I thought Bayern fans were boring last night, i find a lot of the German fans boring. I love the colour and that they ALL sing but the actual songs are crap. It's monotone droaning on-and-on at times...and as a few have said they don't show any emotion towards the game, they don't get excited by any moments of play or when their team attack or press or win the ball back.
I think the Greeks have a lot more soul and variation in their songs and i think a good English atmosphere where the emotions of the game are portrayed in the atmosphere by getting excited and giving it all the "GO ON"s, are both better than what i've heard from the Germans.
However it ALL beats our sitting or standing in silence, arriving late, leaving early, moaning at the players, Showsec telling us to sit down, the club taking SCs off fans for fuck all, no Safe Standing, and just the general non-backing of the team in the stands or if we do sing it's too often to the tune of "Sloop John B". No matter how monotone they are it's better than nowt at all from us. We're pathetic at times, and so are many sets of fans across England. The "traditional English atmosphere" is great when it's apparent and in full flow, but that's not nearly often enough.