper ticket and I looked at it and directed him to where he should be
im in East stand L1 on row W. The bloke’s ticket is for Colin Bell row A!
Game kicks off an the young lad next to me is videoing at every opportunity which is getting on my nerves, but he eventually calms down and then only pulls his phone out for the goal celebrations and Haaland’s pen. He said to me “ I’d love to see Haaland score a hat trick and then he left at 88 minutes
I think this is my new favourite thread. My particular favourite posts are those that offer an acceptable list of reasons that they’ll excuse early leavers.


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