City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

Until this post I hadn't even thought of city having a black captain I just saw him as a man!!!!

I wonder who is the racist here????

skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?
My dad's been going for near enough 20 years now, home and away! He's about as Indian as you can get.

I'm Indian, so are all my brothers and my sister, my cousin is full brown Indian, and he's one of the more vocal in 111. (cityboy07)

Never encountered any racial problems at City in the 18 years I've been going.
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

I think your observation is correct. Clearly black players in the team have become more prevalent over the years and that is to be welcomed. Likewise, the number of black fans does not seem to have grown correspondingly. I see more Asians these days though and this is to be welcomed.

To answer the next part of your race is not an issue with City fans you cheeky twat, yes all are welcome and no there are no racists that I am aware of these days.

Even TV watching foreigners such as yourself are welcome to come along ;-)
kiran111 said:
My dad's been going for near enough 20 years now, home and away! He's about as Indian as you can get.

I'm Indian, so are all my brothers and my sister, my cousin is full brown Indian, and he's one of the more vocal in 111. (cityboy07)

Never encountered any racial problems at City in the 18 years I've been going.

Indeed, mate.

Anyway, don't leave out those of us of Pakistani descent [can't beat the Sub-Con rivalry]! Rusholme/Victoria Park was a stone's throw from MR, of course. I used to go with my Dad from the early seventies onwards. We never heard anything untoward. However, being 'mixed' and so lighter than my Dad, I have always heard the things that some white people say when they are 'off guard'.

Overall, though, probably the least racist club in Europe, which should please the Sheikh.

As for you, viking, get a life, fella.
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

everyone is welcome at City regardless of colour
Dubai Blue said:
True_Blue69 said:
Just because you havent seen any in the crowd, on the TV might I add, you come to the conclusion there is a race issue? Im actually shocked you could even post what you did to be honest....
FFS, he didn't come to any conclusions. He simply asked a question.

Just what I was thinking. The opening thread is loaded with questions not statements and the lad's foreign so perhaps not privvy to the normal Saturday crowd at COMS. Don't think for a minute he was trying to be controversial. Some of the goons who've rounded on him certainly need to learn to read before they reply.

I don't care if you're green with pink spots you're welcome.....unless you're wearing a ManUre top. I mean I do have SOME morals.......

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