City v United ticket info

No, because I have rarely managed to get tickets for them using their cards also. That is the issue really for young fans.

You cannot build points as you cannot get near a lot of games.

Actually they have more as just checked - 6600 each.

I not a member of a SC either as you can build points up that way.
mayo31 said:
No, because I have rarely managed to get tickets for them using their cards also. That is the issue really for young fans.

You cannot build points as you cannot get near a lot of games.

Actually they have more as just checked - 6600 each.

I not a member of a SC either as you can build points up that way.

exactly this^ I'm a young lad and go the nearly every away game, but I can't use my own card because I don't have a lot of points.

I know a 'points whore' as many of you call them who sorts me out with tickets. So just because my points don't show 'loyalty' it dones't mean I don't deserve tickets.

It seems some people are very angry because they don't know a 'points whore' ...
mayo31 said:
Ding Dong said:
Start helping "mates" out.

I feel a bit grim actually coming out with that but I'm now of the opinion that some preservation is needed for those that want to get tickets for away games in the future. This is partly the clubs fault too with the introduction of platinum, superbia and the obvious increase in corporate allocation.

I'm getting married next year and buying a house this year so my away games have been reduced from say between 8-12 domestic and at least 2 European to zero European and a solitary away game this season (Villa). I knew that this sacrifice had to be made as my money was needed elsewhere and I have no regrets, however, I do regret not bothering with platinum and becoming a "points whore". It seems that the majority who can are and there's no shortage of takers for the tickets.

Morally it's not right but nobody will pat me on the back for my morality when I'm watching Arsenal v City on the TV rather than being at the Emirates will they??

Surely the flaw in you`re master plan is....I`ve not got a ticket myself so I can`t "help a mate out". And all the popular aways , I want to go to and unpopular aways, only true fans want to go to.

So let me make this clear......Anybody in the City section of the swamp with over 12000 points fully deserves to be there and I do not have a problem with them.......It`s anyone with less I have the problem with.

Why do you have a problem with them? Do you believe they do not deserve it based on some sense of 'loyalty'?

I have 8000 points as I have chosen not to buy platinum. If I had I would no doubt have basic a 9000 points which would in turn have given me access to more away tickets using my own card and pushed my points up to say 11000 or even 12000 as in the last 4 seasons when not platinum I have been to over 45 away games.

I do not care anymore about loyalty points and who has what and where I get my tickets. I will do what I can to get to a game.

For the record I have got 3 for the derby game for me, my son and daughter. All sat together. They have 5500 points each. They have been season ticket holders since they were 6 years old and been to all except 5 of the away games i have been to in the last 4 seasons but according to you they do not deserve a ticket for Utd.

That kind of loyalty (better fan) crap pisses me off.
I never said that you`re kids don`t deserve a ticket.....It`s you who doesn`t.
If you qualified legit ie over 12000 then by all means get your kids alongside you. And your kids would get points.

And also where did I say loyalty = "better fan" It`s City who called them loyalty points, not Who you know Points.

OH and by the way thanks for the deleted PM ////////
mayo31 said:
Ding Dong said:
Start helping "mates" out.

I feel a bit grim actually coming out with that but I'm now of the opinion that some preservation is needed for those that want to get tickets for away games in the future. This is partly the clubs fault too with the introduction of platinum, superbia and the obvious increase in corporate allocation.

I'm getting married next year and buying a house this year so my away games have been reduced from say between 8-12 domestic and at least 2 European to zero European and a solitary away game this season (Villa). I knew that this sacrifice had to be made as my money was needed elsewhere and I have no regrets, however, I do regret not bothering with platinum and becoming a "points whore". It seems that the majority who can are and there's no shortage of takers for the tickets.

Morally it's not right but nobody will pat me on the back for my morality when I'm watching Arsenal v City on the TV rather than being at the Emirates will they??

Surely the flaw in you`re master plan is....I`ve not got a ticket myself so I can`t "help a mate out". And all the popular aways , I want to go to and unpopular aways, only true fans want to go to.

So let me make this clear......Anybody in the City section of the swamp with over 12000 points fully deserves to be there and I do not have a problem with them.......It`s anyone with less I have the problem with.

Why do you have a problem with them? Do you believe they do not deserve it based on some sense of 'loyalty'?

I have 8000 points as I have chosen not to buy platinum. If I had I would no doubt have basic a 9000 points which would in turn have given me access to more away tickets using my own card and pushed my points up to say 11000 or even 12000 as in the last 4 seasons when not platinum I have been to over 45 away games.

I do not care anymore about loyalty points and who has what and where I get my tickets. I will do what I can to get to a game.

For the record I have got 3 for the derby game for me, my son and daughter. All sat together. They have 5500 points each. They have been season ticket holders since they were 6 years old and been to all except 5 of the away games i have been to in the last 4 seasons but according to you they do not deserve a ticket for Utd.

That kind of loyalty (better fan) crap pisses me off.

Sorry mate but the whole point of this thread means they don't deserve the tickets and neither do you as you don't meet the criteria City have stated.

