City v United ticket info

mancitymick said:
i kne albert davy said:
squirtyflower said:
You have completely mis read and then moved to the fall back position of 'we' have been taking tickets for years when the club struggled to sell out
Typically defensive clap trap covering the abuse going on at the Supporters Club, you a politician?

I said a branch asks for thirty, they get twenty, so they back fill by getting their top points people to buy them for themselves

The eight at Burnley were given to a branch where no one had more than 7500 points

Lots of people have been supporting the club for donkey's years, including me, and have been going to games when they didn't sell out, it's not just the SC you know. Your next gambit will be all the charity work they do, yawn.

Why is it that the branches know their allocation before they go on sale? How do they no what points it's going to sell out at?

Why was I sat next to a non seasoncard holder at the swamp for the 6-1, but he was a branch member

All of the ones who went to that game from the branch, apart from me, had never been to a league derby game
Sorry mate I didn't make it clear our branch applied for 30 for Burnley we received 8 back filling as you call it for us were lads oh and the odd lady who went if they have enough points whats wrong with getting their tickets. branches know their allocation before they go on sale because they apply before they go on sale and are told by MCFC. As for the girl in Barca and a lad at Utd shit happens in the real world are you saying if the branches got no allocation then everyone at a game would have required points because if you are that really would be insulting everyone on here's intelligence.

Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this
mancitymick said:
mancitymick said:
i kne albert davy said:
Sorry mate I didn't make it clear our branch applied for 30 for Burnley we received 8 back filling as you call it for us were lads oh and the odd lady who went if they have enough points whats wrong with getting their tickets. branches know their allocation before they go on sale because they apply before they go on sale and are told by MCFC. As for the girl in Barca and a lad at Utd shit happens in the real world are you saying if the branches got no allocation then everyone at a game would have required points because if you are that really would be insulting everyone on here's intelligence.

Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this
Tbh I don't think there's an issue with them applying early, what I don't get is how come they know their allocation before it goes on sale to us plebs?
How did City know that Chelsea was going to sell out at 11,000 and Scum at 12,000

When you get back to Blighty there's no point in going to all the games to try and catch up on points, because you can't
Join a Supporters Club and you'll be fine for the big matches
mancitymick said:
mancitymick said:
i kne albert davy said:
Sorry mate I didn't make it clear our branch applied for 30 for Burnley we received 8 back filling as you call it for us were lads oh and the odd lady who went if they have enough points whats wrong with getting their tickets. branches know their allocation before they go on sale because they apply before they go on sale and are told by MCFC. As for the girl in Barca and a lad at Utd shit happens in the real world are you saying if the branches got no allocation then everyone at a game would have required points because if you are that really would be insulting everyone on here's intelligence.

Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this

I think it's to gauge how much demand there is for tickets.

As someone who used to run a supporters club I have to agree with everything squirtyflower is saying.
liamctid said:
mancitymick said:
mancitymick said:
Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this

I think it's to gauge how much demand there is for tickets.

As someone who used to run a supporters club I have to agree with everything squirtyflower is saying.
Cheers Liam

Those questioning me have never given it a moment's thought I may have been in the Supporters Club, never mind started and run one, like yourself
squirtyflower said:
mancitymick said:
mancitymick said:
Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this
Tbh I don't think there's an issue with them applying early, what I don't get is how come they know their allocation before it goes on sale to us plebs?
How did City know that Chelsea was going to sell out at 11,000 and Scum at 12,000

When you get back to Blighty there's no point in going to all the games to try and catch up on points, because you can't
Join a Supporters Club and you'll be fine for the big matches
They obviously have an idea of when they will sell out through the amount of tickets on sale and the number of supporters in each points catergory.
You are wrong to state that they knew United would sell out at 12000,when the original criteria posted went down to 11500 points if available,likewise with Chelsea.
The simplest and fairest way is every supporters gets thier own ticket ,when they qualify in thier own right.
Chappie said:
squirtyflower said:
mancitymick said:
Can someone please answer this
Tbh I don't think there's an issue with them applying early, what I don't get is how come they know their allocation before it goes on sale to us plebs?
How did City know that Chelsea was going to sell out at 11,000 and Scum at 12,000

