City fans rushed by Spanish Police

Am I wrong in saying that the police look like they are steaming in after some City fan throws some beers at them?

Doesn't matter either way because the Spanish police are notorious bastards.
mcfcliam said:
Official statement?

Arsenal, Liverpool, United and Chelsea fans would piss themselves at that. Welcome to playing in Europe. Corrupt police forces are the norm. Not saying it's right, just that these smaller incidents happen a lot to English fans and go unreported. Look at United in Rome too, they were treated like shit but none were surprised as they've been there and done that.

It's a bit different though when you go looking for it. United were kicking off everywhere in Rome as they usually do.
I was in the bar and saw what went on. Completely agree with melons.

No hint of trouble. All of a sudden coppers waded in to blues (including women and children) for no apparent reason. Anyone who stood thier ground got a baton to face/ body.

One copper also took his baton to any pint pots that were perched on bins or a wall adjacent to the pub and swept them on to the floor.

I tried to film it and a copper was shouting at me 'no phone' and then hit me with baton in the stomach. As i was getting up his mate kneed me in the hip (was aiming for bollocks but I turned my body).

I can only think there was a miisunderstanding of commands/ orders or they got the wrong pub. Never seen anything like it given there was no trouble. Or, they just fancied being thugs.

When we were entering the stadium an MCFC steward said ' careful lads, they're not taking any prisoners in there'.
cccc said:
Am I wrong in saying that the police look like they are steaming in after some City fan throws some beers at them?

Doesn't matter either way because the Spanish police are notorious bastards.

They had just knocked a city fan unconcious.

Im sure glassing the bastards didnt help but its not like city fans had done anything wrong in the first place
In most countries in the world and especially Europe,the English,especially in a crowd of more than two, are disliked,whether we want to hear it or not,it is the truth.If you add English football fan to the equation ratchett up the dislike even more.This often comes as a shock to people who rarely venture further than Spain or Greece on holiday but it should be given as advice before anyone ventures abroad to watch their team.

Most of the police are young kids with too much aggression and itching to have a pop.They will have been briefed to clamp down hard,take no shit from the football hooligans,which is the way they still view us and then kitted out like robocop.

Like the old days of bouncers on club doors if you even looked at one the wrong way,or breathed out of line,you got a pasting.The foreign cops are the same.

They need little or no excuse to batter you sensless and they know there will be no comeback,no investigation or suspensions if they do.

Anyone going abroad to watch City needs to digest this and tread carefully.Fairness and doing the right thing doesn't come into it i am afraid.It is a hazard of watching football abroad,just like going to a match here in the hoolie days,the odds are you will get a slap.
melons said:
I was in the bar and witnessed the entirety of this incident.
Without any exaggeration, there was literally nothing untoward going on whatsoever. The only incidents that I noticed were a woman being thrown out of the bar which I think most people presumed was because she was pick pocketing and then a big tray of sandwiches on top of the bar was accidentally knocked off onto the floor behind the bar.
Other than that, there was barely even any singing let alone trouble. I was in there with two mates and none of us have ever been involved in football trouble in our lives.
Suddenly about 7 or 8 police, already wearing full riot gear with batons drawn arrived at the bar and started shouting in Spanish and gesturing for people to move away from the bar. It was unclear what they wanted but the next thing, one of them hit somebody across the head and he went down. I don't know if he'd done or said anything but there was no justification for physical violence against him. After that the cops were really psyched up and as soon as a bit of pushing and shoving went on as a result of City fans being up in arms about what they'd just witnessed, they waded in hitting anybody who looked remotely like they were challenging them. Apart from the idiot who threw a drink at them, I didn't see a single City fan aim or land a single blow on any of the coppers. Thankfully I was still inside and not directly threatened myself but the bar had massive windows and we could see everything that was going on.
The big guy in the video with blonde hair and a rucksack over his right shoulder later got a stick across the face and was bleeding really badly from huge splits in his cheek, nose and eyebrow. A sickening sight. He ended up leaning against the bar window with blood pouring from him and couldn't look up as it was filling his eyes. Again, I don't know if he provoked it but what could he have done to deserve to have his face smashed in like that ?
My mate, a bit foolishly began filming the incident and got a slap across the face, a punch in the stomach and finally the sharp end of a stick in the ribs. They also tried to break his phone but he managed to hold on to it.
Eventually we were all herded out of the bar and off to the stadium but everybody was really badly shaken up. There were kids, girls and old men involved as well and they were terrified.
I've travelled abroad with England a few times but I have to be honest and say that this was the worst, unprovoked attack I've ever seen. Those sticks they use are like iron bars, they are hard wood and really heavy. It would be like being hit with the heavy end of a pool cue.
Like other posters have said, other police such as the Germans show they are there but understand that they can be the cause of trouble, not the cure so keep in the background unless something serious happens.
I'll happily put my name to any letters or petitions that are going around.
I'd like to see one of those coppers take on one of the big guys in the video on a one on one basis. They wouldn't last 30 seconds.
Utter cowards.

I tried to help your mate when he got a stick in the ribs, tried to get a copper to call for assistance but was shoved away as he tried to smash me with his baton.
I reported the incident to GMP and Fletcher a few minutes later when we were being herded to the ground. "well you were warned" was the response..ok thanks for your input GMP and City.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:34 pm --<br /><br />
paulchapo said:
In most countries in the world and especially Europe,the English,especially in a crowd of more than two, are disliked,whether we want to hear it or not,it is the truth.If you add English football fan to the equation ratchett up the dislike even more.This often comes as a shock to people who rarely venture further than Spain or Greece on holiday but it should be given as advice before anyone ventures abroad to watch their team.

Most of the police are young kids with too much aggression and itching to have a pop.They will have been briefed to clamp down hard,take no shit from the football hooligans,which is the way they still view us and then kitted out like robocop.

Like the old days of bouncers on club doors if you even looked at one the wrong way,or breathed out of line,you got a pasting.The foreign cops are the same.

They need little or no excuse to batter you sensless and they know there will be no comeback,no investigation or suspensions if they do.

Anyone going abroad to watch City needs to digest this and tread carefully.Fairness and doing the right thing doesn't come into it i am afraid.It is a hazard of watching football abroad,just like going to a match here in the hoolie days,the odds are you will get a slap.

Well Ive been to Greece, Ukraine, Germany, Faores,Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Poland watching City and Ive only ever seen the police behave like this.Only in Santander, Madrid and Villareal so dont give me all that shit that its part of the territory.The police have been spot on everywhere else.
ell said:
cccc said:
Am I wrong in saying that the police look like they are steaming in after some City fan throws some beers at them?

Doesn't matter either way because the Spanish police are notorious bastards.

They had just knocked a city fan unconcious.

Im sure glassing the bastards didnt help but its not like city fans had done anything wrong in the first place

It was plastic pint points, and a few lads just hurled the dregs of their pint pots at them (not the pots themselves).
Well Ive been to Greece, Ukraine, Germany, Faores,Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Poland watching City and Ive only ever seen the police behave like this.Only in Santander, Madrid and Villareal so dont give me all that shit that its part of the territory.The police have been spot on everywhere else.[/quote]

Well you have been lucky then mate.The Spanish police granted are some of the worst out there but i will put the Italian police on a parr as well.I travelled all over the world in the navy and the foreign police were only to happy to give you a slap if they got half a chance. Oh and it isn't shit.It is well meaning advice that the rules are different and very often the gloves are off when following City abroad.

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