City football shirts everywhere

Wherever we go in the world I always take time, in airports or sports shops to re-arrange the football shirts so that there is a City shirt on the front of every rack! Looks great when I’ve finished as it looks like they’re only selling City shirts. Wife walks away and says I need to grow up, I’m 71 :-)
Wherever we go in the world I always take time, in airports or sports shops to re-arrange the football shirts so that there is a City shirt on the front of every rack! Looks great when I’ve finished as it looks like they’re only selling City shirts. Wife walks away and says I need to grow up, I’m 71 :-)
I do this also…I’ve 4 kids and even the youngest at 8 years old does it any shop we go in. They do it with any books/magazines also literally anything with united on gets moved to the back and city to the front :) been brought up well
Wherever we go in the world I always take time, in airports or sports shops to re-arrange the football shirts so that there is a City shirt on the front of every rack! Looks great when I’ve finished as it looks like they’re only selling City shirts. Wife walks away and says I need to grow up, I’m 71 :-)
Good work Rotherham. Though not shirts, I took a load of rag magazines in Smiths when coming back from London and and stuck them behind the women’s mags
We're in Thailand atm,first time for 7 years and we have seen a lot more City
tops than in previous years,Iv had Thais comment on my City stuff,all complimentary.Got my Thai brother in law and nephew wearing City gear too !

Met a swiss couple.a few days ago,their 2 kids,about 7 and 8 years old,one in full city kit the other full rag kit,asked them both who is winning the prem league and they both replied City.
We're in Thailand atm,first time for 7 years and we have seen a lot more City
tops than in previous years,Iv had Thais comment on my City stuff,all complimentary.Got my Thai brother in law and nephew wearing City gear too !

Met a swiss couple.a few days ago,their 2 kids,about 7 and 8 years old,one in full city kit the other full rag kit,asked them both who is winning the prem league and they both replied City.
LOL I was in LOS last year during the run in and final day of the season when covid protocol was still being followed.

I counted 7 City shirts in 3 weeks (not counting mine and my wife's), but only 1 rag, 4 dippers... and a lot more Buriram United tops.

My wife's family are dipper supporters.. but it seems the new kids around town were favoring City. They never had the money to buy City shirts though.

Now with Haaland being the face of City and as they grow up.. probably more motivation to do so!
LOL I was in LOS last year during the run in and final day of the season when covid protocol was still being followed.

I counted 7 City shirts in 3 weeks (not counting mine and my wife's), but only 1 rag, 4 dippers... and a lot more Buriram United tops.

My wife's family are dipper supporters.. but it seems the new kids around town were favoring City. They never had the money to buy City shirts though.

Now with Haaland being the face of City and as they grow up.. probably more motivation to do so!
From my experiance of travelling to LOS since 1989, Liverpool is their 2 nd religion,its always been that way in my eyes,my wife was liverpool before being forced to change,the rags are 2nd and we were nowhere to be seen till this trip,and that included when taksin was around.
Seeing more and more City shirts over here in the land of bullshit and chewing gum. Good to see. Most are random, which is even better.

The most random City shirt sighting by far for me however is in Cairo in December 1988. I had just landed from Saudi and had my tongue hanging out for drink, which they had in abundance at the Gezirah Sheraton. I was after at least two large bottles of San Miguel before I noticed that the young Egyptian barman had a red and black striped City Philips shirt on. Probably from 1984-5 or so. Asked him why; he said that he hated man utd and found out that there was another club in Manchester so started following City. Also followed 1860 Munich over Bayern. I guess he didn't like success...or being a rag.
Had a great few scoops with him. And filled him in on some of City's history. As much as I could remember after my first real beers in many months...I got back to '68 before total memory loss kicked in...:)

I really hope that he is enjoying things as they are right now. Good man Khalid. Still have no idea how he got the shirt though...:)
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From my experiance of travelling to LOS since 1989, Liverpool is their 2 nd religion,its always been that way in my eyes,my wife was liverpool before being forced to change,the rags are 2nd and we were nowhere to be seen till this trip,and that included when taksin was around.

Aguero changed a few hearts and minds.. I've seen a few Aguero shirts here and there over the years.. but it was all Aguero, never a David Silva, never Kompany, never KDB.. Aguero only or numberless City shirts.

Next time I and the wife go, I hope there'll be a lot more Haaland shirts!
Aguero changed a few hearts and minds.. I've seen a few Aguero shirts here and there over the years.. but it was all Aguero, never a David Silva, never Kompany, never KDB.. Aguero only or numberless City shirts.

Next time I and the wife go, I hope there'll be a lot more Haaland shirts!
Going to Turkey I expected to see quite a few ‘Gündoğan’ shirts both in the shops/stalls and people wearing them, but it’s literally over 95% ‘Haaland’, then a few ‘Aguero’ shirts and the odd DeBruyne’ one.
It’s scary to think how rich he’s going to be when his career finishes, he really is a world super star despite only being a ‘tap in merchant’.

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