Blumers Bloomers said:
Give the OP a break, I know for a fact they were in there and I for one find this information interesting.

I went to 161 in Hale last night, SWP was in there with Hart and Garrido. Got talking to Garrido, a nicer bloke you will not meet. Said all the others were in Circle.His english is great as well. Told him I thought he was one of the few who had a good game yesterday, asked him if he thought he was better than Bridge (i'd had a few beers by this stage) and he said "Not better, different". Also asked him how he felt when Hughes bought Bridge and he said "hes the manager and I respect him"

And if anyone wants photographic evidence that he was there and I was speaking to him, I am more than happy to send them a PM with the pic.

As for Jo, well he's not telling us anything we dont already know

Top man Garrido !! Nice one!
danny21manc said:
yeh something id lie about you arse hole

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

all from sunday night

as for the shay given picture, i've forwarded this to the club...cut myself out the pic but for people who simply think im joking about JO...think what you like...i like and will stand by Mark Hughes but im telling you what was said and thats simply that for god sake.

i bet danny boy has just got pictures off the website like this one and cut them with clip art to take the clubs logo off, like this one.

Brucie Bonus said:

Scissors beats bollocks?

Go on fcuk off back to the swamp or london typical cockney rag
Kevcod said:
IrishMacca said:
I'm sorry but that's bullshit. Not only do am I pretty sure that Given doesn't drink but I know for a fact that he's a sound lad, he's dead on, he is one of the nicest lads you'll meet.

He probably DIDN'T drink until he came to City !

Another couple of months behind our "defence" and he'll be smoking skunk in the warm up !

Quality Kev..........i was thinking the same thing pal, after playing behind the 3 stooges last Sunday i would have been doing shots and Stella too.... if it gets them a 2-0 win on Thursday i am all for it, in fact lets have a whip round for our poverty stricken lads and get them another round of drinks!!
And people ask why Ajay won't post anymore!

You are pathetic the lot of you excluding you danny of course.
twinkletoes said:
And people ask why Ajay won't post anymore!

You are pathetic the lot of you excluding you danny of course.

And your gullible. If he has sent the picture of given why isnt it on here? The other pictures are just cropped pics from the same website someone posted one from earlier
danny21manc said:
yeh something id lie about you arse hole

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 568581.jpg</a>

all from sunday night

as for the shay given picture, i've forwarded this to the club...cut myself out the pic but for people who simply think im joking about JO...think what you like...i like and will stand by Mark Hughes but im telling you what was said and thats simply that for god sake.

let us see the shay given picture then

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