City v Saints post match

Fair points there.
We've seen us playing some wonderful football (and we saw that under Mancini and Pellers too), but we've seen complacency and carelessness cost us dear too. The phrase 'depends which City turn up' is still a common one.

We can say the same for Arsenal, Spurs, Liverpool, Chelsea and United too - all can play very well, or have a stinker. For me though, the real pain is that I think we have a squad that's more than a match for any of those teams, but we're not capitalising on that superiority. Someone else mentioned that we're probably at least 1 title short of where we could be, and to miss out on another would be very disappointing.

Sure, we are still top, but is it so wrong to believe we could / should be pulling away already?

I think we will get better throughout the season so if we are around top we are doing fine, the only concern is if the players don't want to adapt because it is easier not too, in that case we have to get rid, I hope this isn't the case as we are at least 2 league titles down from were we should be. Another wasted season would be quite annoying
Not a criticism of Gundagon.......however this season is a carbon copy of last season when we tried to shoe horn KDB into the side after a great start.

We were much more fluid at the start of the season and more importantly kept the ball....... Our ball retention is shocking at the moment.......with Fernandinho, Gundagon and KDB especially guilty.

The big difference is we are now being pressed high up the pitch which has either stopped us playing out from the back or forced us into mistakes.......we also do not seem to press ourselves like we did at the beginning of the interesting to see if we are still running as far !

We need to remember that Pep has only had one transfer window.........he will already now know who needs to be replaced so that he can implement his systems and ideas.

The big plusses today were the return of Kompany, the form of Sane and the second half performance of Sterling.

Gundogan took the easy option too many times imo. Fernando can do that & tackle better. He is supposed to add more intelligence & forward fluency, not turn like a battleship.
Poor performance from all except Sane in the first half. I think Pep has the same issue I had with Pelligrini, he takes too long to sub. Nolito should have been introduced for Aguero at some point. I don't know if it's a lack of confidence or disinterest, either way, Aguero is not working for the team right now. We also need another playmaker... The only comfort we have right now is that we are still in first place after a shitty run.
Takes too long to sub?!?! He subbed KDB at half time!!
No we wont so calm down dear. We have the best manager and qe are right in the mix. Pelligrini set this team back years wuth his decisions so have a little patience eh. The balance wasnt quite there today against a decent side. Watch us in the new year when we get a couple of dynamic full backs. I presume you are a city fan??

Yes I am. And I was a city fan last year too when I was one of the few on here sticking up for our then manager and getting shouted down every time because he was "shite" and a "fucking corpse". I was also told, repeatedly, that when we get Pep all this will be forgotten. He's the best in the world etc.

And yet, in Europe we have gone backwards alarmingly, and in the league we are more or less on par with what Pellers achieved last season DESPITE having a squad that has had millions lavished on it, DESPITE united being the worst united side for decades with a busted flush as manager, DESPITE Chelsea having to come from further back than ourselves, and with a new manager too and, most tellingly, DESPITE having the manager in place that we have stood on the sidelines winking at for four years, ruffling our skirts. And with the entire club being run in his image for the last four years from the tea lady to the boardroom. It's all there for him. It's still most definitely early enough for him to turn around this mini slump, and he has shown balls in some of his decision making that I applaud, but if all that happens this season is we tread water it makes the four year courtship and the sacking of two excellent managers that went into it to make room for Pep look desperate and ridiculous.

I'm also beginning to wonder if he has a touch of the Steve coppells about him.
read the thread. It's full of would be managers who think they know better.

Seriously we need to get behind the man, cos hearing booing is the start of a slippery slope.

To be fair to you that is an admirable sentiment. Were you saying that last year, and the year before, and the year before as well.? If so fair play.
Yes I am. And I was a city fan last year too when I was one of the few on here sticking up for our then manager and getting shouted down every time because he was "shite" and a "fucking corpse". I was also told, repeatedly, that when we get Pep all this will be forgotten. He's the best in the world etc.

And yet, in Europe we have gone backwards alarmingly, and in the league we are more or less on par with what Pellers achieved last season DESPITE having a squad that has had millions lavished on it, DESPITE united being the worst united side for decades with a busted flush as manager, DESPITE Chelsea having to come from further back than ourselves, and with a new manager too and, most tellingly, DESPITE having the manager in place that we have stood on the sidelines winking at for four years, ruffling our skirts. And with the entire club being run in his image for the last four years from the tea lady to the boardroom. It's all there for him. It's still most definitely early enough for him to turn around this mini slump, and he has shown balls in some of his decision making that I applaud, but if all that happens this season is we tread water it makes the four year courtship and the sacking of two excellent managers that went into it to make room for Pep look desperate and ridiculous.

I'm also beginning to wonder if he has a touch of the Steve coppells about him.

If you can't see the progress we've made in terms of tactics and style of play then frankly you're a fool. Results-aside (which overall have been good) this team is far more promising than last seasons or the season before.
Yes I am. And I was a city fan last year too when I was one of the few on here sticking up for our then manager and getting shouted down every time because he was "shite" and a "fucking corpse". I was also told, repeatedly, that when we get Pep all this will be forgotten. He's the best in the world etc.

And yet, in Europe we have gone backwards alarmingly, and in the league we are more or less on par with what Pellers achieved last season DESPITE having a squad that has had millions lavished on it, DESPITE united being the worst united side for decades with a busted flush as manager, DESPITE Chelsea having to come from further back than ourselves, and with a new manager too and, most tellingly, DESPITE having the manager in place that we have stood on the sidelines winking at for four years, ruffling our skirts. And with the entire club being run in his image for the last four years from the tea lady to the boardroom. It's all there for him. It's still most definitely early enough for him to turn around this mini slump, and he has shown balls in some of his decision making that I applaud, but if all that happens this season is we tread water it makes the four year courtship and the sacking of two excellent managers that went into it to make room for Pep look desperate and ridiculous.

I'm also beginning to wonder if he has a touch of the Steve coppells about him.

I think you have some points but on the whole, you are wumming fella and it isnt on.

Not for the first time either.

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