City fined over £2m by PL | Sanction agreed for 22 breaches relating to ko delays

Is there a breakdown of the 22 games for which this applies published anywhere?

Are similar stats available for all other teams and are the rules around this in the public domain?

If this info was published and we were shown to be the only team to have transgressed more than 20 times then the fine can be seen as justified but if this info is not published it just looks like juvenile posturing from the PL.

there is a pdf from all the games in this chat.

details all the games with times etc
Michael Kaltz BSC FCA LTA LLM
What sort of pretentious knob puts all their qualifications after their name. Doing that sort of job almost everyone has them. Two degrees - one not enough? And a ten day course to get FCA qualifications. Weirdo
Edinburgh123 BA MA FCA Prince2Methodology FirstAider Excel for beginner.
That's brilliant mate :D

I'm going to start putting my swimming certificates and all the badges I got when I was in the cubs after my name from now on :D

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