City v Napoli Post Match Discussion Thread

VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
Tevez' warm up and performance was embarrassing for a professional athlete

ever seen Tevez warm up before? it's always the same. sometimes talent and not working harder than everyone else on the training pitch is enough, it's just a fact that us mere mortals with no talent have to deal with. I honestly don't see his performance as that bad, he only really got the ball in traffic for the 10 minutes he was on. for me he should've been on a lot earlier.

problem tonight, (despite playing well), not enough work by Toure on his defensive duties in the middle of the park, yes he went flying in and made some wonderful challenges but his laziness and inability to chase back (where nigel would) cost us, especially on the goal. On top of that (as much as it would've been in the game plan), Kolarov, who was for me very poor despite the goal, and Zaba were way too high when the bull really wasn't in any sort of attacking position, overlapping into no space when the ball is on halfway against a team who are killer on the break, were always going to get hurt, and did.

As far as silva and nasri go, not enough desire for the ball, the movement you usually see from them was lost, when times were tough they weren't coming back to get the ball then looking forward, more just wanted to sit around that final 3rd and hope the ball found them. Can't fault Dzeko, would've been a frustrating night for the big lad, not much room at all, did a good job skipping away from his man plenty of times but yes very tought to break down.

all in all, disappointing, but nothing to get too fussed over. Just hope the boys can turn it on against fulham.
Had to laugh at the young boys on here confidently predicting an easy 5-0 victory. It was always going to be a tough game. Quite frankly, our style of football is better suited to away games where we can use our skill to counter-attack like we did at White Hart Lane. A draw may still prove to be a good result.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:38 am --<br /><br />Here is a goodish article from the Guardian, although a little too critical of Bazza for my taste.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... we-learned</a>
Would have been 3-2 if the chances that hit the bar went in....

wonder how many shots we have had in our first few games that have hit the bar/post - I'm sure there have been quite a few....
Havent seen any press or read any posts yet so I'm probably repeating.

We did alright against a very dangerous Napoli. They came with a gameplan to defend in numbers and snatch a goal on the counter and it worked for them. They are a very hard team to beat at the best of times.

Thought Kolarov was poor, especially in the first half where he was constantly outwitted by the movement and technique of Hamsik. Yaya was frustrating as he was often caught dwelling on the ball, which stopped a lot of our momentum at times. For the third match this year, Kompany has made a mistake which cost us a goal which is worrying.

AJ was a change for the better but I can't help but feel that it came ten minutes too late. We ran out of ideas in the later parts until the subs came on.

The biggest thing to affect us was nerves. You could see it in the stadium which transferred to the players. It increased as the game became more frustrating. A point is alright and I still fancy us to win the group.
Thought it was a great match,they have a strong team so was never going to be easy,we def edged the match but would never argue they didnt deserve a point....Early days!
Damocles said:
Havent seen any press or read any posts yet so I'm probably repeating.

We did alright against a very dangerous Napoli. They came with a gameplan to defend in numbers and snatch a goal on the counter and it worked for them. They are a very hard team to beat at the best of times.

Thought Kolarov was poor, especially in the first half where he was constantly outwitted by the movement and technique of Hamsik. Yaya was frustrating as he was often caught dwelling on the ball, which stopped a lot of our momentum at times. For the third match this year, Kompany has made a mistake which cost us a goal which is worrying.

AJ was a change for the better but I can't help but feel that it came ten minutes too late. We ran out of ideas in the later parts until the subs came on.

The biggest thing to affect us was nerves. You could see it in the stadium which transferred to the players. It increased as the game became more frustrating. A point is alright and I still fancy us to win the group.
I had Kolarov down as one of City's best players. Silva and Nasri struggled to dictate the game in the way they usually do, but the game was full of quality, and played at a very high intensity.

I don't think all Champions League games are like that. We've just got a very tough group because we are a third seed.

AJ and Tevez could have perhaps come on 10 mins earlier - you could see Napoli getting more of the game in the 2nd half

-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:12 am --

migmanc said:
one word "disappointed"
With the result, but the standard was very high.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:15 am --<br /><br />
The cookie monster said:
Thought it was a great match,they have a strong team so was never going to be easy,we def edged the match but would never argue they didnt deserve a point....Early days!
But it was a game we needed to win. Teams will take points off each other in this group though. I'd like to see how Napoli play at home in this group. Blanket defence is no good at home when you only picked up a point away.

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