City to axe Mancini

RBmk2 said:
So let's get this straight...

We lose with ten men to Arsenal (after putting up a pretty good show imo) and get beat at Wolves (which CAN happen btw)-with a forward who hasn't played for three months who missed a couple of chances he'd put away in his sleep 6 games down the line....and suddenly a couple of predicatbly crap,groundless tabloid articles,the usual shithouse wankers stirring the shit on Sky,Ya Ya going home and it's "we're shit,Mancini out etc..."

What a pile of hysterical shite-last time I looked we're in the top four,well within sight of our objectives.And yet to play our full strength team together.

Maybe Chuckle no.2 had a point when he described some of our fans as "emotional" whenever something doesn't go 100% to plan every week.

The amount of hand wringing and "told you so" bollocks on here is doing my fucking head in.

Let's see where we are at Christmas-if we're 8th,out of Europe/cups etc. and getting gubbed then by all means start to worry...but FFS,will some of you grow a fucking set!!!

I'm starting to wonder how the fuck we ever got out of div 2.

Fuck off !!
How dare you come onto this forum and deliberately talk sense !!
Watch out, those nasty negatives are out to get youuuuuuuuuu.
nimrod said:
"Fantastic sense at last, great post" ????

Do me a fucking favour mate..

What this guy is saying is if you dont like what Mancini is doing shut the fuck up, dont post your views on a City forum......yeah fucking great post.....turn BM into a happy clapper site where everyone agrees with him, is that what you want ?

Why the fuck does it bother you so much that people have a different opinion than you FFS ?

It bothers me because such opinion is like a cancer eating away at the club,the vast majority are sick to the back teeth of reading and listening to the negativity and pessimism that some of you feel the need to inflict on others.
The irony being every time you manufacture an opportunity to woman and whinge,you're providing the press,and our rivals,with the ammunition to discredit and destabilise our club..... If that's the best support you can offer then i suggest you don't bother.
FantasyIreland said:
nimrod said:
"Fantastic sense at last, great post" ????

Do me a fucking favour mate..

What this guy is saying is if you dont like what Mancini is doing shut the fuck up, dont post your views on a City forum......yeah fucking great post.....turn BM into a happy clapper site where everyone agrees with him, is that what you want ?

Why the fuck does it bother you so much that people have a different opinion than you FFS ?

It bothers me because such opinion is like a cancer eating away at the club,the vast majority are sick to the back teeth of reading and listening to the negativity and pessimism that some of you feel the need to inflict on others.
The irony being every time you manufacture an opportunity to woman and whinge,you're providing the press,and our rivals,with the ammunition to discredit and destabilise our club..... If that's the best support you can offer then i suggest you don't bother.

Well said mate. We have enough enemies already. End of the season is the time to openly debate this when the results and achievements (or otherwise) can be put into proper perspective. In the meantime whether you like Mancini or not (and I'm not totally convinced) we should get behind the club from top to bottom regardless of doubts. Who knows what might happen?! Don't give the feckers any ammunition to shoot us with in the meantime. They make enough of their own up as it is.
FantasyIreland said:
nimrod said:
"Fantastic sense at last, great post" ????

Do me a fucking favour mate..

What this guy is saying is if you dont like what Mancini is doing shut the fuck up, dont post your views on a City forum......yeah fucking great post.....turn BM into a happy clapper site where everyone agrees with him, is that what you want ?

Why the fuck does it bother you so much that people have a different opinion than you FFS ?

It bothers me because such opinion is like a cancer eating away at the club,the vast majority are sick to the back teeth of reading and listening to the negativity and pessimism that some of you feel the need to inflict on others.
The irony being every time you manufacture an opportunity to woman and whinge,you're providing the press,and our rivals,with the ammunition to discredit and destabilise our club..... If that's the best support you can offer then i suggest you don't bother.

what a load of soft crap.........if opinions upset you so much why come on a forum and read them

Im sick to the back teeth of fans like you whinging about people airing their views. Maybe you wanna watch City playing like shite but I dont, and I'll say it on a forum (as is my right) whether you like it or not
City have always played like shite. I was born 71 so missed the good years. Yet sometimes, just sometimes we play as though we are in heaven.

All this negativity ,really cheeses me off- -Lets just see how the team respond -considering we had 10 men at home to Arsenal we had 7 great chances to score-also poor performance agaist wolves -yet we also had 7 great chances to score. If we get positive results on thurs / sun then beat Utd -Mancini will be the bees knees .Soon we will be pummelling teams -lets get behind the team cos the press are having a field day with our beloved club.
fruitcake8685 said:
City have always played like shite. I was born 71 so missed the good years. Yet sometimes, just sometimes we play as though we are in heaven.


I saw them win the league mate, that team made me a City fan (my Dad was red) and your right since then its been shite with the odd exception, notably Svens first few months
this is all bollocks, of course. But if City ditched Mancini anytime soon a large part of my love for the club would disappear. It would be a long while before i could get back on the stands, showing my support for the club. In fact, it would make me completely change my opinion of the owners, and view their stewardship in a different light

Mancini is the future, i wish people would show their support in the face of the haters, idiots and uninformed who want to see us fail

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