When you get back to Blighty there's no point in going to all the games to try and catch up on points, because you can't
Join a Supporters Club and you'll be fine for the big matches
They obviously have an idea of when they will sell out through the amount of tickets on sale and the number of supporters in each points catergory.
You are wrong to state that they knew United would sell out at 12000,when the original criteria posted went down to 11500 points if available,likewise with Chelsea.
The simplest and fairest way is every supporters gets thier own ticket ,when they qualify in thier own right.
Which is exactly what I am saying!
The club couldn't know what it would sell out at, but looking at the increases for the previous five years it could have been 11500, which is what they set it at.
Ding Dong said:
mayo31 said:
Ding Dong said:
Surely the flaw in you`re master plan is....I`ve not got a ticket myself so I can`t "help a mate out". And all the popular aways , I want to go to and unpopular aways, only true fans want to go to.

So let me make this clear......Anybody in the City section of the swamp with over 12000 points fully deserves to be there and I do not have a problem with them.......It`s anyone with less I have the problem with.

Why do you have a problem with them? Do you believe they do not deserve it based on some sense of 'loyalty'?

I have 8000 points as I have chosen not to buy platinum. If I had I would no doubt have basic a 9000 points which would in turn have given me access to more away tickets using my own card and pushed my points up to say 11000 or even 12000 as in the last 4 seasons when not platinum I have been to over 45 away games.

I do not care anymore about loyalty points and who has what and where I get my tickets. I will do what I can to get to a game.

For the record I have got 3 for the derby game for me, my son and daughter. All sat together. They have 5500 points each. They have been season ticket holders since they were 6 years old and been to all except 5 of the away games i have been to in the last 4 seasons but according to you they do not deserve a ticket for Utd.

That kind of loyalty (better fan) crap pisses me off.
I never said that you`re kids don`t deserve a ticket.....It`s you who doesn`t.
If you qualified legit ie over 12000 then by all means get your kids alongside you. And your kids would get points.

And also where did I say loyalty = "better fan" It`s City who called them loyalty points, not Who you know Points.

OH and by the way thanks for the deleted PM ////////

The deleted PM was simply a mistake. I pressed PM and not quote when responding to your post.

As I wrote by not buying platinum has meant less points for me but I have managed to get to loads of games so in my eyes I am deserving as the next man and will continue. If i was on my own doing this i might change but it obvious that is not the case.

City started this by doubling points for money.
It is tough for the Derby there is obvious questions which need to be raised about the method of selling away tickets. There needs to be a fair way for kids to build there loyalty points but not by preventing loyal fans in the process. I lost out as I'm sure many of us did. Remember Barca away last year tickets sold out on 9000 points and on the cup scheme. The was 5000 allocation and this year round for the Derby selling out on 12000 points id argue there's not even over 1500 fans with that amount of points..
squirtyflower said:
mancitymick said:
mancitymick said:
Why are the branches given the perk of applying before they go on sale? Why cant they fall in line with non branch members who wait for the criteria to be announced?

Can someone please answer this
Tbh I don't think there's an issue with them applying early, what I don't get is how come they know their allocation before it goes on sale to us plebs?
How did City know that Chelsea was going to sell out at 11,000 and Scum at 12,000

When you get back to Blighty there's no point in going to all the games to try and catch up on points, because you can't
Join a Supporters Club and you'll be fine for the big matches

It doesn't work that way at all. If you think you can just join a supporters club and get derby tickets, I fear you would be disappointed (in most branches anyway). I am a member of a branch, we get very few tickets and I have no chance of getting one for any of the big games.
squirtyflower said:
@ Manchester33

So the Supporters Club is there for organised circumnavigation of the loyalty points system then.

Which needn't have needed such a long post as I stated it earlier

PS you want to try reading my posts rather than like your earlier supporters club friend

I've been a member of the Supporters Club, off and on, since 1973
I've been to the away games midweek that no-one wants to go to to build up their points, I went to the most away games in a season in 98-99 than I had for the previous thirty years (I was there when we were shit) and was at York away

I think I tick all your clichéd boxes.

Last time I asked my branch for a United away ticket they asked me to get my own so that they could have more to spread around those who only go to two or three away games a year

Great response Squirty.....The only benefit SC members should get is being able to sit together. i.e. 3 members of the same branch one with 13000 one with 12500 and one with 12000 . as long as they all have more points than the minimum criteria laid down by City.

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