City v Sunderland Post Match Discussion Thread

CTID101 said:
Overall it was a poor performance until the last 10. Something which is good enough when you do your job properly.

We didn't today which was the biggest shame. The basics failed some players and then the gulf in class flickered for the last push and it brought 2 goals.

Balotelli will get slated whatever but he did well today, worked hard and scored a fantastic goal and a pen. Showed the bad Mario when he threw a fit over the freekick but at least he showed some heart and drive? as Kolarov's fk bar one were poor today.

Kolarov consistently delivered but no one gambled to get their head on it and alot of them were cleared. Defended as he usually does ie not fantastically so i am not even going to put that as a flaw anymore because he won't get any better. Should have started v Stoke and Clichy should have played today.

Pizarro was on for 10mins? and in that time he picked the ball up and sprayed the ball about causing S'Land alot of problems. Should have been on earlier.

The above 3 were the best players today imo.

Maybe this is part of the problem.
"Balotelli will get slated whatever but he did well today, worked hard and scored a fantastic goal and a pen."

Personally I thought Mario was worse than poor in the vast majority of the game but he scored a nice penalty and he is as good as anyone around with penalties and then of course he scored a superb goal. Is it enough to be able to do that in a game? Well I suppose it should be.If he scores 2 goals a game then we would win almost every time.

The bit I take issue with is "worked hard".He didn't.He hardly made a run of note and seemed to be to be hiding and when the ball was played to him knock it back (he was even getting that pass wrong) I think he offered almost nothing as a target man and as I said I didnt think he was making runs to help.
Jumanji said:
CTID101 said:
Jumanji said:
Because our midfield besides Yaya is dead average for the style we want to play.

We put Pizarro on, the game changes.
Our midfield is fine it is the fuckers upfront who are failing to do anything for 80mins of the match.

Pizarro does change the game and has done pretty much every time he has comeon so why he doesnt start then get taken off i have no idea.

Some bad decisions from Mancini but every manager makes them and will do so in the future.
Bullshit. Our midfield is DEAD AVERAGE apart from Yaya.

The only midfielder on our entire team that has excellent vision to cut a team with a pass is Pizarro.

That's IT. Not even Yaya. His vision is good but not on the level of Pizarro's.

For the entire match, we struggled because we make 5 passes to get the ball in a good position to attack and by then Sunderland have gotten into a defensive shape to stifle us.

For example: 5 passes before AJ gets the then he has 3 Sunderland players breathing on him.

Pizarro makes those passes in 1 move, indirectly speeding up the tempo by FAR.
Except that AJ still did. nothing with the wonderful passes he recieved
If today was just an off day then it wouldn't be so bad, but it seems to be becoming a worrying trend.

united are just going about their business, doing what they always do and grinding out results (by fair means or foul - its no different to any other year) and importantly, just getting the job done.

We were almost playing "fantasy" football in the first half of the season, putting in performances like we had never witnessed before at City.

Now, it seems as if we are on the verge of imploding - and that free kick shennanigans today was was disgusting to watch. Balotelli is a fantastic penalty taker but he cannot be allowed to act in the manner he did. It's a team game and as we all know there's no "I" in "Team" (although there is a "U" in "****" which was how he acted in that situation.

But it wasn't all Balotelli's fault, there were too many who had a shocker today.

Can anything be salvaged this season?? Who know's, but as things stand, with us chasing them, it won't hurt to try something different.

This is where Mancini (and his staff) must earn their money.

If we can see that Silva isn't playing well, surely they can see the same too??

Football is simple, at any level. If a player isn't playing well, then they should be dropped and the player coming in to take their place should grasp the opportunity and make themselves impossible to be dropped.

As for Dowd's timekeeping - it's irrelevant, because we shouldn't have put ourselves in the position in the first place that we need an extra 30 seconds to get a winner.

Still, we all live in the moment and at this moment in time, we're all pretty pissed off. But, we don't know what's around the corner and hopefully the moment in life around 10.00 Monday night we will be feeling a little better thanks to Blackburn Rovers.

Now, for the rest of the season, I just want to see all players giving 100% for 100% of the time. We've supported City long enough to accept that if players aren't good enough, yet put in a shift every match then it isn't for the want of trying.

What isn't acceptable is talented players consistently underperforming.

