City Fans V Bayern Fans

The part I found strange,which iv never noticed with fans like this before, is that when their team Went on the attack the fans don't cheer them on like we do . You can garentee that everyone would be giving it some pushinhb the players on when we were on the attack if we looked like we could turn it around . The Munich fans didn't seem to do this . Just drum and sing and cheer when the ball went into the back of the net . That part I didn't like .

I can understand how 'staged' it looks with fans like bayern but i still think we need a 'proper' singing section with flags ect where singers can bunch together and make some noise .
kp789 said:
GaudinoMotors said:
kp789 said:
It was fantastic. Best support I have seen.

Fail to see how you can be impressed by organised sheep line dancers; all choosing to watch a man in a white t shirt rather than the game.
Not just this, but the non stop singing and the sheer co ordination in supporting their team,.

Yes imagine the boredom of having the time of your life singing, jumping around watching 11 superb football players make mugs of the opposition. Fuck that!! much rather sit with a glum face on for 90+ mins.
Cheesy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Ongoing droning away support like that always kills the atmosphere amongst city fans because no songs drift from 111 to south stand, or vice versa. Many times last night two city songs were going on at once, neither side were aware and the rest of the ground didn't join in with the muddled noise.

As always, pulling the two singing ends together will give the ground one voice and songs will catch on around the ground more.

That's why we get these threads every time we play these bouncing euro clowns.

Agree completely with you.

Last night was my first time ever down in 110 and it is completely apparent that as soon as the Bayern fans made any sort of noise (and I mean even a little bit) that 110/111 and the South Stand just couldn't get their shit together.

Yeah I agree as well. I'm in 111 and we can't hear south stand and I'm sure they can't hear us. I've enjoyed the banter with away fans over the years but its gone stale. The sooner the away fans are fooked off somewhere else and the singers are joined up the better.
citymad said:
kp789 said:
GaudinoMotors said:
Fail to see how you can be impressed by organised sheep line dancers; all choosing to watch a man in a white t shirt rather than the game.
Not just this, but the non stop singing and the sheer co ordination in supporting their team,.

Yes imagine the boredom of having the time of your life singing, jumping around watching 11 superb football players make mugs of the opposition. Fuck that!! much rather sit with a glum face on for 90+ mins.
How very british
I thought Bayern fans were boring last night, i find a lot of the German fans boring. I love the colour and that they ALL sing but the actual songs are crap. It's monotone droaning on-and-on at times...and as a few have said they don't show any emotion towards the game, they don't get excited by any moments of play or when their team attack or press or win the ball back.

I think the Greeks have a lot more soul and variation in their songs and i think a good English atmosphere where the emotions of the game are portrayed in the atmosphere by getting excited and giving it all the "GO ON"s, are both better than what i've heard from the Germans.

However it ALL beats our sitting or standing in silence, arriving late, leaving early, moaning at the players, Showsec telling us to sit down, the club taking SCs off fans for fuck all, no Safe Standing, and just the general non-backing of the team in the stands or if we do sing it's too often to the tune of "Sloop John B". No matter how monotone they are it's better than nowt at all from us. We're pathetic at times, and so are many sets of fans across England. The "traditional English atmosphere" is great when it's apparent and in full flow, but that's not nearly often enough.
Agree with Caveman here when you compare the Greeks (and some Turks/Polish) with German ultras, they are far better.
Aris have been the best supporters we've had at Eastlands.

As for being "monotone" and repetitive, I find this style of singing comes across far better for the wider audience (those watching on the tv) rather than the chants we tend to do (which rarely get understood by the tv audience)
Any developments concerning the introduction of safe standing in England or is that dead in the water at moment?

Concerning the atmosphere, Palace have proved an ultra scene can work in England if you have enough dedicated people involved. When the new youth stadium opens next year it will give the chance for people to get together and possibly start some type of ultras group at city.
greasedupdeafguy said:
Any developments concerning the introduction of safe standing in England or is that dead in the water at moment?

Concerning the atmosphere, Palace have proved an ultra scene can work in England if you have enough dedicated people involved. When the new youth stadium opens next year it will give the chance for people to get together and possibly start some type of ultras group at city.

Football in this country desperately needs Safe Standing which would hopefully ignite a more fairer pricing system for Supporters.

When we stop getting ripped off and our "Loyalty" is truly rewarded with a fairer pricing system, this is when Atmosphere will improve in English football.

When the new mini-stadium opens and The EDS start playing matches there, if the pricing for matches is similar to what they charge at Hyde (£2 sometimes FREE) then I can see something forming there.
The younger fans of this club need to get this movement going... Not waiting for it to happen, get yourself down there and get it happening. :)
Can I just point something out.

People on here having a pop at the 2 Bayern Lads at the front of the away end who were orchestrating the chanting last night.

Now try and detach yourselves from the emotion of the said subject.

it's the same but less at the Etihad.

The same City Lads start the songs off all the time in blocks 109, 110, 111, and everyone follows them. The only difference being, they are stood amongst the fans and spread throughout the blocks. You can't see them, but you can hear them starting the chants off.

Hypothetically speaking. If you moved them to the front of the blocks there wouldn't be much difference between them and the 2 Bayern fans starting their songs off.(I'm not talking about the drum, etc)

Another point.

If you noticed last night, apart from the two lads at the front of the stand, there was a largish group in front of them who were the main singers.(don't want to guess the numbers) They got the songs going properly and the remaining Bayern fans joined in with them. It was the same with Dortmund as well and other European fans who have visited the Etihad.

Just for one moment lets put the orchestrating and drums to one side.

This needs to happen, or something similar.

If the away fans are moved and the South Stand lower tier becomes one complete home supporters tier/end, the club has to give one or two of the current away blocks to City fans who want to sing. And by singing I don't mean the odd chant like last night. I mean continual support and chanting, or as much as possible throughout the match.(Crystal Palace fans are a good example ATM)

If we can get 500 to 1000 singers together(500 per block), then we at least have a base and stand a chance of creating a proper atmosphere at the Etiahd. Those 500-1000 will then feed into the other 2500-2000 City fans standing next to them in the South Stand Lower tier. Hey presto!

At the end of the day is down to the club. They can pay the 1984 Group and us as much lip service as they want, but until they put a solution in place, the South Stand expansion being *the ideal opportunity*, the atmosphere will never improve at the Etihad.(too few singers, spread out through too many blocks)

As stated. If the away fans are moved, I would like the club to give 1 or 2 blocks in the current away end over to the 1894.(under the guidance of the club) That way the Club and the 1894 Group could work together and get one or both of those blocks filled with City fans who want to sing.

Tin hat on. Fire away. :-?

PS. I would also like to see a *1894 season ticket*, only valid for one or both of those blocks.
No tin hat needed Haha... I agree entirely.

Culture needs to change, and sadly it will only change with the change in pricing of the product.

Football in stadiums is for those who have disposable incomes and can afford it.
Even lower league Football here is expensive.

But we have enough Mugs who are willing to be ripped off and pay the prices.

The Bubble needs to burst in order for the Game (for supporters) to improve.
We are treated like Customers by these businesses.
If the Bubble did burst and stadiums became suddenly empty, these businesses sorry I mean Football Clubs would come crawling back to us with cheap pricing...

Stick your £48 tickets up your ass... I'll happily throw away my seasoncard and start watching EDS matches every week.

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