City to start charging blue badge holders for matchday disabled parking

Why not free? Somebody decided it should be free many years ago for a good reason so why change it? We're not exactly a skint club scrambling down the sofa for loose change tomoay our bills are we?
It’s a disgrace the club need to rethink this charging for disabled parking..what next just clear them disabled supporters out and put extra seating in,the club needs to take a long hard look at itself over this and whoever came up with this idea is a shithouse ..
Regretfully this is par for the course society is now “ I am alright jack”. Some comments on the forum are a prime example of Blue Badge holders should not have any advantages as they have a lot of money or they are just pretending. I lost both legs fighting for my country and have had very little assistance to date I have paid out £20000 for a lift, £10000 for a wet room and now have no savings just rely on my benefits. I hope that some critical people never have to rely on others for help.
Right so because your dads well off and there are similar people it’s ok to raise the prices and charge a lot more.

What about the people that aren’t well off? I’m going to bet large numbers of blue badge holders are disabled people or elderly, who on average don’t earn a lot of money, rely on benefits or struggle to walk. Are you ok with those people being priced out or making it even more difficult for them to attend games?

Based on your argument there’s a lot of well off season ticket holders. Why don’t we just double the price of season tickets. Who cares about the people lower down who this probably effects more than anyone else.

Right so because your dads well off and there are similar people it’s ok to raise the prices and charge a lot more.

What about the people that aren’t well off? I’m going to bet large numbers of blue badge holders are disabled people or elderly, who on average don’t earn a lot of money, rely on benefits or struggle to walk. Are you ok with those people being priced out or making it even more difficult for them to attend games?

Based on your argument there’s a lot of well off season ticket holders. Why don’t we just double the price of season tickets. Who cares about the people lower down who this probably effects more than anyone else.
What about all those that are not disabled but struggle with money but still have to pay for Parking. The spaces are there to make sure those who need it can park close, no need for it to be free. I'd except it being reduced cost like a senior citizen season ticket but it shouldn't be free. Those well off season ticket holders don't pay double the price on tickets though do they, but they pay for parking lol.
Let's hope you never find out first hand one day eh?
That's ridiculous, if one day I can't afford to go then I can't afford to go. There's lots of things in life I can't afford to do, that's life. A pay loads to go to city, more than I'd like to be honest, but I can choose not to. What about those who will happily pay for a disabled spot but can't get one because those who selfishly have booked them up because there free then don't turn up.
Regretfully this is par for the course society is now “ I am alright jack”. Some comments on the forum are a prime example of Blue Badge holders should not have any advantages as they have a lot of money or they are just pretending. I lost both legs fighting for my country and have had very little assistance to date I have paid out £20000 for a lift, £10000 for a wet room and now have no savings just rely on my benefits. I hope that some critical people never have to rely on others for help.
That's very sad to hear and imo you deserve all the help you can get. But your the extreme. 50% booked these free spaces last year and didn't turn up, what about those who would happily pay to allow them to be nearer the ground but can't abuse of those selfish people who taken up spaces they didn't need.
That's very sad to hear and imo you deserve all the help you can get. But your the extreme. 50% booked these free spaces last year and didn't turn up, what about those who would happily pay to allow them to be nearer the ground but can't abuse of those selfish people who taken up spaces they didn't need.
So some abuse the system so punish everyone just in case, nice logic
Pure guess work.

Let’s say there’s 100 blue badge parking spaces on a match day. There could be more. There could be less. But let’s go with 100 for arguments sake.

100 x £228 = £22,800 per season income to the club.

Is it really worth it for the bad PR?

Come on!

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