Get your shit together City and make us as proud as we've ever been!!
ctidcarl said:
If today was just an off day then it wouldn't be so bad, but it seems to be becoming a worrying trend.

united are just going about their business, doing what they always do and grinding out results (by fair means or foul - its no different to any other year) and importantly, just getting the job done.

We were almost playing "fantasy" football in the first half of the season, putting in performances like we had never witnessed before at City.

Now, it seems as if we are on the verge of imploding - and that free kick shennanigans today was was disgusting to watch. Balotelli is a fantastic penalty taker but he cannot be allowed to act in the manner he did. It's a team game and as we all know there's no "I" in "Team" (although there is a "U" in "****" which was how he acted in that situation.

But it wasn't all Balotelli's fault, there were too many who had a shocker today.

Can anything be salvaged this season?? Who know's, but as things stand, with us chasing them, it won't hurt to try something different.

This is where Mancini (and his staff) must earn their money.

If we can see that Silva isn't playing well, surely they can see the same too??

Football is simple, at any level. If a player isn't playing well, then they should be dropped and the player coming in to take their place should grasp the opportunity and make themselves impossible to be dropped.

As for Dowd's timekeeping - it's irrelevant, because we shouldn't have put ourselves in the position in the first place that we need an extra 30 seconds to get a winner.

Still, we all live in the moment and at this moment in time, we're all pretty pissed off. But, we don't know what's around the corner and hopefully the moment in life around 10.00 Monday night we will be feeling a little better thanks to Blackburn Rovers.

Now, for the rest of the season, I just want to see all players giving 100% for 100% of the time. We've supported City long enough to accept that if players aren't good enough, yet put in a shift every match then it isn't for the want of trying.

What isn't acceptable is talented players consistently underperforming.

Get your shit together City and make us as proud as we've ever been!!
Missed key players at a key moment. Their 2nd goal coming at a psychologically key point in the game was hard to take. Self-inflicted.

Forget form at this stage. It's just about winning. 2 bad results make it very difficult, but it's still possible, and still very proud of what we have done
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Comrade Buka said:
citymad said:
I disagree. I just think they arn't talented enough to carry out his plan. I mean some of the ball control today particularly from our Mr. Wonderful was sunday park stuff.

Just fucking wow.

Wow what?

I just think they arn't talented enough to carry out his plan.
Jumanji said:
rnblade said:
Jumanji said:
If United lose a game, it becomes all to play for. I think there are more twists and turns in this.

Let's be honest!! can you really see that happening? apart from the last match, it kills me to say it but they have looked really strong, good direct attacking play with variety. something that WE were doing earlier in the season. teams were scared to play us and hoped for a draw at best, now they see the chance of a win.
Yes I can see United losing one game in addition to the derby. If they do.....and we do what we need to do we will pip them by 1 point.

If United draw 1 game, and we win our games, it will come to goal difference.

How likely is that the way we are playing. I will be amazed if we win 4 of the last 7 never mind 7.
Barcon said:
remoh said:
Barcon said:
Are you joking pal ? Every single one of those players you mention are fucking shite. Have you watched any of them play, as opposed to reading reports on them?

No : I'm not joking (pal). Ade has been first choice forward on Spurs team-sheet all season and has done bloody well. Their form as a team has dropped recently and we have to look at the uncertainty about their manager's future to find the reason for that. They were chasing us for the title before that. Remember?
Bellamy, although he has to be rotated because of previous injuries, has been a revelation for Liverpool. (At least to his detractors) Did you not see the quality of his winning Cup-tie goal against us, or don't you watch the game?

Petrov has been an ever-present for Bolton ever since he left us, playing against the same teams as we do and he's been quality all the way. Exceptional today.
He is obviously not as quick as he was, but still takes up dangerous positions, crosses as well as ever and scores goals. Who do we have who's better, playing wide?

Ireland, after a long time out with injuries, is finally getting a regular game at Villa and gets better every week. He's still young enough to get back to his best.

Now watch Bridge do his stuff under O'Neill.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're not still at school, but you do sound as if you are.

I won't waste my time (or yours) explaining why I think all those players are shit, I just do (and so do many other people). Yes I do watch games (and probably have been doing for a lot longer than you have). Not for one second have I thought that spurs would challenge us for the title either. Just because you go to the trouble of explaining your thoughts doesn't make them any more valid. Now, you want to start being condescending and insulting? I can do that too.