That said, we all know how the world works so fuck it, I don't blame you for getting them or going but some will and you can hardly blame them.

Enjoy the game btw ;-)
To SquirtyFlower...

I have something I'd like to say, that will hopefully result in a less one dimensional view you seem to have adopted.

If you scrapped the supporters clubs ticketing policy, it wouldn't be possible for new City fans to build up their points - that's a fact, it's close to impossible to argue that point. It's easy saying 'well you should go to Palace away on a Bank holiday Monday', but loads of young lads will be going to games like that, week in, week out through the supporters clubs, but missing out on the big games because there will always be thousands of blues ahead of them. This isn't because they're JCL's as you seem to think, it's because they weren't born 10 or more years earlier. I'm 21 now, so around the age I started being able to go to away games coincided with City becoming one of the best teams in the world. They're still my local team, I've still had a season ticket since 2001 and love the club as much as any other City fan with any amount of loyalty points.

I don't think it's unfair for a supporters club to give an 18 year old lad a ticket to the derby on the basis they've been to every other away game this season, as opposed to someone who's been to a lot of games in the past, who can't be bothered with all the less appealing games now - but still feels this view of entitlement to go to every game just because they went a few years ago. Obviously the examples given above about a person's brothers, friends, uncles, cousin who runs a branch got a ticket for his Mrs is a problem, but that also happens with points whores and would still be common regardless of supporters clubs getting tickets or not. Remember, the Supporters club puts all the names and supporters numbers forward to the club, they don't just get given envelops of hundreds of tickets to give out to every man and his dog, all that is, is just points whoring in a different environment.

My main point is that the supporters club offers the chance to build up points that doing it off your own back doesn't. There's no criteria about who can and can't join, so if you're upset about missing out on tickets why not join one? There's no point whinging to people on here about how it's unfair because it's the way it is, and has been for decades and let's be completely honest here, if City got to the Champions League final and you knew you wouldn't get tickets, then one appeared through the supporters club, you'd take it.

The only way City could encourage younger fans to build up their points without the Supporters Club is if they changed the Ticket Points system to a rolling 5 or 10 year period, otherwise there will always be people ahead of the new City fans who haven't had a season ticket since '03.
There always seems to be the same old arguments when it comes to the big games. The reason that those people have got over 12,000 points is because they have been through thick and thin to watch city and at great expense. It costs over £2K with travel, hotels, drinking and obviously ticket to go to all the away games so with that sort of commitment those with the highest points get what they deserve. Loyalty.

Oh and I wouldn't worry soon there will be plenty of tickets knocking around. With the state of some of the coked up and pissed up twats at some of the away games this season there wont be many wanting to go.
the originalkippaxman said:
There always seems to be the same old arguments when it comes to the big games. The reason that those people have got over 12,000 points is because they have been through thick and thin to watch city and at great expense. It costs over £2K with travel, hotels, drinking and obviously ticket to go to all the away games so with that sort of commitment those with the highest points get what they deserve. Loyalty.

Oh and I wouldn't worry soon there will be plenty of tickets knocking around. With the state of some of the coked up and pissed up twats at some of the away games this season there wont be many wanting to go.

That is part of the debate as many who have tickets don't have 12,000+ points
Loyalty/tickets points good
Corporate getting many more tickets bad
Supporters club top table dodgy

So much simpler when we were shite

And yes going to the swamp son and mate who have been last 7 years running not enough points this time showing that more going to the wrong people before they go on sale to fans
@ Manchester33

So the Supporters Club is there for organised circumnavigation of the loyalty points system then.

Which needn't have needed such a long post as I stated it earlier

PS you want to try reading my posts rather than like your earlier supporters club friend

I've been a member of the Supporters Club, off and on, since 1973
I've been to the away games midweek that no-one wants to go to to build up their points, I went to the most away games in a season in 98-99 than I had for the previous thirty years (I was there when we were shit) and was at York away

I think I tick all your clichéd boxes.

Last time I asked my branch for a United away ticket they asked me to get my own so that they could have more to spread around those who only go to two or three away games a year
Eds said:
the originalkippaxman said:
There always seems to be the same old arguments when it comes to the big games. The reason that those people have got over 12,000 points is because they have been through thick and thin to watch city and at great expense. It costs over £2K with travel, hotels, drinking and obviously ticket to go to all the away games so with that sort of commitment those with the highest points get what they deserve. Loyalty.

Oh and I wouldn't worry soon there will be plenty of tickets knocking around. With the state of some of the coked up and pissed up twats at some of the away games this season there wont be many wanting to go.

That is part of the debate as many who have tickets don't have 12,000+ points

EDS the problem is with supporters clubs. I have no issue with corporate as these guys pay the money for the boxes that bring money into the club that allows us to see some of the best footballer we ever have.

However the supporters club set up seems to be one of the most corrupt organisations at the top level there is. I have mentioned before of a flight last year to Barcelona away. I wont be exaggerating when I say there must have been over 100 from a particular branch on this flight and it was all organised through Thomas Cook. I spoke to a few of the lads that were on the flight and they had no where near enough points but where able to book the package through the branch.

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