City ladies team

Falastur said:
buzzer1 said:
S04 said:
You don´t think you ought to read up on the subject before posting here?
At least read the thread!

Erm i did say i hadn't read the thread and IF IF IF IF that is the case as above then i THINK it is out of order on the Belles.. if that is ok my friend.

Allow us to fill you in then.

A year ago, the FA announced it was reforming the WSL by adding the second tier, and said that all places were up for consideration. It invited clubs to send in applications to either the first or second tiers (or both). City applied to both. So did quite a few other clubs. It just happened that as part of City's application they were able to cite the newly-unveiled City Football Academy plans as part of the support for their bid.

In the end, the FA chose to retain 7 out of the original 8 clubs in the top division, and chose us to replace Doncaster. We didn't make them keep all the other teams, we didn't make them pick us instead of anyone else, they selected on their own criteria, and they picked us from a decent list of possibles, so it could've been any other club that ended up doing what we did. If what I've read is true, the people running MCLFC were preparing for acceptance to the 2nd tier, because they didn't think the FA would actually change their top division, their application was purely speculative. Lots of people seem to have read the news articles and almost seem to think that this situation came about because the FA didn't want to change the top division but we paid them a large amount of money to squeeze us in at the expense of whoever else would be least able to resist. That couldn't be further from the truth. Honestly, in this situation what were we supposed to do? After submitting our application, we did nothing to influence it. Should we have gone "actually, no, don't worry about it, we don't want the place after all because we feel sorry for Doncaster"?

I don't doubt it's not a pleasant situation and I feel bad for Doncaster too. Personally I think they should just make two leagues of 9 and put Doncaster back. But this is a situation that the FA have entirely engineered themselves, so why is it that we are taking all the blame?

I will give you some info from the playing side. We as said above thought it would be WSL2 for our team and were as surprised as many that we got the nod for WSL1. Several players are worried about their own futures with the club and I am talking about people who have been affiliated with City Ladies for many years, long before MCFC became interested and started to back the ladies team.

As it stands players will be given every chance to make the grade at that level but sadly some either wont make it or will not want to play at that that level. There is a huge difference between the league City have come from and where they are heading. It's a huge personal sacrifice to play at that level and what people need to remember is a lot of these girls like me hold down full time jobs. Anyone on here who has played sport at a good level will no how hard it can be to juggle playing sport at a high level and working full time.

I always ask people to stop and think about that when they like to slag women footballers off about the standard. If I was able to train full time, not have to worry about work, able to rest at the right times, eat the best food at the right times, have all the best equipment and medical care at my finger tips do you not think my standards would not be 100% higher?? I have managed to play at the top level I can in this country while having a career outside of football and believe me when I say I have sacrificed a lot and its been hard work. Hopefully the next generation of City girls will not have to go through this and will finally be looked after in the right way. City Ladies will want for nothing once they are up and running in the WSL1 and I will stand back and smile at that.
Fu21 said:
As it stands players will be given every chance to make the grade at that level but sadly some either wont make it or will not want to play at that that level.

Do you personally think you will make the grade at that level or do you think you will go for the other option regardless?
CheethamHillBlue said:
Fu21 said:
As it stands players will be given every chance to make the grade at that level but sadly some either wont make it or will not want to play at that that level.

Do you personally think you will make the grade at that level or do you think you will go for the other option regardless?

Yeah as I have played at that level before. It's just a case of having the time and desire. I am mid 30s with a hard job where I work long hours. I have to ask myself can I commit the time I need to get to the right fitness level and also the time away from work when needed to play midweek games away from home. I'm considering all my options with one being learning the ropes to become a coach. Got a lot of thinking to do.
Falastur said:
I don't doubt it's not a pleasant situation and I feel bad for Doncaster too. Personally I think they should just make two leagues of 9 and put Doncaster back. But this is a situation that the FA have entirely engineered themselves, so why is it that we are taking all the blame?
I don't think the blame is being put at the ladies and their team to be honest, more at "money bags" City, who as we know are ruining football, and the FA (who we all know is shorthand for for FArce anyway).

I can't see anything wrong with your suggestion of 2 leagues of 9 to appease the situation, if they want City in so much (which they do because City's money could push ladies football forward in big strides).

I guess 2 leagues of 10 couldn't be justified on the grounds of other clubs abilities ? Which would surely make even more sense if it was possible.

Good luck to all those involved, especially those who have been there for a long time.

Thanks also to Fu21 for explaining the difficulties of becoming that level, I don't think many realise that women footballers generally have a real life, unlike their men superstar equivalents.
cleavers said:
Falastur said:
I don't doubt it's not a pleasant situation and I feel bad for Doncaster too. Personally I think they should just make two leagues of 9 and put Doncaster back. But this is a situation that the FA have entirely engineered themselves, so why is it that we are taking all the blame?

I don't think the blame is being put at the ladies and their team to be honest, more at "money bags" City, who as we know are ruining football, and the FA (who we all know is shorthand for for FArce anyway).

Well yes, the "we" I was referring to there was City, not the Ladies team in particular, but you are essentially right.
CheethamHillBlue said:
buzzer1 said:
CheethamHillBlue said:
Apology accepted.

What for?

For your pompous 'I won't apologize' comment even though you hadn't read the thread or the fact it was The FA's decision to set the criteria.
Not City's. :-)

Didn't have a go at City per se now did i? also won't apologize for being in a rush and not reading the thread. Good luck to all concerned and good luck to the belles in bouncing back.

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