City v Spurs post match

Pep should have fuckin exploded in his post match interview and ripped into the officials for totally fucking us over, pen and red card not given and 60 seconds later they score, it's a disgrace the way we roll over and take it, taggart would have made sure we were watching the twats like hawks
I agree, we need to kick off and complain, it's f!**** ridiculous. Chelsea & today - 5 points stolen.
You're kidding???

He totally owned walker (which not many do) for the whole game... Easily city's best player in another big match, by things ahead for this lad!

nope not kidding..Listen he played well, but he was also wasteful and drifted in and out of the game......worked hard for his goal and got what he deserved but created little......

I dont doubt he will be a good player..possibly a great player and one who has a good future.....I thnnk GJ will be better however
Anyone who thinks Toure didnt play well today needs there fooking eyes testing he was imense his positional play and use of the ball given he was really our only holding midfielder player was superb and this was against a team that have been overunning teams for fun in recent weeks from Midfield yes he cant dominate games now with lung bursting runs, but his ball retention coolness under pressure and passing was outstanding today
We played very well. Return to 4-1-4-1 with silva and de bruyne central and it showed. I wasn't convinced with having yaya in the holding role alone but it worked well for the most part.

wonder what we do when Fernandihnio returns????...drop Yaya?????? would be more like how we started the first few games
Yes the refs had a shocker but i much prefer we put away our chances so a shit decision like that doesn't effect us.

Won't be refreeing decisions that will do us
Cheated out of a fucking result at home two seasons running against these bastards.

Had them on the ropes and somehow managed to let them off with a draw. Can't complain about the performance. Created so many opportunities but couldn't take enough of them to kill the game. Think they scored with their two attempts on goal. We do need leadership and game management to get us over the line in games like this. Enjoyed Sane's performance and Jesus looked like he was well up for it. Shame he didn't get longer.
When we put the highlights up on CityTV why on earth do we not show the obvious decisions that did not go our way. At least the game changing ones.

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