City to start charging blue badge holders for matchday disabled parking

Does the decision to charge affect you directly in any way?
What sort of response is that? Since when can we only have an opinion on aspects that affect us directly?

Just for the record, yes it would affect my match going experience as currently we have a disabled person who we take to the games, and as it stands, we get free parking. Not that it’s any of your business.
I posted this a bit earlier in the thread

That's true, but according to Scope UK, people living with a disability face extra costs on average of £570 a month as a result of their impairment.

This ‘disability price tag’ costs an average of £6,840 a year; however one in four disabled people pay over £12,000 a year extra due to their condition.

The nature of the extra costs vary significantly across different disabilities, with some of the main costs covering specialist equipment such as wheelchairs, alterations to the home and increased transport costs.

As a result, for every £100 a disabled person earns, their spending power is just £67.

The increased cost of living with a disability, in conjunction with possible reduced working hours, means that disabled people are disproportionately living in poverty. Disabled adults are actually twice as likely as non-disabled adults to live in persistent poverty. Pretty shite state of affairs when you think about it.
And this is now Manchester City’s fault?

It’s a government issue.
Again, I go back to what City are actually making a season from this disastrous PR stunt.

Let’s say 100 car park spaces. I don’t think it’s that many? Is it 50 car park spaces?

This season. A token gesture by the club. £6.

100x£6 = £600. £600 x 19 PL home games = £11,400.
100x£12 = £1,200. 19 x £1200 = £22,800.

Throw in a few CL games.

Have the club become that desperate in the pursuit of increasing match day revenue that they are really prepared to charge our disabled supporters £22,800 a season to park their cars close to the ground. £22,800!

Sheikh Mansour.

As part of that, we will absolutely spend time listening to you the fans about what you think about the future of the club. We are very aware that without you there would not be a club to buy, and your voice will be heard by the organisation at the highest level.

And what will the club do with their extra £22,800? That will just cover their post season piss up I bet.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is also down to mis-use of the badges. I don’t what percentage are fraudulently used, but I’m guessing it’s pretty high.
My friend and I park in the disabled car park at city and it is noticeable how many cars you see in that zone with no visible disabled persons on board. I do concede that not all disabilities are visible but I agree with you I feel that there's quite a few people abusing the scheme. However, i do feel it's a PR mistake by the club to start charging for the disabled parking.
My friend and I park in the disabled car park at city and it is noticeable how many cars you see in that zone with no visible disabled persons on board. I do concede that not all disabilities are visible but I agree with you I feel that there's quite a few people abusing the scheme. However, i do feel it's a PR mistake by the club to start charging for the disabled parking.
Without getting properly involved may I just ask this question? Do all the cars parking in disabled bays display their blue badges/disabled badge?
That is one of the things I have noticed over the years the number of people who park in the disabled bays but don't display a Blue badge/disabled badge.
Without getting properly involved may I just ask this question? Do all the cars parking in disabled bays display their blue badges/disabled badge?
That is one of the things I have noticed over the years the number of people who park in the disabled bays but don't display a Blue badge/disabled badge.
The car registration is recognised by the ANPR the club keeps from your online booking when entering the orange car park. We always display my friends blue badge and park in the wheelchair sector not the ambient sector. I see very few blue badges in the ambient section but a high number in the wheelchair sector. We are both of the conclusion that there is high number of people park in the ambient sector without a disabled person in the car.
The car registration is recognised by the ANPR the club keeps from your online booking when entering the orange car park. We always display my friends blue badge and park in the wheelchair sector not the ambient sector. I see very few blue badges in the ambient section but a high number in the wheelchair sector. We are both of the conclusion that there is high number of people park in the ambient sector without a disabled person in the car.
Thank you. I just wondered. :-) It does state on the Blue Badge that it should be shown if using a disabled bay.
Thank you. I just wondered. :-) It does state on the Blue Badge that it should be shown if using a disabled bay.
The stewards looking after that area never ask to see a blue badge so as long as your car registration matches the booking in you go. When we played Arsenal towards the end of last season a newish Range Rover parked up next to our car and it had 5 able bodied Tarquins on board and not one of them showed any sign of being disabled.
The stewards looking after that area never ask to see a blue badge so as long as your car registration matches the booking in you go. When we played Arsenal towards the end of last season a newish Range Rover parked up next to our car and it had 5 able bodied Tarquins on board and not one of them showed any sign of being disabled.
That's what annoys people. *grrr*

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