City v Liverpool Post Match

tolmie's hairdoo said:
robbieh said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I didn't hear no bell, that's what Rocky said.

Those bastards are counting on us quitting.

We can tear the arse out of plenty shortcomings this season, but the cold hard facts aren't about Van Persie, or how better United supposedly are.

Our home record is the only reason we are now nine points behind.

Arsenal, Everton, Liverpool, six points dropped.

United loss, another three.

Simple as that. Certain players in our squad don't have the required mentality to sustain success on a consistent basis.

I am curious. Nasri obviously springs to mind. But who are the others?

I defo believe the likes of Nasri, Mario, Barry, Tevez, Dzeko and Lescott feel they have fulfilled their brief.

Whether it be down to advancing years, wanting out or at odds with the manager.

Nasri is a lightweight full stop I agree. Mancini mentioned somewhere this morning about the importance of a player's character.

Barry still looks like he is giving it his all. Edin does look a bit sulky. Tevez who knows. Joleon if he is prepared to be a backup is still useful.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
robbieh said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I didn't hear no bell, that's what Rocky said.

Those bastards are counting on us quitting.

We can tear the arse out of plenty shortcomings this season, but the cold hard facts aren't about Van Persie, or how better United supposedly are.

Our home record is the only reason we are now nine points behind.

Arsenal, Everton, Liverpool, six points dropped.

United loss, another three.

Simple as that. Certain players in our squad don't have the required mentality to sustain success on a consistent basis.

I am curious. Nasri obviously springs to mind. But who are the others?

I defo believe the likes of Nasri, Mario, Barry, Tevez, Dzeko and Lescott feel they have fulfilled their brief.

Whether it be down to advancing years, wanting out or at odds with the manager.
i think this is bullshit . Do you really think they don't want to win the league again and they are not trying as much as last year.
The cookie monster said:
scousemanc said:
Just got in from the match and I learned 3 things today:

1. Liverpool are an improving team under Rogers.
2. City are running out of ideas
3. United to win the league, not because they are 9 points ahead, but because they are the better team this season.

On the plus side, this is a transitional season for the new excutive management and they will develop a strategy for the future including player changes in the summer. We can't win the league every year.
Must admit i keep hearing this,and on the way home it was non stop on the radio how much better they are than last year

They have gone out earlier in the f a cup than last season
They have gone out of the league cup earlier than last season
They have less points at this stage than they did last season

Yet they are improving!!!!

Well I havent heard the radio cos I was on my motorbike! But that was the best Liverpool performance against us I've seen in recent years. Their approach and style of play has improved beyond measure. They gave us the run around today and I am prepared to give Rogers credit for that.
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Fucking awful! League is officially fucking over congratulations City for a pitiful try at retaining it

You can thank a certain Mr Marwood.

My father had a saying that went 'It's not the same day that a leaf will fall & turn rotten, even though it's dead it takes time before it looks dead'. And this was us after a disasterous summer transfer window.

I couldn't say the last time we looked so ordinary & to make matters worse, were had the home advantage. I firmly back Mancini, but for the life of me why did we start with both Nastasic & Lescott. Neither played badly, but we needed at least 1 centre-back who could add to the play & bring the ball out of defence.

We should have had Garcia playing alongside either of them, Milner in the middle with Barry & one of Nasri or Tevez starting! I knew we were in trouble as soon as the starting lineup was announced & so it proved to be.

We were crying out for creativity & possession so why the fuck were Kolorov & Maicon brought on ahead of Tevez or Nasri? Why did we buy Sinclair when for £2m more we could have bought Sturridge home & made him pay a pennance for being such an ill-advised knob when he was here?

All our failings with the depth & quality of our squad were cruelly exposed today. But the silver lining from today is that Mancini, Txiki & Soriano will know that a third of our squad will have to be culled this summer & the quality we should have brought in last summer will be acquired this time around.

One summer of Marwood & he royally fucked up the last great chance we're probably going to get to move ahead of the Rags before FFP begins to bite us on the arse. I'm jus fuckin gutted & glad that Chavski & Le Arse seem to be in a worse state that us otherwise we could easily be sweating over Champions League qualification.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
EaglesFan said:
FIFA managers keep screaming "Cavani"!!, "Suarez"!!, "Jovetic"!!!

But guess what - Dzeko and Kun can do it, central midfield of Garcia/Barry/Rodwell CANT.

Number one priority next year. MIDFIELD.

I would say a manger that has a plan B would be good

He did...took Nastasic off and went to a back 3 of Clichy, Lescott and Zab and had Kolarov and Maicon on to give more width. Not his fault the quality wasn't on show from City today.
think zaba was burnt out after playing so many in a row. glad to see maicon back, he looked dangerous. thought when he was put through by kun that we had a goal coming
Dippers dominated midfield and we gave them too much space. Their two goals were well taken and corkers. Apart from that one save from Hart, diving to the left to deny Suarez, they did not create that much.
Bah. Can't allow a team to have that much possession.
At least we showed some spirit to deny Liverpool winning - shame the passion gave too late.
The cookie monster said:
chesterbells said:
The cookie monster said:
I just want to know who we will replace him with
Did you not understand my question?

Of course I understood your question, I just choosing to draw from it what I think you are inferring - which I don't agree with. I could have just come out with a name - Mourinho for example - but that would just veer off into a discussion about him.
Anyway, there you go, Ive given you a name: now, did you understand my question?
Yes swap a manager who is 9 points behind for one who is not far off 20 behind in his league,and way behind 2nd place too
Seems a like a good plan.
Is that how football works in your mind?
Dribble said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Fucking awful! League is officially fucking over congratulations City for a pitiful try at retaining it

You can thank a certain Mr Marwood.

My father had a saying that went 'It's not the same day that a leaf will fall & turn rotten, even though it's dead it takes time before it looks dead'. And this was us after a disasterous summer transfer window.

I couldn't say the last time we looked so ordinary & to make matters worse, were had the home advantage. I firmly back Mancini, but for the life of me why did we start with both Nastasic & Lescott. Neither played badly, but we needed at least 1 centre-back who could add to the play & bring the ball out of defence.

We should have had Garcia playing alongside either of them, Milner in the middle with Barry & one of Nasri or Tevez starting! I knew we were in trouble as soon as the starting lineup was announced & so it proved to be.

We were crying out for creativity & possession so why the fuck were Kolorov & Maicon brought on ahead of Tevez or Nasri? Why did we buy Sinclair when for £2m more we could have bought Sturridge home & made him pay a pennance for being such an ill-advised knob when he was here?

All our failings with the depth & quality of our squad were cruelly exposed today. But the silver lining from today is that Mancini, Txiki & Soriano will know that a third of our squad will have to be culled this summer & the quality we should have brought in last summer will be acquired this time around.

One summer of Marwood & he royally fucked up the last great chance we're probably going to get to move ahead of the Rags before FFP begins to bite us on the arse. I'm jus fuckin gutted & glad that Chavski & Le Arse seem to be in a worse state that us otherwise we could easily be sweating over Champions League qualification.
just fuck off are your parents italian.
forevermancity said:
The cookie monster said:
chesterbells said:
Of course I understood your question, I just choosing to draw from it what I think you are inferring - which I don't agree with. I could have just come out with a name - Mourinho for example - but that would just veer off into a discussion about him.
Anyway, there you go, Ive given you a name: now, did you understand my question?
Yes swap a manager who is 9 points behind for one who is not far off 20 behind in his league,and way behind 2nd place too
Seems a like a good plan.
Is that how football works in your mind?
No mate he is also a **** :)

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