You can form your opinion however you like, Barcon, but if you deny all the evidence, that comes under the heading of prejudice. (most people would regard 'shite' as an insulting term, by the way)
It's possible that you have supported our Club longer than I have, but since I had the privilege of watching the 'Great Team, it's doubtful.

As regards insults, please review your post. You insulted, not just me, but some fantastic players, too. You aren't my pal by the way.
Nelly's Left Foot said:
CTID101 said:
Overall it was a poor performance until the last 10. Something which is good enough when you do your job properly.

We didn't today which was the biggest shame. The basics failed some players and then the gulf in class flickered for the last push and it brought 2 goals.

Balotelli will get slated whatever but he did well today, worked hard and scored a fantastic goal and a pen. Showed the bad Mario when he threw a fit over the freekick but at least he showed some heart and drive? as Kolarov's fk bar one were poor today.

Kolarov consistently delivered but no one gambled to get their head on it and alot of them were cleared. Defended as he usually does ie not fantastically so i am not even going to put that as a flaw anymore because he won't get any better. Should have started v Stoke and Clichy should have played today.

Pizarro was on for 10mins? and in that time he picked the ball up and sprayed the ball about causing S'Land alot of problems. Should have been on earlier.

The above 3 were the best players today imo.

Maybe this is part of the problem.
"Balotelli will get slated whatever but he did well today, worked hard and scored a fantastic goal and a pen."

Personally I thought Mario was worse than poor in the vast majority of the game but he scored a nice penalty and he is as good as anyone around with penalties and then of course he scored a superb goal. Is it enough to be able to do that in a game? Well I suppose it should be.If he scores 2 goals a game then we would win almost every time.

The bit I take issue with is "worked hard".He didn't.He hardly made a run of note and seemed to be to be hiding and when the ball was played to him knock it back (he was even getting that pass wrong) I think he offered almost nothing as a target man and as I said I didnt think he was making runs to help.
Mario was doing my head in, but he came off with 2 goals to his name.

He didn't get involved in the game much but it's hard to tell how much that's down to his movement, and how much was down to poor midfield play

It was only when Pizarro came on that we started to look dangerous

Goals at key times just set us back and we did well in the end to get back to 3-3. Might not be enough. We'll see. I can take being 2nd best when I know we're moving in the right direction.
remoh said:
Barcon said:
remoh said:
No : I'm not joking (pal). Ade has been first choice forward on Spurs team-sheet all season and has done bloody well. Their form as a team has dropped recently and we have to look at the uncertainty about their manager's future to find the reason for that. They were chasing us for the title before that. Remember?
Bellamy, although he has to be rotated because of previous injuries, has been a revelation for Liverpool. (At least to his detractors) Did you not see the quality of his winning Cup-tie goal against us, or don't you watch the game?

Petrov has been an ever-present for Bolton ever since he left us, playing against the same teams as we do and he's been quality all the way. Exceptional today.
He is obviously not as quick as he was, but still takes up dangerous positions, crosses as well as ever and scores goals. Who do we have who's better, playing wide?

Ireland, after a long time out with injuries, is finally getting a regular game at Villa and gets better every week. He's still young enough to get back to his best.

Now watch Bridge do his stuff under O'Neill.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're not still at school, but you do sound as if you are.

I won't waste my time (or yours) explaining why I think all those players are shit, I just do (and so do many other people). Yes I do watch games (and probably have been doing for a lot longer than you have). Not for one second have I thought that spurs would challenge us for the title either. Just because you go to the trouble of explaining your thoughts doesn't make them any more valid. Now, you want to start being condescending and insulting? I can do that too.

You can form your opinion however you like, Barcon, but if you deny all the evidence, that comes under the heading of prejudice. (most people would regard 'shite' as an insulting term, by the way)
It's possible that you have supported our Club longer than I have, but since I had the privilege of watching the 'Great Team, it's doubtful.

As regards insults, please review your post. You insulted, not just me, but some fantastic players, too. You aren't my pal by the way.

Wow, just typed out a long response and somehow deleted it. Either way, I wasn't trying to insult you (I never called you shite), and if you don't want to be pals, that's fine. I'm not really sure what evidence you have provided to prove any of these players fantastic either. I have never, and will never slag off a City player or manager on an internet forum (with the obvious exception of tevez). I at least waited until they were gone before insulting them. P.S, started going in the 60's.

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