City named most valuable football brand in the World. PL take note.

Brand Value is a nebulous concept. If a brand has value that will be embedded in the sales results. Valuing it as a separate item and even adding it to the balance sheet, which some companies did thirty or forty years ago, is just playing with numbers.
Simon Jordan found out the hard way when he paid a large sum for the Palace brand, while Ron Noades kept the tangible assets.
It might be playing with numbers but it still has a tangible value. Not that City is for sale but if it was the Brand Value would have an impact on the selling price. Why? Because it brings in money. The better the Brand is seen to be the more companies will desire to be associated with it. Thus increasing sponsorship revenues. The reality of this can be seen in the negative. Look at how fast sponsors have dropped individuals and companies after seriously bad publicity. This feature is exactly what our rivals, with the aid of their pals in the media have used to try and prevent our growth. Using every tool in the book to devalue City's reputation (Brand).
Brand Value is a nebulous concept. If a brand has value that will be embedded in the sales results. Valuing it as a separate item and even adding it to the balance sheet, which some companies did thirty or forty years ago, is just playing with numbers.
I don't think that's necessarily true. The classic example is where car companies create a car together and then put two different badges on it. One is then priced higher than the other based on the brand that's on it, even though they're exactly the same. The idea of brand value is that you can increase your prices purely because of the brand that's on it rather than the cost of making the product going up. You can also have a very valuable brand without being the most profitable organisation in your field. Cambridge University has an incredible powerful brand, but it makes nowhere near the profits of plenty of other educational institutions. But put 'Cambridge' on an exam or a book, and suddenly it's associated with a certain educational standard in a way that a more profitable university might not be.

In terms of football clubs, I guess the strength of the brand would be based on how valuable it is for companies to be associated with City. If they can put 'official sponsor' and a picture of Haaland and De Bruyne in their advertising, how much is that worth, and how much does it compare to other clubs? And that may be based on history and fanbase, but it's primarily based on sporting success, because brands are more interested in associating themselves with current elite sport than formerly elite sport. Otherwise Michael Jordan or Mike Tyson would still be the highest paid sportsman in the world. But that doesn't mean history plays no part. I'm sure Michael Jordan could still command more money than the majority of current NBA players if he was to do an advert. And you see teams like the New York Yankees who have an incredibly strong brand based mainly on historical success, and basically being able to create a fashion brand around their logo. In a sense, a football club's brand is arguably a bit like accreditation. Like how valuable is it to have the Fair Trade brand on your packaging? How valuable is it to have a little City badge on your packaging?
..despite all the crap thrown at us.


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Meh, inevitable.

Will say the papers.
It might be playing with numbers but it still has a tangible value. Not that City is for sale but if it was the Brand Value would have an impact on the selling price. Why? Because it brings in money. The better the Brand is seen to be the more companies will desire to be associated with it. Thus increasing sponsorship revenues. The reality of this can be seen in the negative. Look at how fast sponsors have dropped individuals and companies after seriously bad publicity. This feature is exactly what our rivals, with the aid of their pals in the media have used to try and prevent our growth. Using every tool in the book to devalue City's reputation (Brand).
The benefit of a powerful brand cannot be denied but putting a precise monetary value on it is not persuasive. Buyers will look at the real numbers in the P&L and Balance sheet. The quality of a brand is a soft asset and is in the eye of the beholder. When some companies added a precise number to the balance sheet, the markets gave a very big thumbs down and nobody does this now.
Assessors of such values differ widely in both method and outcomes.
I don't think that's necessarily true. The classic example is where car companies create a car together and then put two different badges on it. One is then priced higher than the other based on the brand that's on it, even though they're exactly the same. The idea of brand value is that you can increase your prices purely because of the brand that's on it rather than the cost of making the product going up. You can also have a very valuable brand without being the most profitable organisation in your field. Cambridge University has an incredible powerful brand, but it makes nowhere near the profits of plenty of other educational institutions. But put 'Cambridge' on an exam or a book, and suddenly it's associated with a certain educational standard in a way that a more profitable university might not be.

In terms of football clubs, I guess the strength of the brand would be based on how valuable it is for companies to be associated with City. If they can put 'official sponsor' and a picture of Haaland and De Bruyne in their advertising, how much is that worth, and how much does it compare to other clubs? And that may be based on history and fanbase, but it's primarily based on sporting success, because brands are more interested in associating themselves with current elite sport than formerly elite sport. Otherwise Michael Jordan or Mike Tyson would still be the highest paid sportsman in the world. But that doesn't mean history plays no part. I'm sure Michael Jordan could still command more money than the majority of current NBA players if he was to do an advert. And you see teams like the New York Yankees who have an incredibly strong brand based mainly on historical success, and basically being able to create a fashion brand around their logo. In a sense, a football club's brand is arguably a bit like accreditation. Like how valuable is it to have the Fair Trade brand on your packaging? How valuable is it to have a little City badge on your packaging?
You are mixing up “brand value“, a precise monetary number as used in this report, with the value of a brand in marketing terms.
The answer to the question in your last sentence is ‘invaluable, but I can’t put a number on it.’
Leverhume, I think it was, who said:”Half our advertising budget is wasted, but I don’t know which half.”
I spent half a lifetime advising companies how to improve their brand and the benefits thereof, but I put a number on brand value……never.
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The benefit of a powerful brand cannot be denied but putting a precise monetary value on it is not persuasive. Buyers will look at the real numbers in the P&L and Balance sheet. The quality of a brand is a soft asset and is in the eye of the beholder. When some companies added a precise number to the balance sheet, the markets gave a very big thumbs down and nobody does this now.
Assessors of such values differ widely in both method and outcomes.
You have to be an accountant and not a business manager. No offence intended.
It might be playing with numbers but it still has a tangible value. Not that City is for sale but if it was the Brand Value would have an impact on the selling price. Why? Because it brings in money. The better the Brand is seen to be the more companies will desire to be associated with it. Thus increasing sponsorship revenues. The reality of this can be seen in the negative. Look at how fast sponsors have dropped individuals and companies after seriously bad publicity. This feature is exactly what our rivals, with the aid of their pals in the media have used to try and prevent our growth. Using every tool in the book to devalue City's reputation (Brand).
Ok, put a precise monetary number on the “brand value” of MCFC and tell us how you did it. Why is that number not in our balance sheet? All your statements may well be true, but that is not the issue.
You are mixing up “brand value“, a precise monetary number as used in this report, with the value of a brand in marketing terms.
The answer to the question in your last sentence is ‘invaluable, but I can’t put a number on it.’
Leverhume, I think it was, who said:”Half our advertising budget is wasted, but I don’t know which half.”
I spent half a lifetime advising companies how to improve their brand and the benefits thereof, but I put a number on brand value……never.

I agree with this I used to get so frustrated by the marketing & NPD team telling me how successful a product was that obviously bombed.

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