City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

You not been fucked off yet?

Shame, you're only here for one reason, posting in this thread, now kindly off you fuck.
He's not too bad our Tarquin Invader but I question his motive posting on here. I think he'll probably revel in us not winning the League this season (I don't think we will) but his disappointment at the Dippers winning will temper his POV, I don't want the Victims to win it and have no "second choice" team but out of all the others I'd prefer Villa and I do t even like them!:-)
Well it has taken me a full 2 hrs to catch up on all the posts and it has been most warming.
As previously stated please please please do not let the media spin upset you because we cannot control it. They are appeasing to the masses of Red cartel supporters. Let them have there consolation goal. To me it makes victory even sweeter. UNLAWFUL is the only word anyone needs to take note of. As for the BBC, an organisation which shielded predators such as Saville, Edwards for years. An organisation which allows bullying (Strictly) and to just pass it off as normal. Their lack of reporting on this tells everyone all they need to know.
Moving forward for me this is just the final nail in the coffin and an independent regulator will be brought in.
Ironic isn't it-City didn't disagree to the whole APT rules being enforced but just the legality of certain aspects.
What a time to be alive. This will end in the new year (if not before) with the 115 but the findings of this hearing and the clear targeting of our club will have seismic implications. They have stirred a right hornets nest and I hope the club absolutely seek recompense however little or great that may be.
As for the hateful 8-Go fuck yourselves
Whether they do or not I don't know. But there's a difference between a club's hierarchy and its fans. I've been getting dogs abuse on here (it's fine I'm thick skinned and I'm on a Man City forum after all so it's a case of Alice isn't in Kansas any more) but I'm not a representative of Arsenal Football Club I'm just a fan and have been my whole life so I think it would be cool if people could make that distinction. Making things personal isn't cool.
"Alice, Alice, who the fuck is Alice?"

You mean Dorothy numb nuts.

They will have to. No real option

They will have to have new votes continually weakening APT and / or PSR until a vote does pass. Finally, if no vote passes, Masters will have to resign.

The tyranny of the minority. Let's see how strong this "coalition" of seven clubs actually is.

In practice, though, they won't be proposing a vote unless they have the pledges for it to be successful, probably with a little horse trading. But they have to do something, and quick, obviously.
You have to ask why, and whether the PL made a full disclosure of the background, and the legal advice, to its members before the vote? Or did a little cabal keep that to themselves?

I was a little surprised that the award mentions the various committees involved in the preparation of rules, including APT, but doesn't say which clubs' legal representatives are involved at what stage, unless in the final APT committee when it was mentioned that City and Newcastle were involved.

It's not that the clubs were redacted, they just weren't named. You would think in a case about discrimination, that information would be relevant. A little less than completely transparent.

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