City Square Stage Is No More :-( What Did You Think Of It And What It Offered?

Of course, that’s why they’re building one with a roof!

What you really mean by ‘adults’ is ‘lads out on the piss’ let’s be real here.

This idea of yours for a cornered off section for these ‘adults’ is quite bizarre and shows how you don’t really understand what’s going on and what makes City Square the major success it has been.

The fact that you think these ‘adults’ also spend more money than families couldn’t be more wrong either. That’s complete nonsense. I think most people here would admit that clubs make more money these days from the latter on a match day.

This is an area of the ground where people feel comfortable to go without being surrounded by idiots and coke heads. It’s full of families and long time blues who love to populate bars like Summerbees. There’s already a great mix and a nice atmosphere and the new City Square will only make it a greater experience than we have already.

If people don’t like it and want something different then they can go to Mary D’s.

Why are you always so aggressive with your replies when people post their ideas, views and opinions about something? It’s like you know it all. And constant one-upmanship with you.

I gave up reading you reply after ‘building one with a roof’ and ‘lads out on the piss’. Lol! I’m surprised you didn’t mention coke heads and Mary D’s as well. ;-)
It was ok, but it just became too much of a cheese fest. I don’t want to hear those presenters screeching through their mics. Most of our matchgoing fan base are adult males and it just completely missed that group out and was more like a kids show.

It’s miles better in town or in a pub somewhere.

Expect a stinging reply and a rebuke from Hello City.
Didn't they say that the refreshment areas in the new arena were going to be opened for use on match days...or did I dream it? If it is, might that provide more of a 'Boxpark' type experience for the more frisky types leaving the new fanzone as the family friendly area? Be difficult if there is an event on there, I suppose...
Didn't they say that the refreshment areas in the new arena were going to be opened for use on match days...or did I dream it? If it is, might that provide more of a 'Boxpark' type experience for the more frisky types leaving the new fanzone as the family friendly area? Be difficult if there is an event on there, I suppose...
I sure they did, so there would be plenty of choice of bars and eating points around that side of the stadium,as well as those areas outside the arena by the canal. Think we’ll be spoilt for choice.
Natalie Pike I always thought tried too hard at being a presenter in some ways,she is easy on the eye however I think of an over eager puppy somehow whilst listening to her,more cheese than Cheddar.
No, just avoid what you dislike,leave it for those that don't mind it and do what you like, then you won't get upset watching things you dislike.

You are aware that the title of this thread is :

What Did You Think Of It And What It Offered?​

You confuse my viewpoint on the content as someone getting upset. Who's upset? Not me, I used to watch it from Summerbees as that is (was) our meeting place. It used to be okay, then went pish over the last few years.
Why are you always so aggressive with your replies when people post their ideas, views and opinions about something? It’s like you know it all. And constant one-upmanship with you.

I gave up reading you reply after ‘building one with a roof’ and ‘lads out on the piss’. Lol! I’m surprised you didn’t mention coke heads and Mary D’s as well. ;-)

I thought being a coke head was an entry requirement for Mary D's ?? :)

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