Yeah you 'cut yourself out of the picture'. Honestly the desperation of some of the people on here for attention sometimes is psychotic. Get a fucking life.
You know those pictures are pretty up close and personal, now if I didn't know any better I'd say they were just copied and paste on here, clearly for people you said were pricks and what not they sure let you get very up close to take some pictures. And you sent the one of Given to the club, well that doesn't make you any sort of fan in my view, but still no reason you couldn't post it here as well.
If I was guessing I'd say you are full of shit and you don't have any pictures.
I still stand by what I said, that I don't think Given drinks, what you say is completely 100% out of character from him,
"Few could argue that Given is anything but an impeccable professional, meticulous in his preparation and determined in action."
In your fairytale Given sounds very much out of character, one of many reasons why I don't believe a little WUM like you.
Kevcod said:
IrishMacca said:
I'm sorry but that's bullshit. Not only do am I pretty sure that Given doesn't drink but I know for a fact that he's a sound lad, he's dead on, he is one of the nicest lads you'll meet.

He probably DIDN'T drink until he came to City !

Another couple of months behind our "defence" and he'll be smoking skunk in the warm up !

Ah come on the defence isn't that bad. On a good day it holds up, on a bad day it malfunctions.
At Newcastle it was a tragic comedy, they had the likes of Bramble in there who is without a doubt the most ridiculous excuse for a defender I've ever seen, the worst player in the Premiership IMO. They've had some pathetic players that on good days didn't fall over their own feet but still kept Given busy, and on bad days they would self destructed and implode, leaving Given totally exposed and leaving him on his own, making his job harder, doubling his work load on a normal daily basis.
City's might give him a grey hair or two but Newcastle's broke him, the man has the patience of a saint and they broke him.
A grey hair or two is nothing compared to crushing his soul.
Blumers Bloomers said:
Give the OP a break, I know for a fact they were in there and I for one find this information interesting.

I went to 161 in Hale last night, SWP was in there with Hart and Garrido. Got talking to Garrido, a nicer bloke you will not meet. Said all the others were in Circle.His english is great as well. Told him I thought he was one of the few who had a good game yesterday, asked him if he thought he was better than Bridge (i'd had a few beers by this stage) and he said "Not better, different". Also asked him how he felt when Hughes bought Bridge and he said "hes the manager and I respect him"

And if anyone wants photographic evidence that he was there and I was speaking to him, I am more than happy to send them a PM with the pic.

As for Jo, well he's not telling us anything we dont already know

I concur. The OP does have a way with words lol and just sounds a bit giddy about meeting some City players/ ex-City players.

To be fair re: the whole Given thing...I'd be having a few drinks after that game too! Don't blame them all really for being out on the piss, plus bank holiday weekend, they are all only human after all.

As for sending the pic to the club...they will just laugh and delete it probably. A pointless exercise. If you would have sent it to The Sun they might have published it but that's what a scumbag does imo, not a fan of the club. Why make an issue out of nothing and encourage the already vulture-like media circus who already throw darts at City 'given' any opportunity? Daft. Don't call yourself a fan if you don't support the club.

As for the Jo thing...I've said before on here that both Jo and Ben Haim were the troublemakers in the dressing room before Christmas and I got ridiculed...and look what's happened to both of them...shipped out on loan at the first opportunity.

But I do love the appearances by Glauber Berti in that night club...yet more sightings of the elusive Brazilian!
danny21manc said:
yeh something id lie about you arse hole

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

all from sunday night

as for the shay given picture, i've forwarded this to the club...cut myself out the pic but for people who simply think im joking about JO...think what you like...i like and will stand by Mark Hughes but im telling you what was said and thats simply that for god sake.

you are a cnut of the very highest order, good job you did cut yourself out of the pic, it would have been nice to bump into you
hang your head in shame
DanTheBlue said:
i work in a small nightclub and swp, joe heart and garrido were in lastnight (easter sunday) untill around 1.30am
we have many city players in every week and they are never rude to us staff or anyone in there
i spoke to swp for a good 5mins, told him i was a city fan and good luck for thursday and he said "thanks bro well try our best"

but overall

swp,elano and given and richards mainly just sit around in there groups minding there own with the odd loud giddy show off moments
joe heart,dunne,hurman,bellamy is a top set off friendly lads not loud at all just chilled out
and garrido & robinho well they could be your best mates, realy polite, will happerly have a chat with you and are just normal guys.
ched evans and fernandes are typical young lads who want to be center of attention and being footballers have gone to there head.

161 by any chance ?
seems like danny21manc is a tosser either way, firstly if its true which i very much doubt for stirring up shit, and sending pics to the club ffs, ...or secondly just for making up silly little stories..............RAG
This circle place does not sound like much of an exclusive night club if slime like loyal fan danny is allowed in.

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