danny21manc said:
to all you people that doubted me i couldn't really give a fuck

given was an absolute joker stellas and shots not to say he can't have a good night out but what a prick and what i were saying about jo, he stated he hates mark hughes and so do alot of other players. END OF STORY NOW...calling me a wum....fuming over some idiots on here.
Your original post said Given was a wanker cos he was plastered and shrugged you away. OMG what an arsehole.

I don't believe any of your story anyway, but most of us have probably shrugged off random drunk strangers when we've been on a night out with our mates. Don't see the problem. He wasn't working, so don't pester him.

And you clearly made up Jo's quote. I don't care how good his English has become, I'm prepared to bet a lot of money that he doesn't now talk like Liam Gallagher after a night on the marching powder.

Your only criteria seems to be that those who talk to you are sound and those who don't are wankers. Well thanks for that in-depth analysis of our goalkeeper's psyche. You've won me over, he's clearly a twat.

Get a fucking grip.
yeh something id lie about you arse hole

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

all from sunday night

as for the shay given picture, i've forwarded this to the club...cut myself out the pic but for people who simply think im joking about JO...think what you like...i like and will stand by Mark Hughes but im telling you what was said and thats simply that for god sake.
Dubai Blue said:
Blue Phil said:
danny21manc said:
blue phil what an arse crack
thanks babe ;) as long as its your arse crack i dont mind
I think he was actually complimenting you on having a very tidy bumhole.

As in "Phwoar, what a pair of legs".
oh gosh yes, sorry i missunderstood his meaning... well danny, im sure you have a very nice anus aswell :)
Why on earth would you forward the picture to the club?? Silly little boy. What a fan you are. Saw your arse because the big man himself wouldn't give you the time of day? Did you forward the picture to The Sun too? Bet you were clapping your grubby little hands when he produced save after save on thursday? Yet you forward a picture of him holding a drink to his employers! Do us all a favour and bow out of this board gracefully. I for one believed you saw the players in question, although I saw no reason to post it. But as for forwarding his photo to the club, that is atrocious you little worm.
Dubai Blue said:
danny21manc said:
as for the shay given picture, i've forwarded this to the club....

?? What do you expect them to do? Drop him for Thursday? Have you lost the plot?

So what if he's had a few, so what if he doesn't want to talk to every fan he ever meets. He's Irish, he drinks - get over it.

Seriously mate, you've got to grow up a bit if you expect every player you meet to be genuinely interested in you, some are good at it, some aren't - just like all of us.

I met Colin Bell once at a charity do, only time I've ever met him. It was obvious he'd rather be anywhere else than listening to an idiot like me tell him how great he was. He's still a 'God'.

It's what happens on the pitch that matters and trying to stir things up with the club is bang out of order. Doing it by taking yourself out of the shot is yellow.
IrishMacca said:
I'm sorry but that's bullshit. Not only do am I pretty sure that Given doesn't drink but I know for a fact that he's a sound lad, he's dead on, he is one of the nicest lads you'll meet.

He probably DIDN'T drink until he came to City !

Another couple of months behind our "defence" and he'll be smoking skunk in the warm up !

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